Ignoring Vaccines

I worked in the medical field for over a decade. Not every patient is the same. Not every vaccine is the same. Not every virus is the same. So these facts need to be considered every time someone wants a vaccine mandate. You could be making people sick, or even killing them, for the greater good. You could be forcing something on them in vain. The vaccine may be ineffective, or the person may have natural immunity. I have had patients become seriously ill because of a vaccine that they probably didn't need.

I think the 1st article was dead on. If pharmaceutical companies, the media, and politicians had been honest with us, we would be more trusting. So they can shoulder the blame for all of these actions happening today.
I worked in the medical field for over a decade. Not every patient is the same. Not every vaccine is the same. Not every virus is the same. So these facts need to be considered every time someone wants a vaccine mandate. You could be making people sick, or even killing them, for the greater good. You could be forcing something on them in vain. The vaccine may be ineffective, or the person may have natural immunity. I have had patients become seriously ill because of a vaccine that they probably didn't need.

I think the 1st article was dead on. If pharmaceutical companies, the media, and politicians had been honest with us, we would be more trusting. So they can shoulder the blame for all of these actions happening today.
Patients may be different, illnesses may be different, but vaccine efficacy relies on herd immunity, usually achieved by a very large percentage of a population being vaccinated (or surviving a disease that confers immunity) rather than a sprinkling of individuals being vaccinated.

Measles cases have risen in Texas lately.

I guess after careful consideration, people must truly prefer to face the ravages of known diseases over the minuscule risks posed by most vaccines.:(:confused:
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Patients may be different, illnesses may be different, but vaccine efficacy relies on herd immunity, usually achieved by a very large percentage of a population being vaccinated (or surviving a disease that confers immunity) rather than a sprinkling of individuals being vaccinated.

Measles cases have risen in Texas lately.

I guess after careful consideration, people must truly prefer to face the ravages of known diseases over the minuscule risks posed by most vaccines.:(:confused:
Your last comment was a tad ignorant. Get back to me when you have patients die even though you advised the doctor that the vaccine might kill the patient. Or get back to me when you watch a patient die while covered in lesions or rashes because a stupid doctor decided that this patient should get a shingles vaccine even though they probably weren't going to live more than a month. Vaccinations should be a case by case occasion. This idea of killing people for the greater good is just awful.
You could be making people sick, or even killing them, for the greater good.
For the greater good...


If I were to die from a vaccine, if I were to be one of the casualties of a vaccine that saved millions... I would have no issues.

If I died testing a cars self driving mode that would eventually lead to reducing the thousands of hiway deaths, I would be pleased.

If I were a "victim" in any of the medical trials I have agreed to yet there was progress to save others, I would die happy.
Fear mongering. Seriously? Arent we beyond falling for that now. Big pharma is scrambling and the WHO? I had the measles and the chicken pox as a child and it wasnt a death sentence.
About RFK's book -- Vax-Unvax

The Studies the CDC Refuses to Do​

This book is based on over 100 studies in the peer-reviewed literature that consider vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations. Readers will find information on:

  • The infant/child vaccination schedule
  • Thimerosal in vaccines
  • Live virus vaccines
  • The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
  • Vaccination and Gulf War illness
  • Influenza (flu) vaccines
  • Hepatitis B vaccination
  • The COVID-19 vaccine
  • Vaccines during pregnancy
Given the massive push to vaccinate the entire global population, this book is timely and necessary for individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their families.
Fear mongering?..measles dang near eliminated till the acti Vax crowd showed up...she's back! Lol people hate facts.

Should I choose to stop at red lights?

How about dump my blackwater from the RV where ever I want?

You can't regulate me for the good of the community... I want my tank and grenade launcher now!
How about a little common sense here. My daughter just had her baby boy jan 22nd and refused the hep bvax they wanted to inject him with
Thats your choice. Forcing vaccines on people that dont want them is not right.
No .. it isn't.
However, we also do not have an automatic right to medical treatment.

We are all at the hand's of G-d's mercy. He who is thankful will receive more (mercy).
Fear mongering. Seriously? Arent we beyond falling for that now. Big pharma is scrambling and the WHO? I had the measles and the chicken pox as a child and it wasnt a death sentence.
Chicken pox usually isn't, measles can be.
Both can scar. Heavily.
I'm glad you were all right.