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  1. sara[h]ng

    Scientific Evidence for Homeopathy

    I don't really want to get into a debate about nutrition and holistic health and all of those things, but I have a little bit of personal experience - and whether anyone else believes or accepts it or not, it still means a lot to me. I have been in a very spiritual place and time in my life...
  2. sara[h]ng


    My class in craniosacral therapy just started here at the Cayce(Edgar)/Reilly School of Massotherapy. ;):D I've been pretty taken by it so far...
  3. sara[h]ng

    a little bit of help

    Why not the Peace Corps?
  4. sara[h]ng

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    300's definitely phenomenal.
  5. sara[h]ng

    Spirit Guides - what are they?

    That's not the same thing as the Bible declaring that only 7 ever existed.
  6. sara[h]ng

    Web am

    After having just read certain threads, I have the great urge to refine my response. I didn't mean to imply that only others and not myself could be offensive on a webcam, in fact, I'm pretty sure that I might end up in a few shouting matches... Sorry to shoot down your idea, Yo, but I...
  7. sara[h]ng

    Web am

    Yikes. I'd hate to literally be faced with some of the scathing messages I've seen. Then again, maybe politeness would reign without the anonymity of a mere avatar.
  8. sara[h]ng

    A pygmy's view...

    ... on the nature of God. I'd like to share a quote from 'The Forest People' by Colin Turnbull. Turnbull is/was an anthropologist and the book is a record of his time spent with the Mbuti pygmies in the Congo. He has asked one of the tribe's elders about a ritual, called a molimo, that...
  9. sara[h]ng

    Darwin's God

    While I don't personally believe that most 'humans believe in God solely because of some situation that made/makes them believe in it (evolutionary selection, as the article talks about, being 'hard-wired' to do so, or whatever else)' as opposed to 'they believe in God because God exists', I do...
  10. sara[h]ng


    Chris, you're a 6, are you also a 33?
  11. sara[h]ng

    Bigger than a 'giant squid' - 'colossal squid'

    I had to look up the 'Chilean Blob' because wow. Maybe I'm a freak, but I HAD to see that. For anyone else who checks it out, I'm posting the DNA results identifying the thing. So as not to spoil the suspense for the uninitiated, I'm hiding it. Highlight the area below to see what the blob...
  12. sara[h]ng

    3 Wishes

    So, 17th, would everyone automatically be demoted to your level or below? In regards to your 3rd, I mean. Or would you magically be given more? Honesty is good, I don't presume to judge, but in such self-admittedly selfish wishes, how could you expect to fate, chance, or the world - however...
  13. sara[h]ng

    Dear Sirs

    Love it. The line about the stained windows particularly caught me. The light isn't coming through so clearly anymore, and it's just of one color of the spectrum, instead of the whole shebang.
  14. sara[h]ng


    What? You have me all wrong, Q. Did you not see my thread about chakra cleansing? I fully believe in spiritual things, beautiful things that you can neither see nor measure - in fact, probably more so than most people - however! The existence of spirit does not lessen the impact of science...
  15. sara[h]ng


    Thoughts on the subject? Anyone find that they do or do not fit their numbers well? I've been looking into it recently and there are some interesting things... If you don't know what your numbers are, I found a good free calculator with explanations at this site.
  16. sara[h]ng

    Bigger than a 'giant squid' - 'colossal squid'

    It's only tough if cooked improperly. And it only has a nasty fish taste if it's started to decay - so if you get it like that, demand a refund. Fresh and properly cooked, it's only vaguely chewy and tastes anywhere from nothing to whatever you stuffed, breaded or otherwise cooked it with...
  17. sara[h]ng

    What Video Games Have you Been Playing?

    Hey there, gaming types. I have got a question for you all. When I was a kiddo, I really enjoyed Zelda because of the need to think and puzzle and all of that. There must be games out there now that are similar in that way. Suggestions? Preferably computer, because I'm really not keen on...
  18. sara[h]ng

    Are we effectively bring Evolution of mankind to a halt?

    With infant mortality rates as low as they are in developed nations, I don't think that medical benefits are a factor here, as far as a division of society goes. As in, 'would things change if all had the same access to exactly the same medical care,' - I think that the rich and poor alike have...
  19. sara[h]ng

    Woman's freeway signs stir creation debate

    As someone who has read the entirety of the Origin of Species, I can say that while there are some faults in it because of the advancement of science in Darwin's day, it is actually very relevant to anyone wanting to understand evolution - whether serious student or layman.
  20. sara[h]ng

    Woman's freeway signs stir creation debate

    I have no intention of 'starting something' with this, particularly because this is the Christian board (even though many Christians do not find conflict between their religion and the theory of evolution) however, I wanted to comment that I was curious and went to visit