17th Angel
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  • I'm not sure if those are correct either. That dot up above them should be above and following the second letter.
    It looks like the order and direction of the letters is wrong so... flip em horizontally. I think. I'd have to seem em flipped to tell you beyond that.
    lol, well I couldn't believe you'd never heard of it, but now I do. What do you think of the art on Trigun?
    Neon Genesis Evangelion is a sci-fi anime series that was popular. It takes place in Tokyo of the future. In it, children are the pilots of 3 bio-mechanical beings called 'angels'. The Tokyo Scientists found these angels or they came out of space or something, and basically they are having to use them to fight other 'angels' that keep showing up in various forms. The last one is the 17th I think. This guy on geocities has drawn it: The 17th angel
    totally. I'll try and put up an album of some good uns when I get round to it.
    Oh I get it now! Its a reference to Neo-Genesis Evangelion saga's 17th angel, right? Am I right am I right?
    Most excellent. :)

    Did you know that if you'd been alive in the 1700's in Japan, I reckon you'd have been a creator of Ukiyo-e?!
    It looks pink to me! Anyway hello there! Not been anywhere to send a postcard from and I'm fine ta. Trust you and your tribe are?
    **hugs** (I had such a crush on Adrian Paul when I was younger...must have been the hair ;))

    This seems like a really great place...I'm going to be happy here, I just know it :D
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