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    Please close my account.
    Hi Brian,

    It's me again. This is embarrassing but please delete post #25 in the "How do you fine love" thread. It's in "Belief and Spirituality." Something weird happened and I thought it was deleted before I got a chance to post it. So I rewrote and improved upon it and posted it again. Now there are two almost identical posts. The correct one is #26.


    Hi Brian,

    Am I right that you are a moderator or administrator here? I have some questions about posts that require moderator approval. I submitted the first a few days ago but it wasn't posted because it needed moderator approval. Have you had a chance to look at it yet? I thought it might have been flagged because it had the word "s*x" in it but it was on topic and pretty tame. I thought I would see it posted by now. It was in the "Two Eves" thread that you started in the Judaism sub-board.

    I also submitted another post today in "Statistical study: percentage of non-religious people increasing" on the politics and society sub board. I can't imagine why it was flagged. It had statistics from a Gallup poll and some conclusions I drew from them. It also had a link to the Gallup site.

    What kind of posts are flagged? I don't make pornographic or disrespectful comments. It would be helpful to know how to avoid not being posted immediately.


    Happy Belated Birthday! And thank you for all you do, your efforts are very appreciated by all even if you don't hear about it often enough. :)
    Please dis-continue my membership and my ability to post here.
    I am leaving and I will not return.
    Thank you,
    Hey, just thought I'd mention the forum has been unavailable in my locality for a few days. Probably you just had to take it off line for a bit. I'm only saying it in the unlikely event that you didn't know about it.
    lol Faithfulservant, he does! And that carries in real life too.
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