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  1. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    path only if you say religion can be ‘defined’, otherwise i agree. such definitions [by actions, behaviorisms etc] are human not religious, that is to say, they can be defined by non religious means, such as e.g. societal conditioning. me too, in a continuum we don’t have a creation...
  2. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    path absolutely! if only we would all answer as ‘me’. :) not if we cannot define god + purpose + end game. also a definition would be literal, if e.g. the bible was taken literally it would be nonsensical or in cockney slang ‘i wouldn’t adam n eve it’. :p my view of god has no ‘it’, has...
  3. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    path and we can extend that further to different kinds of abrahamic faiths yes? then on to similarities between those and other faiths etc etc what exactly are we supposed to be converting to, one particular brand or all, perhaps as our understandings can only be subjective, one can...
  4. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    oh so the thread has now turned into a christian preaching session doh! :p :confused: :rolleyes: or a load of tripe really. how can you all believe that stuff, ~ to not take any food pouches because god will look after you... how many people have died of starvation or thirst in this world...
  5. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    if god is infinite then all ways lead to him ~ or more that there are no ways to him as he is amongst us, hence no journey necessary. so you all [christians] think christianity is ‘the’ way to god? so your purpose on these forums is not to be comparative but to keep saying you are right and...
  6. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    lots of answers there already! did anyone read my last post asking; what if i convert to all then i convert to none ~ kinda. nick a yes there are many sides to the question, as indeed there are many different answers [see my last post]. there is nothing wrong with telling people ones truth...
  7. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    hmm thinking about it.... if i said to a christian; you are right so i convert, then to a buddhist; you are right so i convert, then to a muslim; you are right so i convert, to a hindu; you are right so i convert, to a taoist; you are right so i convert. what then am i? i would have to...
  8. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    hi path they are not free as the same conditions which coerced them to join are still there. surely choice is non existent here ~ unless someone come to you [a given church etc] to join that is. i wouldn’t go to far with the marketing analogy, buying a telly is not the same as giving your...
  9. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    i agree, and i despise sales techniques a lot more than religious ones, at least with religion someone thinks they are helping others. in the main truth is there to be found, it doesn’t need to be preached ~ we don’t live in illiterate societies anymore. good points there art
  10. _Z_

    is conversion appropriate in this age?

    is conversion appropriate in this age? why do people still try to convert others to their ways? surely it is better especially in our age, to exchange ideas without always having an agenda or any other kind of covert plan! even if open about it, what right do people have to convert? and what...
  11. _Z_

    The fullness, the emptiness....

    i would say the fullness and emptiness may be replaced with the idea of decentralisation and universality. if we don’t think of the infinite intellect as a person or an ‘it’ of any description, then all the masks of god are removed ~ leaving emptiness. that emptiness is a vessel from whence...
  12. _Z_

    must religion come to an end?

    :p sure thang. eventually and hopefully sooner rather than later, we must let go of the labels. i think the world would be a fascinating place if everyone you spoke to had differing ideas, not to mention it creates a greater dynamic, pushing humanity yet further.
  13. _Z_

    must religion come to an end?

    i hate singing, and school plays in church ~ is societal indoctrination and conditioning imho. still, each to their own, except it isn’t like that is it! + the problems set out above. it is not the content so much, the problem is that there are ‘religions’, simply division by labels.
  14. _Z_

    must religion come to an end?

    indeed. an italian friend of mine has an egyptian girlfriend who is catholic [luckily] with islamic parents. if she were a muslim one of the two would have to change their religion, then what would their children be? this is just one of many problems religion brings up, why can’t people...
  15. _Z_

    Face of god...

    i can yes, and i also see a natural learning curve ~ with or without any teachings. more to the point its 'power' i view differently [power is not a term i would use]. i have yet to see any evidence of god acting in the physical world, moreover i think the world is him acting in the physical...
  16. _Z_

    Face of god...

    bananabrain, hi sorry for my tone on the prior post, i can’t help myself. :rolleyes: :o :p this is what i don’t get, i have seen rays too ~ as they are described in the egyptian and tibetan books of the dead, hence i don’t see why such things would be so destructive? so my thoughts turn to...
  17. _Z_

    Face of god...

    sure, back to some of your earlier questions, as i was brought up as an atheist they all sound most reasonable. my problem is that if i exist or if awareness exists, then we have to find answers, we cannot just ignore something so fundamental to us surely? my answer can only be that there is...
  18. _Z_

    Face of god...

    whilst i agree with your sentiment, i am talking about the ‘ultimate’ nature of existence ~ the greater proportion. upon reflection though maybe the two are one, infinity as a place and as a bieng or if you like god and gods place.
  19. _Z_

    Face of god...

    i thought i had last night... what is reality first; a place or a being? should we be looking for a place as the ultimate nature of existence, then beings come within that. don’t know where that leaves god ~ out in the cold i suppose. when we look at the world or universe is this not what is...
  20. _Z_

    Face of god...

    enlightenment just to find the most universal way of seeing things. politically that would be socialism/communism, spiritually it would be a parallel of atheism [well agnosticism i suppose] and every religion combined, although i would class myself as a druid even if i am an anarchist lols...