When the Reapers Gather

You along with Corbet, seem to be off topic. I simply tried to reign in Corbet back to the topic. The topic is the "reapers", which follow the two witnesses saying "repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand" (Matthew 3:3), which is when the "Word of God" rules (Revelation 19), which of course follows the 10 horns of the 8th head of the beast being crushed. We are in the era of the 10 horns, two of whom were recent Roman rulers, the emperor Mussolini, and the Fuhrer (Roman Caesar), Hitler, who were part of those who "wear down the saints" (Daniel 7:25), and the "lamb" (Revelation 17:14), by virtue of their part of the Roman presence which is tied to the Roman church. They, like the fascist of today, muzzled free speech, and limit it to where their bias self serving impulses lead. Your input based on your impulses, based on apparent personal indoctrination, has no basis, and no standing in a thoughtful dialogue, in spite of what Corbet might declare.
Threads on these forums do tend to wander around a bit. But they can't become acrimonious and personal.
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Hi 2ndpillar —
We are in the era of the 10 horns, two of whom were ...
The issue here for us is this is your interpretation. Throughout the ages people have identified the 'who's who' of such prophecies. Nostradamus is another who can be interpreted in a bewildering number of permutations.

Every age interprets the imagery according to itself.
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The issue here for us is this is your interpretation. Throughout the ages people have identified the 'who's who' of such prophecies. Nostradamus is another who can be interpreted in a bewildering number of permutations.

Every age interprets the imagery according to itself.

Nostradamus was a little vague in his presentation. There has been no vagueness in my presentation. If you have a contribution, then make it. Name specific names and places. We are at the "end of the age" whereas the "reapers are angels", and the tares, products of the tare seeds, which were sowed by the "devil", or his proxy, Paul, were to be gathered up "first" (Matthew 13:30), and they are to be "burnt with fire" (Matthew 13:37:40). The angels will gather out all the "stumbling blocks", such as Peter (Matthew 16:23), and those who commit "lawlessness", Paul (Matthew 13:41 & 7:22-23). The "good seed", sowed by the "son of man", the testimony of Yeshua, has been superseded by the false gospel of the false prophet Paul, and supported by his brother Peter, and is now supported by Peters supposed heir, the Roman Catholic Pope. I expect we will all find the truth in the near future, which is at hand. It will be too late for those "burnt with fire".
Nostradamus was a little vague in his presentation. There has been no vagueness in my presentation
Nostradamus did not interpret, he predicted, and then he left it for future generations to interpret his coded predictions?

IMO the same applies to Daniel and to Revelations. The coded predictions have been around for centuries, and people have been interpreting them in different ways for centuries.

You could be right in your interpretation, but you also could be wrong? That's the issue here. You wouldn't be alone because many others have been wrong before you?

the testimony of Yeshua, has been superseded by the false gospel of the false prophet Paul, and supported by his brother Peter,
Again you could be wrong? There are libraries of discussion on the subject. Many great minds over many centuries have debated and differed about it?
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which were sowed by the "devil", or his proxy, Paul..

An extreme viewpoint, imo.
Paul was one of the few to preach to non-Jewish communities. Not an easy task at the best of times.

..to suggest he was knowingly "in league with the devil" is highly debatable.

That's one of the big problems with human beings. We accuse others, while we ourselves have no manners
and wisdom.

Yes .. the original message from Jesus, peace be with , has been warped by the evolution of a Bible canon that came from a time when the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Modern Christianity is more than about Paul
If it happens it happens. If not: it's just another person projecting end-of-days-in-our-time from various biblical documents, and nothing very special about that, imo
If it happens it happens. If not: it's just another person projecting end-of-days-in-our-time from various biblical documents, and nothing very special about that, imo

"They did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be" (Matthew 24:39). Those who do not "understand", would be the "wicked" (Daniel 12:10)/lawless/followers of Paul, followers of the false gospel of grace. It will creep up on them and take them unaware, for they do not heed the testimony of Yeshua (Revelation 14:10-12), but followed the precepts of men. They shall drink from the "cup of his anger", but they have surely been warned. The precepts of men will provide them no protection in that day.

An extreme viewpoint, imo.
Paul was one of the few to preach to non-Jewish communities. Not an easy task at the best of times.

..to suggest he was knowingly "in league with the devil" is highly debatable.

That's one of the big problems with human beings. We accuse others, while we ourselves have no manners
and wisdom.

Yes .. the original message from Jesus, peace be with , has been warped by the evolution of a Bible canon that came from a time when the Jewish temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Modern Christianity is more than about Paul

What is so hard about following Paul's message? Like with the serpent/devil, he promised everlasting life, whereas they shall be saved, and "surely shall not die (Genesis 3:4). They didn't have to worry about Jewish law, and simply had to call upon the name of the lord to be saved. Romans 10:13 It didn't work for Paul and his contemporary followers, for they all died and are in the grave, but his present day followers still hang on to their lawlessness and false hope (Jeremiah 31:30). The fact that they do not generally know the name of the lord Yeshua, nor know what the name means, kind of leaves them in a limbo, or what the Catholics might term, a sort of Purgatory of the mind. Not in heaven, but still among the walking dead.

As for Paul knowing that his benefactor was Satan, according to Paul, it was Satan who gifted Paul with his poor medical condition. Peter, Paul, and Judas were mentioned in Zechariah 11, and as being chosen by the lord for a mission. Judas didn't know before hand what his destiny was, or did Peter know that he was fulfilling the destiny of being the "worthless shepherd" (Zechariah 11:17), nor did Paul know his final destination. They all fulfilled the roles prophesized, and the role for the devil/serpent, and his minions, shown as Gentiles/nations who persecuted Jacob, is "destruction" (Jeremiah 30:11). Paul said he was sent to the Gentiles/nations, whereas depending on the quote, Peter was described as being sent to the nations/Gentiles. The role of the nations/harlot, ceases after "many days" (Hosea 3:3). At that time, the nations come under the thumb of the "Word of God" (Revelation 19:13-15). Christianity is more about the church of Rome, sculpted in 325 AD and legitimized in 380 AD. According to Luther, it is nothing more than a harlot daughter of Babylon, of which his religion would be a daughter of a daughter of Babylon.
I expect we will all find the truth in the near future, which is at hand..

I feel sure we will .. it has all been unfolding for many years now .. WWIII can't be far off.
US .. the middle east .. China .. climate change .. disease .. tension is rising.

However, your detailed analysis is mainly speculation .. we will see eventually who is righteous and who is not.
The apparent truth or hypocracy of people's actions in the world is only known by Almighty God. He alone knows which hearts are sincere.
We can only assume.

Goodbye Mr. President Trump!
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So, 2nd Pillar, it is goimg to be on a Thursday?


It is like traveling to the center of a Black hole, you may travel for billions of years but you can never reach it.
"But still, if it weren't for those frictional forces, the material would be able to orbit around the black hole in perpetuity, the same way that the planets can orbit around the sun for billions of years."

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There has been no vagueness in my presentation.
Nor is there in the other interpretations that draw completely different conclusions. You can't all be right.

Name specific names and places.
You have. So have others, the list goes on ...

We are at the "end of the age" ...
We have been for the past two thousand years.

The "good seed" ... has been superseded by the false gospel of the false prophet Paul
You make a lot of accusations, but it's clear to me you don't understand what Paul is saying.

... and supported by his brother Peter
But you misrepresented Peter, you assume things without any evidence, and have said things which are not true, which suggests, in all probability, that you've got it wrong.
Trump tried to muzzle freedom, free speech. The beast. ;)
The coming of the lawless one [antichrist] will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
... followers of the false gospel of grace.
Do you not think the Gospel of the Kingdom is a Gospel of Grace? You think God is obliged to let man into the Kingdom?

They didn't have to worry about Jewish law, and simply had to call upon the name of the lord to be saved. Romans 10:13
If you think that, then you are sadly misinformed. It's this kind of error that undermines your thesis.

Peter, Paul, and Judas were mentioned in Zechariah 11
Well, three shepherds were. There are any number of potential candidates. The Herodian Tetrarchy of Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas and Philip fit the bill. Judas was never called to be a shepherd, so he can't be one of them. How about Annas, Caiphas and Pilate? They are a better fit, between them they condemned Yeshua, and their status meant they had a duty of care to the people.

Peter know that he was fulfilling the destiny of being the "worthless shepherd" (Zechariah 11:17)
Your reasoning of this seems to be based on a misreading of the text, so again you've been misinformed or it's your own mistake?
Do you not think the Gospel of the Kingdom is a Gospel of Grace? You think God is obliged to let man into the Kingdom?
But there is a 'We Christians Club' that does believe they are saved merely by using the name of Jesus? The televangelist sort of Christianity -- Paul's gospel of grace taken to it's furthest literalist extreme.

As always IMO God meets us where we are.
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..We have been for the past two thousand years.

While I agree with you that it is hard to determine exactly WHEN the apocalypse [ or the coming of Jesus ] actually will be,
I have to agree that not ALL the signs have been fulfilled for 2000 years.

One such sign is the competing in the construction of tall buildings by the bedouin in the Arabian peninsula. This has only happened relatively recently, and is a product of the oil age, which has seriously split the Muslim community.
"end of an era" corresponds to the decline of an oil based economy, which is going to be very difficult for the world to handle.

Probably the most difficult time ever. The change from mass transportation based on oil to .. what exactly?? .. is likely to cause HUGE diviisions in the "race for wealth".

..just change to electric cars .. electric planes etc?
..and where does the electric come from .. the sun?
..and where does the electric come from .. the sun?
But how do you store electricity when the sun's not shining, or the wind's not blowing, etc? Electricity cannot be stored. That's the problem with renewables. Is there a a battery big enough to power a factory? The only real alternative to carbon energy is nuclear energy, imo
Electricity cannot be stored. That's the problem with renewables. Is there a a battery big enough to power a factory?

Actually: https://electrek.co/2020/08/12/tesla-big-battery-shows-record-mw-range-expansion/

Also, centrally storing electrical energy is tricky, but decentral storage and production is much more promising. Requires very complex network management, which was not possible 100y ago, but nowadays we have computing capacity which can do it. Corporate structures may need to adapt...
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My point, really, is that the cost of energy is increasing and more than likely will change our way of life,
whether we like it or not. Humans have embraced the oil-age with enthusiasm and enjoyment, but it is
not sustainable.
Trump tried to muzzle freedom, free speech. The beast. ;)
Just wandered.

Free speech on college campuses seem to be squelched by the Fascist, now known in the Orwellian vernacular, as the Marxist antifascist. Free speech on the news, also known as fake news, seems to be unimpeded anti Trump. Free speech on social media seems to be the obliteration of any comments by any conservative commentator, including the compete ban of speech by Trump. All currently in line with the Maoist/Communist/Marxist world movement.
Well, three shepherds were. There are any number of potential candidates. The Herodian Tetrarchy of Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas and Philip fit the bill. Judas was never called to be a shepherd, so he can't be one of them. How about Annas, Caiphas and Pilate? They are a better fit, between them they condemned Yeshua, and their status meant they had a duty of care to the people.

Well, Matthew 27:9-10 quotes Zechariah 11:12-13 with regards to Judas (Matthew 27:3-4). As for "shepherds", all the apostles were to shepherd the sheep, and Peter was supposed to feed, care, and tend for the sheep, for which Zechariah 11:16 said that the "worthless shepherd" would not tend, care or feed the sheep. Much like Peter said he would not deny Yeshua, but ended up denying him 3 times, the exact number of times he said he loved Yeshua, and would care for the sheep. Paul, the purveyor of the gospel of grace, which means found in the "Favor" of God, would be named "Favor" per Zechariah 11:10. Your example have no merit with regard to the discourse. It is Peter's supposed heir, the pope, who carries the useless equipment of a foolish shepherd (Zechariah 11:15). It was Peter who had a sword in which to cut off the ear of some servant (Zechariah 11:17). Did you even read Zechariah 11. Zechariah 13:7 is cross referenced in Matthew 26:31 with respect to "you all will fall away", with respect to all the "Shepherd"s, and the "Flock (followers) will be scattered". This was before Judas/shepherd killed himself. Maybe you should pay more attention to the testimony of Yeshua, and less attention to the traditions of men.