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  1. Greg

    The Trinity: Genesis of a doctrine

    Hi moralorel, The variances in practices and holidays of animal sacrifices was one of the obstacles to finding common ground in polytheism and Judaism. Roman Religion Romans Mixed Religions "The Romans looked for common ground between their major gods and those of the Greeks..." "...As the...
  2. Greg

    The New Roman "Interfaith" Religion - the End of Animal Sacrifices

    A bit of adjustment and clarification of the above post. The main thesis is that Christian theology did not arise from actual events involving God becoming man. Rather, what became Christianity originated mainly from Roman motives for economical socio-political control of its population. The...
  3. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    Hi, I did add that, see prior posts. I also wanted to say that fully respect and admire your morality and faith even if we differ on details. Please pray for me, and if OK, I will pray for you. :)
  4. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    I believe: As far as the directions of theology (e.g. in Catholicism, others may follow in trend, even though they say they are "Protestant" :) ). This is where we are heading 1 Corinthians 15:28: "...then the Son himself will (also) be subjected" I.e. When the parable of the son has served its...
  5. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    Thanks kindly. I believe: It's not God revealing that. It's theology that was a consequence of parables for Roman religion unification. Once you call someone "Son of God" as human-like figure (image) to substitute for the human-like "gods" and "sons of gods" plus divine and divi filius...
  6. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    ...Still, the religion plowed forward, hope to convert Jews probably remained, and rest of empire getting on board. Now momentum. After all, ending animal sacrifices is actually a good thing. One could say "inspired". Still the theology is mostly mere consequence of adaptive unification...
  7. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    It's all written by man. "Inspired" can mean various forms of motivation. One could argue that motivation for unified religion in Roman empire that ends animal sacrifices is "inspired". This is what I believe is a large part of the basic thrust of the New Testament. The rest is the theology that...
  8. Greg

    Jokes, jokes, and more jokes ...

    A scientist told his colleagues that he determined the answer to the question of whether we evolved from the apes. So they asked him "Well, did we evolve from the apes?!" He replied "No, not yet."
  9. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    Kind of you to share your beliefs. I think that is simply using different names that are associated with works of the one God. Anything that one can say "Jesus does this...", the "Holy Spirit does this..." one can also say "God does this...". When I pray, I don't pray to three persons, I pray to...
  10. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    Hi, if they are all the same God, what purpose does different names have? The idea is to relate to God as one personal Being. We don't relate to three, we relate to one. (I have Christian background. Still see value but not trinity and not wrong view of Bible. Not Rome corrupted, educated Jews...
  11. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    Do you pray to God using the different names?
  12. Greg

    Respectful dialogue about Jesus.

    Hi, here is an example of my thoughts and please see any of my other posts or discuss any specific aspect, if you'd like. What Makes Jesus The Son Of God?-The Son Of God Theory.
  13. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    I should use a link, will keep in mind.
  14. Greg

    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God?-The Son Of God Theory.

    Many believe that the New Testament is inspired of God. Abundant evidence indicates that the New Testament is influenced by a goal of a unified religion in the Roman Empire. "Inspired" can mean many things. "Inspired" to convert pagans. "Inspired" to serve the Roman Empire. Some can claim that...
  15. Greg

    Is the Book of Revelation Inspired

    Much of it may be inspired by difficulties in Roman empire (Domitian). Purposefully vague language was probably used.
  16. Greg

    The truth about Trinity

    I believe: The new Roman religion (Christianity) that was an attempt to unify Jewish people and polytheists is heavily based on symbolism. I am convinced that the trinity is simply another symbol, it's not real. Early Roman creeds: "all things to all people" - your belief in "gods" is...
  17. Greg


    Zoroastrianism: Holy Spirit: "source of life", "emanates" Catholicism: Holy Spirit: "giver of life", "proceeds"
  18. Greg

    Christian who honour Judaism should honour Islam too?

    Mature people of all backgrounds who believe in God, can and should work together for peace. Because without peace and freedom of religion, no one has to opportunity to learn the real truth instead of only what has been handed down through the centuries and believed because "you had to" and...
  19. Greg

    Did Jesus rise from the death?

    I believe: Yes, this is all part of the delicate use of allusion and parables in Scripture. "if...then...and we are found false witnesses of God,..." "if... Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; "if ...then Christ is not risen." "if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still...
  20. Greg

    Did Most Early Christians Believe The Divinity of Christ?

    ... therefore I think that we don't know much about the early movement in Judaism, that was transformed to Christianity.