BlaznFattyz said:
the first created human was a man in gods image. god is the father. prophets: men. melchizedek was a man, the son of god on earth was a man, the church is the bride of christ (even in heaven jesus is referred as a man - the groom). the holy spirit came unto mary and gave her a son. i would say that god is a masculine by nature based on his actions.
Mostly true. However there have been prophetesses (biblical), and they were told specifically how to dress in order to present themselves with authority as given by God (head covered, quiet in their ways for example), but they were not to be dismissed, else there would be hell to pay. The Holy Spirit did not visit Angel did. There is absolutely no biblical reference showing the Holy Spirit ever to take on the form of a human, let alone a male human.
In Genesis, the Father and the Son spoke, however the Holy Spirit did not, but did hover over the waters and firmament. The Holy Spirit seems to have the role of care taker, nurturer, soother...very female traits I might add. The Holy Spirit never causes pestulence or death...ever, in history. The Holy Spirit leaves, and the Angel of death enters (decidedly masculine).
According to Biblical reference, we are currently in a state of Grace, as the Holy Spirit is in the world, and with us. In other words we are under the protective cover of the Spirit, which encourages, strengthens and applauds us (again very female like traits).
Last but not least. We are raised by our mothers, shored up by our fathers, and defended by our brothers. The perfect example of how a man should be as a father to his children, how a man should be as a brother to his fellow man, and how a woman should play her role in life...this last part lies within the actions of the Holy Spirit of God... quiet, but oh so powerful, and not to be taken lightly or dismissed.
Like the Father and Holy Spirit, woman helps meet the needs of man, and like the Father and the Son, mankind should look to the creator with respect and reverence, And like Son to the Holy Spirit, we men should be the perfect servants to the women in our lives...for they deserve nothing but the best we can offer. Women are not called the "fairer sex" for nothing.
The wisest words I've ever heard about dying well, came from men. The wisest words I've ever heard about living life well, came from women...not men.
my thoughts
BTW Inquisitive, no woman is below a man (unless she wants to be). No man is above a woman (unless she wants him to be). She was taken from his side, to be equal, from under his arm to be protected, and near his be loved by him...