17th Angel
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  • aww I really liked the way it looked with the green background. didn't see any problem with it.
    I like this new profiling capability, although figuring it out is like trying to scratch your own back.
    I need more room on how big me images can be :/ lol...I might just turn it back to blank. I will think over some designs tomorrow for it.
    ARRRRGH! I give up on tryng to make this page look good! This is my forth attempt *throws tv out the window*
    lol thanks cap'n. was inspired by SG to do it... Although If I could have uploaded a whole background set I made this page would look mucho better.... But we have to play with the cards which are delt to us.
    Busy is how we roll...... That way I can get at you with subliminal messages easier.... I mean.... Busy is how we roll.
    It's Disco time in club xvii.... :D The weekend is nigh!!! (although I am on holiday anyway but any excuse for disco!!!)
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