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  1. I

    Sorry, I'm totally backwards!

    After months of perusing (sp?) and enjoying this site I have just discovered the proper way to find ALL of the forums. I'm now sure that the couple of threads I started were totally on the wrong forums because I hadn't found them all as I was getting to them from the community forums section in...
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    Gender Selection is here!

    Thanks for the warm welcome Lunamoth. I originally read the article on a week or so ago and now I can't find it (I'm sure I'll find it when I stop looking for it, lol). However I did find a site for a company that offers the service From my understanding...
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    Gender Selection is here!

    I was just recently appalled (sp?) to find out that gender selection is being offered to couples in the United States. Couples from all over the globe are coming to the U.S. to make use of this service. This REALLY freaks me out! I know there are certain things about myself that bother me...
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    Trinity? Stake Vs Cross Vs Tree

    Actually C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, is a christian author of some reknown. If you've read the series (I just finished them last month, quite late I know) there is a lot of christian ideology there. Actually the further I got in the series the more blatant it was and I...
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    Conversations with God

    Dr Free I find this statement profound, you've expressed something that I think I've always believe but never been able to express myself. Thank-you, R
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    Spiritual fascism

    Re: Equality not Superiority The message my mother has been trying to teach me the last few years since she's entered into A.A., albeit a little late in my life, is 'Would you rather be right or be happy?'. For some reason this thread brought that to my mind. I wish that I could claim that...
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    Quote On Abrahamic Creation Story

    I do see your point that all creation myths are just that, myths. Myths need interpretation in order to be meaningful. I have always thought that the christian bible which I was spiritually raised on was not to be taken literally (and that many problems arise when it is taken literally...
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    Do viruses have souls?

    IMHO, I would say that viruses do NOT have souls. If they are only considered alive while they have a host then it would seem to me that they are feeding off of the host's soul. For those of you that have seen The Matrix, one of the characters in the movie proposed that we (humans) are a...
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    Religion and humour

    Then you've met my mother?! ROTFL! We take the whole 'cleanliness is close to godliness' part a bit too far in my family. I think I'd like to print that off and have it framed. I must admit I got a chuckled out of all three of the previous jokes too! :D
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    I am a virgo (though very near to leo at Aug 24th), libra rising. I feel your pain and I'm always glad to hear that I'm not the only critical, romantic, perfectionist. :D
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    Inherited star signs

    I'm afraid I can't be of much help as my biological father and I have been estranged since I was little and I don't know his birthday or sun sign. However I am a virgo on the cusp with leo (aug 24th) and my mom is a Sagitarius. My best friend recently dated a guy that shared my birthday and it...
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    King Arthur

    I agree that the theory devised in the book is far-fetched but it certainly did pique my interest in religion again, it got me thinking about what I really do believe. It was a good read, so different from anything I'd ever read before and it's so rare to find anything that actually encourages...
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    Enlightment in 7 hard days, anyone done it?

    Like the old saying 'Life's a journey, not a destination', I like that. I've always felt that the important thing is to keep trying to better ourselves. Though enlightenment sure would be great! I've been practicing ashtanga yoga a little this past year though not nearly as consistently or...
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    Where was Eden, and does it matter?

    In the gnostic teachings Eve ate from the tree of knowledge to awaken mankind, that we had to be awakened and go through all that we have and will in order to reach enlightenment. In the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (reading that is what eventually lead me here) it is pointed out that the apple...
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    Which religion do you follow?

    I was born and raised Christian and I do believe in love, above all else, but I agree with the others in that I'm not comfortable with the -ity. I don't think I've learned enough about all of the different religions to say which one I subscribe to, maybe I'll never join any particular camp...
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Silverbackman's view point is exactly the type of opinion which I am familiar with, that I have encountered in Christianity. I suspect such a point of view underlies not just Christianity or even Abrahamic religions but in most 'traditional' schools of thought which are reflected by religions...
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    BananaBrain, sorry if I offended you by lumping judaism with christianity and islam. I have been raised christian and don't know nearly as much as I'd like to about other religions, which is why I'm so grateful to have found this site. Thank-you for your jewish POV.
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    First of all I'd like to thank everybody for taking the time to reply to my question. Perhaps it is an ethical question as someone suggested, it's just spiritual for me because the male domination of christianity turns me away from it. In reading some of the responses (I've been busy lately...
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    Three Marys

    Has anybody else noticed that there are three Marys in the bible as there are three manifestations of God (father, son and holy ghost)? Would it be far-fetched to say that the three Marys could be three manifestations of the divine feminine (maiden, mother and crone of the pagan teachings)...
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    God, gender and women's place in abrahamic religions

    Thanks Andrew, those are not the examples of women that are regularly quoted from the Bible. I guess that would make the suppression (sp?) of women in ages past a societal thing, not that we're totally in the clear yet. Much like slavery and genocide, another case of someone taking the message...