17th Angel
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  • Actually those are horse cookies, or treats, made of brand and flavored with apple. He is most easily bribed. A salt lick is a block of either white (iodized) or brown (mineralized) salt. The blocks are available in 3 - 25 lb weights.
    The male equivalent of a Valley Girl. The valley girl concept issues from the geographical valley, or central, region of California. It is typified in statements such as "Buy/give me this and I'll be your friend" indicating that there is no true loyalty in friendships with this type of person as they are attracted to the highest bidder. The Valley Girl stereotype is also used to describe a very shallow person displaying little cognitive abilities. The feminine aspect is derived from the overwhelming majority of those who have and do display this type of behaviour i.e. young females from the central Californian valley region. It once was a "fad." by way of contrast, the American blond female stereotype is considered as more loyal and much "smarter."
    See the glowing horse. (newest picture)
    Horses do need salt and a salt lick is necessary especically on the hotter days and after heavy exercise. This stallion is both strong and agile, he works off of his hind legs very well. He is also of a good sound mind.
    Thank you Alex P. Say nice things about my Stallion and you are my friend<grin>.
    Horses, as with dogs, are quite worth the effort. To that end I have been called obsessive as I insure that his stall and run is cleaned (visitors almost require a hospital mask, gown, and gloves-grin) on a daily basis, removing a small barrow of "apples" during his morning feeding;, it takes about 1 hour per day. Many people, neighbors and passers-bye, have commented upon his 'glowing' good looks.

    Well fed? You bet! I have monitored his nutrition very closely and the quality of feed is most important to me and he is groomed every day. His coat actually glows without using shampoos or additives, even after he has had his dust bath.

    I had better stop now for I could go on, and on, and on.
    Sorry, I forgot to state that the cover photo is of my 4 year old babe just before he turned the tender age of 5.
    Yes, Alex P, there ae qute a few functions() yet to learn. I have just created a photo album and its cover. now to fill it with pictures. Qute nice, if I do say so myself.
    Thanks for the unbirthday wishes! May you never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
    Thank you for the welcome. Please excuse the delay for I am still learning this software.
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