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  1. 2

    When the Reapers Gather

    Thomas wrote: <But in Scripture there is but one shepherd.> I don't know what "Scripture you are talking about". A prime example from Jeremiah 23:1-3 is "Woe to the shepherds (plural) who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture! ....You have scattered My flock ... and have not...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    It is technology which is reducing energy use. I now use 9 watt LEDs for the same effect as 60 watt normal bulbs. Fuel efficient vehicles get three or more times the gas mileage as previous older models of my youth. Brushless motors are reducing the power consumption of tooling, and lithium...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    The US is at a point of realignment. The traditional rural conservatives won the last election against the elites, such as the media, big tech, rhinos, academia, and the progressives. While the Democrats have a history of cooperative ballot stuffing, they upped their game in this last...
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    Refutation of The Pauline Conspiracy, take two

    The forum is the court, not the poster. If you want to defend Paul, go ahead.
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    Refutation of The Pauline Conspiracy, take two

    The gospel of Luke was written by some unknown author who relied on unspecified second hand accounts, who is assumed a pal of the false prophet Paul. Mark, some unknown author, who was assumed a pal of the "worthless shepherd", Peter, who is suspect on those grounds alone. John's gospel was...
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    Refutation of The Pauline Conspiracy, take two

    The gospel of Luke was written by some unknown author who relied on unspecified second hand accounts, who is assumed a pal of the false prophet Paul. Mark, some unknown author, who was assumed a pal of the "worthless shepherd", Peter, who is suspect on those grounds alone. John's gospel was...
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    Refutation of The Pauline Conspiracy, take two

    Do you even read what you reference from? Matthew 26:25 is how Judas Iscariot addressed Yeshua prior to Judas giving him the kiss of death. Matthew 23:7-8 is where Yeshua said there is only one Rabbi/teacher, and that would be the Spirit of God, and he told his disciples to not be called...
  8. 2

    Refutation of The Pauline Conspiracy, take two

    Prosecutor are not required to present a case for the defense. They are simply required to provide the evidence. As for Paul's defenders, they appeared to be a cohort of Roman soldiers, when Paul called on his lord Caesar for protection (Romans 10:13). His defenders of today, appear to be a...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    I don't know were you live, but my electricity is $0.12/Kwh, and my total recent charge was $43, for which $12 was for the hook up fee, or around $28 directly for consumption, for a 1000 sf household. The energy price is kept down by having coal, water, gas, and nuclear in combination. The...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    Well, Matthew 27:9-10 quotes Zechariah 11:12-13 with regards to Judas (Matthew 27:3-4). As for "shepherds", all the apostles were to shepherd the sheep, and Peter was supposed to feed, care, and tend for the sheep, for which Zechariah 11:16 said that the "worthless shepherd" would not tend...
  11. 2

    When the Reapers Gather

    Free speech on college campuses seem to be squelched by the Fascist, now known in the Orwellian vernacular, as the Marxist antifascist. Free speech on the news, also known as fake news, seems to be unimpeded anti Trump. Free speech on social media seems to be the obliteration of any comments by...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    "They did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be" (Matthew 24:39). Those who do not "understand", would be the "wicked" (Daniel 12:10)/lawless/followers of Paul, followers of the false gospel of grace. It will creep up on them and...
  13. 2

    When the Reapers Gather

    Nostradamus was a little vague in his presentation. There has been no vagueness in my presentation. If you have a contribution, then make it. Name specific names and places. We are at the "end of the age" whereas the "reapers are angels", and the tares, products of the tare seeds, which were...
  14. 2

    When the Reapers Gather

    You along with Corbet, seem to be off topic. I simply tried to reign in Corbet back to the topic. The topic is the "reapers", which follow the two witnesses saying "repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand" (Matthew 3:3), which is when the "Word of God" rules (Revelation 19), which of course...
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    When the Reapers Gather

    Like social media, this site can ban or cut off anything and anyone a moderator subjectively feels does not follow their point of view. Much like the example of Constantine and his Roman churches banning and burning of books. Much like was done by the Roman Mussolini's black shirts or the...
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    Keep the sabbath holy

    You take yourself way to seriously. Isn't an atheist mystic an oxymoron? Throwing veiled threats seem to be the common modus operandi around here. The topic is "the sabbath day". I addressed the topic and gave reasons why the "sabbath day" is no longer held holy. The response has been...
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    Keep the sabbath holy

    Did Namaste loose their tongue? I doubt if they wrote "enjoy the life" (enjoy the chai). The common and most likely meaning of "chai" would be for tea. In which the phrase means enjoy the tea, which is how she probably enjoys her life by drinking tea. A tradition born in China. Namaste...
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    Keep the sabbath holy

    Namaste is a Hindu greeting mean "I bow to you"/giving respect to others. Jesus is a Greek based name used in Christianity, and "Christians" call him Lord. Chai/tea comes from China. Indra/Sakra is lord of the Hindu 33 gods. How do these 4 things add up, or is just the imagery of a mixed up...
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    Keep the sabbath holy

    The gospel of Paul, is the gospel of grace/cross. The gospel of Yeshua is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven. These are two antithetical gospels. As for Paul and the "Revelation" of the son, Paul never heard a word Yeshua spoke, in spite of the varied writing of some unknown author which...
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    Keep the sabbath holy

    , The "works" that Yeshua did were in line with the will of his Father. Those who do the will of God are the children of God. Paul's followers think they are "saved" by following the rules of Paul. Well, Paul is dead, and while living, he had to suffer from a present given to him by Satan (2...