Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

21f-501f04.jpg "Death is merely an experience in which you are meant to learn a great lesson.
You can not die."
Parhamensa Yogananda (Hindu)

And then, with respect to this, "evolved, perfect animal", (Baha'u'llah), there is no life, as well, regarding this organic situation, in illusory time and space...

As Jesus stated also.

Your not objective enough to see it.
But Christ taught a reckoning for the deeds of this life -- as do most religions?
But Christ taught a reckoning for the deeds of this life -- as do most religions?

Involving His shed blood, for "the sin of the world". (John 1:29)
Leviticus 17:11

As long prophesied He would RJM.
Ok some confusion...

So the matrix is a help with your understanding of Christianity , as is Hinduism, Baha'i...yeah we get that! We are an interfaith site.

Many movies and TV shows are written as parables and allegory with more than subtle hints at biblical principles...Touched by an Angel, Ground Hog Day, Indians Jones...etc....writers write for audience appeal, to titilate, make ou think. We get that we interfaith discussion site. Back when I was sunday school teacher we would have a monthly movie night with biblical themes Oh Brother Where Art Thou...and then had discussion questions to work thru...

But ya came in blazing the world is a simulation we are stuck in the matrix, it's all biblical...

If ya calm down on telling folks what to think and believe you may have more fun.

By the way... I aint Chinese...but I Google. I think you took a mislabeled or knockoff pill.
Well Corbet, regarding "Elijah" -
Mathew 17, Mark 9.

I believe that they exist, until the final judgement is instituted.
Well Corbet, regarding "Elijah" -
Mathew 17, Mark 9.

I believe that they exist, until the final judgement is instituted.
Nevertheless, consequences overspill from this supposed 'non-reality' natural simulation into the 'awakening' from it to the true encompassing Spiritual reality that contains and permeates and 'weaves' nature?

Our natural existence is for a reason. It is not an inconsequential non-event? Life and death are a significant factor for us? Death is a significant transformation? Our (temporary) natural existence has a consequence upon our 'return to our Spiritual home'?

Just putting thoughts out there ...
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Your not objective enough to see it.
That's one of those 'pots-n-kettles' statements.

If you could offer a reasoned, objective argument, you might get somewhere, but as you don't, you're not, and not likely to.
RJM Corbet -
"Our (temporary) natural existence has a consequence upon our 'return to our Spiritual home'?

Just putting thoughts out there."

RJM, I don't know that.

Is this life a consequence to our spiritual state?
Or, visa versa? If time really isn't existent?

Something I came across.

"Time is just the now.
And all you have is clear awareness and infinite love.
I could put in more words here, but unfortunately, they cannot describe it."

"Earth is truly the opposite of 'home' and therefore it must be an illusion.
Like a grotesque theater with everybody using their bodies as masks, playing out a weird, depressing drama of ignorance and suffering."
If time really isn't existent?
The child emerges from the womb. The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. My dreams have an effect upon my waking, even if they are subconscious and forgotten? Thoughts don't actually exist but they do have consequence?
Remember your post from yesterday? Last week?

Oh that is right, time does not exist...those are illusions.

Jesus died on the cross 2000 years ago....err no time...illusion

Well the illusion was made in 7 days...!d is a simulation
Yes, it's a beautiful simulation.
Based on the organic state, in (illusory)time and space.

"... they are still very much a part of that system, and they will fight to protect it."


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Yes, it's a beautiful simulation.
Based on the organic state, in (illusory)time and space.
If Matrixism is Christianity, and if man’s organic life in time&space has no effect upon his eternal existence as Spirit – why does Christ warn of 'soul-death' consequences following from man’s behaviour in this organic incarnation?

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”

Matthew 10:28
That's a good question RJM.

You've probably heard of people who were brought up in good homes, and Christian families and such, who essentially were Jeffrey Dahmers. Involving DNA.

The Lord knew about Judas Iscariot before hand. No?
You want to ignore Physics Theory or do you want to think about it, regarding the Truth presented to you?

Wil? I'm glad things went well for you in the hospital.
How many there, attending to you, were Christians, and people of Faith themselves?
Thank God.
Truth! Lol.

It was an inner city uni hospital. I am sure some were religious...prolly those that werent were evenly split between Hindu, Muslim, and Christian.

Although imagine most were not practcing the janitorial and kitchen staff had a number of vocal "praise the lord types"

Not one in your face over the top Matrixist! All those students and docs that utilize amazinf tech to save thousands of lives every year...and not one espoused the "Truth" lol
You know, what's interesting while I was typing my last post about DNA? There's the program on T.V. "I Survived", which comes on the tube on Fridays.
And one of these victims is a Mom with a young girl, and an infant, who was suddenly abducted by a guy in the church parking lot.
Savagely assaulted, and was told by her abductor that he just spent several years in prison and that he himself was assaulted in prison and was taking out his revenge on her, with her kids screaming in the back seat.
After sexually assaulting her, and robbing her at the ATM, he eventually let her live and sauntered off leaving them in the car.
As it turned out in the end, he wasn't so careful in cleaning up after himself as he thought, and eventually was arrested.
As it turns out?

He was the son of the church secretary, brought up in a great home, and was himself an ATF agent!

Tiptoeing amongst the Tulips, and prostrating amongst the Peonies is all nice.
But, you're really not being objective enough of this situation your in.

That's a good question RJM.
One that deserves an answer? Why did Christ say those things? Was he misquoted?
You want to ignore Physics Theory
Not at all. But I prefer to try to look at it as a whole, not to isolate 'woo' quotes out of their context to support a cult religion which the physicists themselves would not endorse