What happens when God enters a life

Does anyone play Pooh-Sticks with their kids/grandkids?

And in our house, we do the postal bowel-cancer test (where you smear a bit of excreta on a matchstick-like stick, pop it in the mini-jar provided, post it to the lab) which, of course, we call poo-sticks ...

If you do both ... It's really important not to confuse the two!
I can control what you think or want to believe. I am not here to convert anyone, I can do that since I am not God. I have said before, I want to challenge people. I don’t care what you believe, seriously. I don‘t care where people end up. I just dig for truth and if people are offended with that, then what can I say. This entire world runs on lies and no one really seems to care. Why is that. Lies, lies and more lies. We even lie to ourselves. It’s a fascinating concept. Why do people love lies more than that truth.
What exactly is sharing? Is not everyone here opinionated? Why even discuss issues that most people here do not even agree on. Why would a Muslim here be talking to a Christian. And now you claim that I am here to “convert”. I don’t have to rack up numbers like a Jehovah Witness to get into heaven. I find when people can no longer defend what they believe, they will act like you just have.
We are here in this interreligious forum to speak to and listen to people who come from a different religious background , be it a different denomination in the same family (you can exchange with Catholics and different shades of protestants), other religions that share a part of your religion (Jews, Muslim, Baha'i), people who follow other roots of religion (mainly Brahman, like Hindu, Buddhist; Jaina or Sikh seem to be missing) and different shades of Atheists and Agnostics. Most people are not here because they plan to change religion, but to exchange and have a look outside our bulb.

I'm open to dialogue with you, with your strong Evangelical Christian convictions, but you should also be open to listen and try to understand the other members here; that's the purpose of this site. If you are interested to discuss with Catholics, Muslim or Atheists, you are welcome. If you are not interested therein, you may prefer a discussion group in your bulb.

P.S. I gave you a like to express that I would like you to stay here. We are not many here in total. And there seem to be only two active Muslim, @muhammad_isa who came from Christianity to accept Islam, without rejection of Jesus, and me, who comes from Islam to accept Jesus and the prior prophets, without abandoning Islam. You may discuss with us in peace and mutual respect.

Best regards, Jemal
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And there seem to be only two active Muslim, @muhammad_isa who came from Christianity to accept Islam, without rejection of Jesus, and me, who comes from Islam to accept Jesus and the prior prophets, without abandoning Islam. You may discuss with us in peace and mutual respect.
A mutual respect happens when people communicate in truth. I have looked, researched, read, and analyzed every aspect of Christianity, Islam, the Quran, and the Bible for over 39 years. You communicate in what you believe to be true even though you can’t prove what you believe. It’s your opinion and that is fine. When you blatantly refer to accepting Jesus as a Prophet, that’s just a false statement, since you claim that Jesus’ Words in the New Testament are not His and the Quran states that Jesus was given a “Book”, the Injeel.

There is no recorded information anywhere that Jesus was given a “Book” from God other than the Quran. None, nowhere, period. Jesus’ words recorded by those who were there at the time are what we know and nothing more than this. The Quran uses the word “book” or “books” some 244 times, that’s two times a Sura! Muhammad tries so hard to convince people that the Quran is from God and does a terrible job of it. Repetition after repetition after repetition. Muhammad never received a “book” and was never told to write down what he supposedly received from Allah. The Quran in book form was written after Muhammad died and there was much debate about it in Islam. (Islamic history) Non agreements.

So, when you say that you accept Jesus as a “warner”, you have your distorted lie as to that since you have no proof. The Quran in nothing more than the Jewish Scriptures rewritten with the addition of so many repetitions about making partners with Allah. The Jewish scriptures only discuss “idols” and idol worship. Trying to replace God. Not polytheism! This started with the Jews wanting a King and God was pissed and gave them Saul. I would not mind a discussion if you could deal in truth instead of just claiming everything before the Quran is a lie.

You have not one piece of evidence to support your opinion nor does anyone else. You have just been told this and don’t care if it’s true or not, because you want to believe what you want to believe. Jesus came to save mankind from their sin, it’s not about you being good enough to get into a “garden with rivers flowing under it”. The Law could never save a person or get them to God. Jesus came to redeem mankind from their sin. You will never be good enough to please God. Got gave mankind a gift, the gift of Jesus who you reject.

I have said this before, people just want to belong and be loved, it really doesn’t matter if what they buy into is about truth or not. As long as a group accepts someone, that person will belong. This is just plain human nature. Like I have said before, most people on this site were rejected by someone or some religious sect and moved on to where they would be accepted.

Respect has to be earned, and I will not respect a person who lies. Your Quran just has too many problems and so did Muhammad.

(Paragraph breaks added by moderator)
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There is no recorded information anywhere that Jesus was given a “Book” from God other than the Quran. None, nowhere, period. Jesus’ words recorded by those who were there at the time are what we know and nothing more than this. The Quran uses the word “book” or “books” some 244 times, that’s two times a Sura! Muhammad tries so hard to convince people that the Quran is from God and does a terrible job of it. Repetition after repetition after repetition. Muhammad never received a “book” and was never told to write down what he supposedly received from Allah. The Quran in book form was written after Muhammad died and there was much debate about it in Islam. (Islamic history) Non agreements.
The point is that the Quran was memorized and recited. I believe that is what Muslims believe is the true book -- the true Quran -- not the written word. The same would apply to the Injeel?
So, when you say that you accept Jesus as a “warner”, you have your distorted lie as to that since you have no proof.
Please re-read our Code of Conduct about aggressively attacking other faiths. There are other forums for that behaviour. We try to be polite here:

2. We do not allow IO to be used either as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith or political view, or see any faith or political view to be aggressively attacked.
Actually excited to see the return...and then immediately disappointed to read it.

We are obviously not a fit for anywhere thinking required is present.

Is it

Necessary and

We should require you THINK before you post. But I don't think that is a filter you have access.
Respect has to be earned, and I will not respect a person who lies. Your Quran just has too many problems and so did Muhammad.
Reverence and respect are often confused.
Reverence is to be earned.
Respect is treating other people like they have value.
Essential and indispensable.
2. We do not allow IO to be used either as a soapbox to aggressively promote any faith or political view, or see any faith or political view to be aggressively attacked
Maybe this should be more like a contract, where newbs have to read it and agree to it before having accounts approved?
When I started 2-3 months ago, I don't think I saw it until jumping on and someone kindly directed me to it as a newbie.
Just a thought. :oops:
A mutual respect happens when people communicate in truth.
I'm trying to be true to tell what I think.
I have looked, researched, read, and analyzed every aspect of Christianity, Islam, the Quran, and the Bible for over 39 years.
It's the same for me. I have been taught about the Quran and also a bit from Christians as a child; but it is exactly 39 years ago that I started really to read and think about it. I started to read the Bible at the same age, as I read and understood that it is referenced in the Quran.
You communicate in what you believe to be true even though you can’t prove what you believe. It’s your opinion and that is fine.
It's the same for you. You communicate in what you believe to be true even though you can’t prove what you believe. It’s your opinion and that is fine.
When you blatantly refer to accepting Jesus as a Prophet, that’s just a false statement,
"blatantly" is inadequate in this discussion. So, you say that he's not a prophet?
since you claim that Jesus’ Words in the New Testament are not His
Maybe you refer to me saying that John does not cite Jesus literally but through his thoughts. Yes, that's the impression I have. There are some passages where this is quite evident that it cannot be a literal citation. i do not think that John would have claimed that all those long speaches are literally what Jesus said; he wrote his gospel account about 60 years later.
and the Quran states that Jesus was given a “Book”, the Injeel. There is no recorded information anywhere that Jesus was given a “Book” from God other than the Quran. None, nowhere, period. Jesus’ words recorded by those who were there at the time are what we know and nothing more than this.
Th Quran says, "He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel."
Here, the "Book" (Kitab) is the Quran. But the Quran was not sent down in the form of a book, but by inspiration. As the Arabic scripture was extremely imprecise in those days and many people were not able to read and write (including Muhammad, who only learned basic skills in his older age), the Quran was essentially memorised, probably supported by some writings.
The Quran never says that Jesus received anything in form of a book or that he wrote down the Gospel. There's even no qualified Hadith saying this. Such teachings appear among some (not all) Islamic scholars, but this is extremely unlikely, so that (although being careful with absolute statements about truth) I agree with you saying that it is not true.

The Quran uses the word “book” or “books” some 244 times, that’s two times a Sura!
Didn't count it all. It sometimes refers to the Quran, sometimes to the Torah or the Bible, and often in the expresseion "People of the Book", meaning Jews an Christians.
Muhammad tries so hard to convince people that the Quran is from God and does a terrible job of it.
Your impression.
Repetition after repetition after repetition.
Yes, that's a property of the Quran. You can measure the weight of a passage by the number of repetitions.
Muhammad never received a “book”
see above
and was never told to write down what he supposedly received from Allah.
He was (according to the Quran and Hadith)
The Quran in book form was written after Muhammad died and there was much debate about it in Islam. (Islamic history) Non agreements.
Yes, it was written down later. The Gospel accounts as well, and (imo) also the Torah. But there was surprisingly little debate about it in Islam.
So, when you say that you accept Jesus as a “warner”, you have your distorted lie as to that since you have no proof.
My "distorted lies" are written in the Gospel. Of cause, Jesus also warned people (Lk 14:16-24, Mt 13:36-43, Mt 25:1-12 and many more). There are many similar warnings in the Quran.
The Quran in nothing more than the Jewish Scriptures rewritten with the addition of so many repetitions about making partners with Allah.
I thought, you read it...
The Jewish scriptures only discuss “idols” and idol worship. Trying to replace God. Not polytheism!
Both are linked. Read: "you shall not have any god but JHWH". Did Jesus preach polytheism? would be new to me...
This started with the Jews wanting a King and God was pissed and gave them Saul. I would not mind a discussion if you could deal in truth instead of just claiming everything before the Quran is a lie.
For sure, I never said that everything before the Quran is a lie.
You have not one piece of evidence to support your opinion nor does anyone else. You have just been told this and don’t care if it’s true or not, because you want to believe what you want to believe.
Well, so do you. It's finally a question of faith.
Jesus came to save mankind from their sin, it’s not about you being good enough to get into a “garden with rivers flowing under it”. The Law could never save a person or get them to God. Jesus came to redeem mankind from their sin. You will never be good enough to please God. Got gave mankind a gift, the gift of Jesus who you reject.
Jesus showed a way to overcome sin. This way is to try your best. He has pointed out the ideals that we cannot reach, and, as a necessary complement, forgiving, because it is impossible for us to be without a sin. I do not agree with the Christian teaching that Jesus, through his death, gave a flat rate redemption through his sacrifice on the cross. That doesn't fit the teaching of Jesus, as reported in the gospel writings.

I have said this before, people just want to belong and be loved, it really doesn’t matter if what they buy into is about truth or not. As long as a group accepts someone, that person will belong. This is just plain human nature. Like I have said before, most people on this site were rejected by someone or some religious sect and moved on to where they would be accepted.
Of course we need a community. I think, you, too, need your community. But, as I pointed out, some of your statements were not true. You think that you own the truth. You should learn to be humble enough to accept that it is not so.
Respect has to be earned, and I will not respect a person who lies. Your Quran just has too many problems and so did Muhammad.
Are you claiming I'm lying just because I accept the Quran as an inspired book?
Reverence and respect are often confused.
Reverence is to be earned.
Respect is treating other people like they have value.
Essential and indispensable.
This is simply your view and opinion, OH, aren't they the same? Reverence and respect are interchangeable.
Should I have "respected" Hitler, Stalin, Clinton, Obama. No, they certainly did not deserve respect. I respect all people until I know their end game.
Are you claiming I'm lying just because I accept the Quran as an inspired book?
There is nothing "inspired" about it when it comes to God. It's a silly book, trying to rewrite the Jewish Scriptures to validate it (the Quran). The entire book just tries to validate Muhammad.
My "distorted lies" are written in the Gospel. Of cause, Jesus also warned people (Lk 14:16-24, Mt 13:36-43, Mt 25:1-12 and many more). There are many similar warnings in the Quran.
Here is a perfect example of foolishness. First Muslims don't believe the Gospels. Then you post something from the Gospels to make a point. You pick and choose what you like and ignore what you don't like. Jesus says: "I am the Way the LIfe and the Truth, no one comes to God except through me." So the verses you choose are truth and this verse that is also from the same Gospel is a lie. Just have to love the hypocrisy.