Introspection on the decline of morality.

When biological males get rights won by females, what purpose does Women's Rights serve?

Why else would a nominee to the Supreme Court decline to answer the question "define what a woman is?"

Since men can now have babies, I now have a say in the abortion discussion. Before I stayed out of it because, well, men can't have babies. But since now men can have babies, my opinion on the subject matters as much as anybody else's.
When biological males get rights won by females, what purpose does it serve?

Why else would a nominee to the Supreme Court decline to answer the question "define what a woman is?"
The way rights are supposed to work is: All adults have the same legal rights, no matter who hates them.
Laws were passed to stop people denying some people the rights everyone should have.
The way rights are supposed to work is: All adults have the same legal rights, no matter who hates them.
Laws were passed to stop people denying some people the rights everyone should have.
Not if the people usurping those rights, intentionally or not, result in denying those rights for those intended to begin with.

That statement is convoluted...allow me to attempt this again. When legally someone gains rights that are not initially intended for them, thereby denying those rights to those initially intended, rights are lost - not gained.

Women's Rights are diluted, not strengthened. One has only to look at Womens' Sports to see what I am getting at.
Since men can now have babies, I now have a say in the abortion discussion. Before I stayed out of it because, well, men can't have babies. But since now men can have babies, my opinion on the subject matters as much as anybody else's.
I see that as gender confusion at its apex.

Men are not able to have babies. Women are not able to impregnate themselves, unless the natural process is interrupted by an external solution. The interruption of this process can be beneficial, only if we do not compromise the principles and morals given to is by God.

Of course there are people born that make this topic far more complex.

A topic I really should say little about, it is a minefield.

Regards Tony
Since men can now have babies, I now have a say in the abortion discussion. Before I stayed out of it because, well, men can't have babies. But since now men can have babies, my opinion on the subject matters as much as anybody else's.
I know it gets confusing. I don't think there are a lot of easy answers.
I don't think it is so much sweeping as logical conclusion...and why a judge and Supreme Court nominee danced around the subject without answering the question.
A sweeping conclusion that I was not a feminist.
Like, not whatsoever? Not subscribing to any form of feminism?
Labeling as "certainly not" based on a single answer to a single question...
Intriguing, but I don't think I endorse your conclusion.
I see that as gender confusion at its apex.

Men are not able to have babies. Women are not able to impregnate themselves, unless the natural process is interrupted by an external solution. The interruption of this process can be beneficial, only if we do not compromise the principles and morals given to is by God.

Of course there are people born that make this topic far more complex.

A topic I really should say little about, it is a minefield.

Regards Tony
Certainly...natural hermaphrodites have a legitimate and natural claim to consideration.

And I want to stress, nothing I've said on the subject is deliberately accusatory or meant to disenfranchise anyone...ALL people are worthy of respect due to any human being.

It is when the law comes in that all of this gets really dicey.
A sweeping conclusion that I was not a feminist.
Like, not whatsoever? Not subscribing to any form of feminism?
Labeling as "certainly not" based on a single answer to a single question...
Intriguing, but I don't think I endorse your conclusion.
But all of that is becoming moot and irrelevant.

When women are pushed out of women's sports, when biological males are shattering women's records, and women cannot effectively compete in their own sports...why bother to compete? What purpose does it serve? Fueling the vanity of a biological male that has chosen to identify as female? My gawd, if I was a woman competing in women's sports, I would be incensed and outraged for being pushed out of women's sports by a biological male that I can never physically hope to compete with on an equal basis. This is simple physical science.
I see that as gender confusion at its apex.

Men are not able to have babies. Women are not able to impregnate themselves, unless the natural process is interrupted by an external solution. The interruption of this process can be beneficial, only if we do not compromise the principles and morals given to is by God.

Of course there are people born that make this topic far more complex.

A topic I really should say little about, it is a minefield.

Regards Tony
And sometimes I'm glad I know as much about the transgender experience as I do, and sometimes I wish I didn't know as much as I do.
I have heard things I cannot unhear, and I know things I cannon un-know.
I didn't exactly choose it as a specialty and no longer let people think I have it as a clinical specialty.
I just sort of landed in a job where I learned both too much and too little about it.
It was hard to get a job with my credentials at that particular time (I now wish I had ditched the pursuit of master's level licensure and that applied to the PsyD or PhD program regardless of the obstacles and misgivings, but that's another story. It just meant those years would have been spent learning and doing very different things)
In any case, I managed to get a job at a place where I thought I would be learning more about gay and lesbian family situations.
I kept running into it in my other, primary job, with no context.
Then it turned out to be more transgender "evaluations" than anything.
And I was never given real instruction on "evaluating" and was told I was being "too concrete" when I repeatedly asked.
It was more about rah rah and supporting and advocating and changing society.
I feel I was shortchanged in clinical training.
But I did learn a lot.
When I left that job, my boss told me "congratulations you now know more about transgenderism than most people in the world"
Yeah, thanks Ari. (boss)
I still didnt' feel I had a very good handle on the clinical procedures and never got good answers.
I watched a TikTok of a transgender woman saying that now she knows what it's like to have a period. I kind of laughed because if that's true then it's only fair if they identify as female then they should get to experience all the joys of womanhood .. now I don't get how she bleeds and cramps because she's shedding the lining of her uterus.
Certainly...natural hermaphrodites have a legitimate and natural claim to consideration.

And I want to stress, nothing I've said on the subject is deliberately accusatory or meant to disenfranchise anyone...ALL people are worthy of respect due to any human being.

It is when the law comes in that all of this gets really dicey.
Even though my clinical training fell well short of what clinical training should be, my understanding about the connection between people with self evident intersex conditions (the more contemporary medical label for what used to be called hermaphrodite) that the connection there is that people who have extreme gender dysphoria are indeed suffering from some kind of intersex condition that may not be obvious to the eye but is affecting them nonetheless. Hypotheses suggest brain development in utero, some divergence between how the brain develops being not in alignment with how the body develops. So like a birth defect in a way, though I would never have dared hint at calling it that in my work with that group (10-12 years ago, so a lot of what seems current is old to me..)
But all of that is becoming moot and irrelevant.

When women are pushed out of women's sports, when biological males are shattering women's records, and women cannot effectively compete in their own sports...why bother to compete? What purpose does it serve? Fueling the vanity of a biological male that has chosen to identify as female? My gawd, if I was a woman competing in women's sports, I would be incensed and outraged for being pushed out of women's sports by a biological male that I can never physically hope to compete with on an equal basis. This is simple physical science.
So you are talking about sports.
Indeed, it becomes confusing as to what is fair and/or equitable for the athletes involved.
Society hasn't figure that out yet.
It is confusing to see a skateboarding competition where 29 year old biological male, who does not even seem to be "passing" as a woman, is winning over 13 year old girls. (adding the additional question other sports have had to answer, long before the trans stuff, how young will they allow the competitors in adult competitions to be?)
Do they simply disallow competition from non transgender people?
Then there are people who have physical intersex conditions, like Caster Semenya, the track and field star.
Should she be disallowed from competition? Or have to compete with men? Would that be better?
Or would you treat her differently than transgender people? If so, what rationale would you present?
How easy are the answers?
Here's a video that discusses it
I watched a TikTok of a transgender woman saying that now she knows what it's like to have a period. I kind of laughed because if that's true then it's only fair if they identify as female then they should get to experience all the joys of womanhood .. now I don't get how she bleeds and cramps because she's shedding the lining of her uterus.
Yeah that would be interesting to know what she really meant.
And I want to stress, nothing I've said on the subject is deliberately accusatory or meant to disenfranchise anyone...ALL people are worthy of respect due to any human being.
Except presumably not the "flaming fruitcakes" and those with a "perversion" as per a previous post of yours?
Even though my clinical training fell well short of what clinical training should be, my understanding about the connection between people with self evident intersex conditions (the more contemporary medical label for what used to be called hermaphrodite) that the connection there is that people who have extreme gender dysphoria are indeed suffering from some kind of intersex condition that may not be obvious to the eye but is affecting them nonetheless. Hypotheses suggest brain development in utero, some divergence between how the brain develops being not in alignment with how the body develops. So like a birth defect in a way, though I would never have dared hint at calling it that in my work with that group (10-12 years ago, so a lot of what seems current is old to me..)
And for a naturally occurring situation, G!d help the poor soul. But it seems to me something is fueling the explosion, like a fad or something, like it is suddenly cool to want to see what the other side is like. And there are a lot of vampires waiting in the wings only too willing to profit from all of this. And it isn't something you can do one day and undue a year from is an all or nothing situation. And those that travel that route are in for a lifetime of very expensive and mandatory medications...and big pharma is thinking "cha-ching!" I can't help but feel there is something, some entity or business, that is promoting this, and when it reaches into elementary schools and even jr high, I don't agree with that, at all.

Those children truly and legitimately facing challenges rightly need assistance. But as with ADHD drugs and such, once that door is opened all manner of abuses will occur.

Childhood, especially going into the teenage years, are always filled with angst and trepidation. Kids mostly will work it out for themselves if they are left alone to do so. Guide of course, be a shoulder to lean on if needed, but otherwise leave them alone. The exceptions should be rare.
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Except presumably not the "flaming fruitcakes" and those with a "perversion" as per a previous post of yours?
That was extreme to drive the point. I have and have had friends who are gay, but not "in your face" militant gay. There is a HUGE difference.
So you are talking about sports.
Indeed, it becomes confusing as to what is fair and/or equitable for the athletes involved.
Society hasn't figure that out yet.
It is confusing to see a skateboarding competition where 29 year old biological male, who does not even seem to be "passing" as a woman, is winning over 13 year old girls. (adding the additional question other sports have had to answer, long before the trans stuff, how young will they allow the competitors in adult competitions to be?)
Do they simply disallow competition from non transgender people?
Then there are people who have physical intersex conditions, like Caster Semenya, the track and field star.
Should she be disallowed from competition? Or have to compete with men? Would that be better?
Or would you treat her differently than transgender people? If so, what rationale would you present?
How easy are the answers?
Here's a video that discusses it
I don't know. I don't have answers, but I have a lot of questions.