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  1. TheLightWithin

    The Archeology of the Kingdom of God: Diving a Bit Deeper into a Baha'i Approach to Metaphysics

    Thanks. I will try to watch it very soon. It looks quite interesting.
  2. TheLightWithin

    Spiritual lessons for your younger self

    I wish I, the me of today, the therapist I am today, could be a persistent resource for my Younger Self. If only I could be on some kind of forum to the past for my younger self, something Teen Self could have accessed -- I don't know how as we didn't have forums in those days and we (our...
  3. TheLightWithin

    Spiritual lessons for your younger self

    I wish I could have figured out a way to help my family better. (family of origin) Maybe things wouldn't have turned out as they did. :confused:
  4. TheLightWithin

    The Archeology of the Kingdom of God: Diving a Bit Deeper into a Baha'i Approach to Metaphysics

    Does the existing Catholic Catechism define what the unique meaning of the resurrection is?
  5. TheLightWithin

    The Archeology of the Kingdom of God: Diving a Bit Deeper into a Baha'i Approach to Metaphysics

    😍😍🥰🤩 I wish this were universally understood Or even more widely understood.
  6. TheLightWithin

    Comedy on YouTube

    He mentioned turkeys, ducks, and chickens, 1:09, prophetic of that trend with serving "tur-duck-ens" some decades later. 🍗o_O:oops:🤨 EDIT: Looking it up I guess it's a Cajun dish credited to Paul Prudhomme, that didn't end up on my radar until they became all the rage a few years back. But...
  7. TheLightWithin

    Spiritual lessons for your younger self

    I wish I could be a therapist to my younger self. I would like to get my younger self to minimize the overthinking and help my younger self reframe quite a few things. My wish is that it would be possible to convince Young Me to be less concerned by what others thought of me, less concerned...
  8. TheLightWithin

    Essay on the Eucharist

    I always wondered that too, just haven't gotten around to searching for the sources the Fillmores used. I wish I had been aware of it as a teenager though. I found out about it years later after I had already learned about things like bible scholarship and wasn't as keen to read it as I would...
  9. TheLightWithin

    Christian Nationalism

    This is what they mean. Roe and Wade being pseudonymous proper names in a US Supreme Court case from the early 1970s, relevant to the topic. Sorry to all for adding to the thread, I know we are asked to move from the topic, but with someone asking a...
  10. TheLightWithin

    Christian Nationalism

    Thread title helps sometimes, as in this case where it's pretty direct. Other thread titles may be more cryptic.
  11. TheLightWithin


    Here is some Head Canon: When I was little, I thought different churches (church denominations) were totally different religions. I also knew there were other religions from far away like Buddhism. I vaguely knew the names of a few religious groups like Jewish or Muslim. I also vaguely knew...
  12. TheLightWithin

    Your Daily Rant

    Whoa, they sound pesky!
  13. TheLightWithin

    Christian Nationalism

    This entire topic is a tough one as out in the world in real time it is a fusing of religion and politics. It seems neither Christian nor good for the nation. I'm just not sure I see anything spiritual about it whatsoever. It certainly does not seem to celebrate religious freedom for all...
  14. TheLightWithin

    Happy Thanksgiving....

  15. TheLightWithin

    HI I am new here

    Maybe this thread needs to be locked? 🤣
  16. TheLightWithin

    Happy Thanksgiving....

    Are you familiar with Temple Grandin? An American woman who designed more humane slaughter. Your words remind me of a quote of hers.
  17. TheLightWithin

    Christian Nationalism

    Ill gotten gains?
  18. TheLightWithin

    HI I am new here

    Hi, I reactivated this thread accidentally but it was from April 2023!😅
  19. TheLightWithin

    Essay on the Eucharist

    He might mean there's an out and out translation error?