Might I suggest the obvious, if the idiot box is bringing so much anguish...turn it off. Life will continue, but it will be much more peaceful in your place. I think the term 'media' is an obsolete pointer. I feel better now.
Was there some experience in your life that has led you to a place of understanding of what forgiveness really means to you? Or is it still a mystery? Years back I had been alone with my mother, who I had had a very emotionally laden love/hate relationship with over the years. I don't remember...
Tacitus was not a contemporary of Jesus, and his annals are suspect at best: "the passage is likely a forgery perpetuated by Church not for the purpose of providing evidence for the historicity of Jesus, but to promote the idea that Nero persecuted Christians for burning Rome"
"Pliny was born...
Seeking is a sign of evolution needsomething, not a sign of failure. There is a reason that prefrontal lobe came to us - finally we could see that we are not our bodies, nor the survival of it, either.
My best advice is you have a wonderful resource here - Interfaith is by far the superior...
Certainly early on it was dangerous not to be a believer. These days I think it is a mix of Jesus believers and Biblicans. Biblicans, or followers of the Bible far outnumber actual Jesus followers IMO. Especially here in the states, the 'religious right' are most often described as Jesus freaks...
If the mountain is bullshit, it does not matter who is king.
(An original by me that I used on students back in the day to get them to stop attachment to word, label and definition debates.)
Please don't lump all atheists into one box. There are atheists with dogma, and then there are simply atheists that do not believe in god/gods - and do not need to debate the non-belief. Transpersonal experiences derived from meditation practices do not necessarily lead to god beliefs.
I can only repeat myself. It comes down to an experiential knowing versus conceptual knowing. Concepts are borrowed, experience is first hand. Mind you, the perceptions of the experience may be limited, but I would rather a person define their own experience, rather than have it defined for...
This is why spirituality should leave science alone - science can only address presently what the body is composed of. I am not the body. We are not pure energy...we use energy. Since we have no way of turning around and looking at ourselves, we have no idea what we are made of...but something...
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