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  1. M

    Will war and suffering ever end?

    im not asking this to provocate or anything really, im genuinely interested is this exact form of question-answer-happyend a method you are literarly taught, or is it asimilated trough repetition? what i mean is, this is a trademark of Jehovas Witness method, and i alwais wondered, like, does...
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    Race and Religion

    Krishna is blue skinned what are you going on about?
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    Divine Choice

    not really, no why you ask?
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    cartouche readings

    yes these are typical problems most people who are good at reading cards face right from the start you were lucky if you only saw good or ambiguous things often predicting bad things that come true makes the other person angry at you, as if it is your fault generally predicting any kind of...
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    Proof of God

    much of this proof sounds like another variation of the fine tuning argument now i have newer been good at mathematics, and what little information i have learned about quantum physics mostly comes from those annoying new online computer generated quasi-documentaries that make me want to punch...
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    Old Russian joke

    two people dye and go to hell in hell there are two glass pools filled with excrement in one there is Hitler, up to his nose in the other there is Stalin up to his elbows why is Stalin in only to his elbows?-one man asks the other -because Stalin stands on the shoulders of Lenin!
  7. M

    The myth of free will

    well all things in existence are caused and cause to say this does not really mean much choice could not exist if there were no situations in existence that demanded or allowed a choice you say humans have choice and humans have will possibility of choice means self determination, conscious or...
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    The myth of free will

    obviously each situation in which you can make a choice is brought about by a unknown number of causes this has nothing to do with free will, if you are able and willing to use your will, and consider yourself a free human, then you can use your free will its ok if you cannot, most people have...
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    Yoga ?

    perhaps, i understand what you mean on kundalini, but statement on demonic origin was directly about "eastern martial arts", as broad as that term might be specifically it was answering a post mentioning karate now i cannot say i am an expert on martial arts of any kind, i know as much as anyone...
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    Yoga ?

    if that is what you chose to practice, believe it is possible, believe exact configurations detailed in the vedas to be descriptions of somethig that exists in reality and not relative explanations that differ in many cultures, and are attempting to achieve that allegedly yes, as it is a hindu...
  11. M

    Omniscience and Free Will - Can both exist?

    look its not a question of what one believes or not, its simple logic i you know what someone will do that does not alter what someone does if you have a way of altering what someone does you may chose not to so someone will do what he/she wills regardless of weather you know of it or not if you...
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    Codex Sinaiticus to go online

    thats ok, he is Jehovas Witness thats what they do the world would be less interesting without them the trick is when they ring at your door just open it standing naked, that usually makes them realize they acidentaly ringed the wrong doorbell and now have to go in a hurry, with apologies...
  13. M

    Yoga ?

    that would explain why it is considered an extreme sport theres no point to that statement, all the techniques you mentioned, while all just as good as yoga, or for some purposes even better, can be just as dangerous and unhealthy, much in the way lifting a table can be dangerous and unhealthy...
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    this is obviously a cultural bias, even if it is helped by religious mentality now that standards of living have somewhat improved in relatively developed nations and urbanised areas, it is normal for humans to live with dogs before that it was normal for dogs to be kept as guard dogs, war dogs...
  15. M

    7 Tips For Spirituality, Making A Connection

    i really am not trying to be rude, and i believe you this are practical advice that can truly help people in radical situations, as well as it can be useful to people who newer thought about it before the part about connections is good, as humans truly are influenced mainly by the collective in...
  16. M

    Divine Choice

    that does not sound right if a thing is absolute, with all the adjectives we can give and absolute, and all the definitions of an absolute, it in itself is a closed system, for it to be able to create it would need to interact, become an open system, coming under influence of same interaction...
  17. M

    Yoga ?

    how about if your back hurts? millions use yoga and yoga derived practice to relax and exercise it is proven to help in many conditions it is also very helpful even without a condition my dad does it sometimes for better bowel movement i tried it for stress relief but id get distracted if your...
  18. M

    should you fear hell?

    you are Jehovas witness right? why is it you alvais start like that? even when you approach someone on the street are you taught that method?
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    Question of the Day

    while i do not know what all i do not know and have no idea where to learn any of it, i do know i dont know, amongst other things, rigging in 3dmax and i will learn it from downloaded tutorials was that what the question was about?
  20. M

    Divine Choice

    if for the sake of the conversation the theist view is taken as valid, from this perspective did or does god have a choice in creating and maintaining the world? furthermore can it be said that an absolute can have choices or even free will? in most creation miths the actual reason for creation...