Thank you Alex P. Say nice things about my Stallion and you are my friend<grin>.
Horses, as with dogs, are quite worth the effort. To that end I have been called obsessive as I insure that his stall and run is cleaned (visitors almost require a hospital mask, gown, and gloves-grin) on a daily basis, removing a small barrow of "apples" during his morning feeding;, it takes about 1 hour per day. Many people, neighbors and passers-bye, have commented upon his 'glowing' good looks.
Well fed? You bet! I have monitored his nutrition very closely and the quality of feed is most important to me and he is groomed every day. His coat actually glows without using shampoos or additives, even after he has had his dust bath.
I had better stop now for I could go on, and on, and on.