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  1. S

    "a" or "the" true religion

    Nobody knows, we can only guess, and any that say otherwise are blatantly lying You can't. Perhaps there is no true religion, maybe all are valid or all are false. There's no true way of knowing. Maybe at the end of the day we do not need religion at all, that it may be nothing more than...
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    What is death?

    It would be a very very full world if Adam hadn't sinned and mankind didn't die. Isn't this kinda like blame on someone for something mankind dreads? Its kinda like wanting to blame someone/something when a loved one dies. Anger is one of the first emotions to strike in bereavement and we want...
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    Hello everyone

    I'm here. [Her mam] Just haven't shown my 'face' for a while. Welcome to CR Heather. Hope you get the answers you are looking for.
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    What is death?

    I heard of another, just as simplistic; those who fear death, fear life itself. Is not death merely the birthing to another form of existence?
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    That's like asking how I feel about the everybody I know. Depends on the person, not the faith.
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    WARNING: Member fraud

    I can't understand how anybody can beat up the elderly and disabled in order to rob them of the few possessions that they have. Worse still, some just do it for kicks. Yet if it were their grandparents they would be livid and out for revenge!
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    Can anyone identify this sigil?

    I thought it looked like a star trek symbol [not a trekkie!];) I think it is only known by the creator themselves, also Still I live in hope that maybe somebody can identify it
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    Can anyone identify this sigil?

    Not really sure where to put this. I was asked by somebody to identify it if I can and I am drawing a blank so I'm throwing it out to a wider audience, to people more learned...
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    Heart vs Mind as the seat of Reason

    Could it not be that the heart is the seat of the soul and it is the soul that is the intuitive part of our being?
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    Wiccan spells and destiny

    If that were truly the work of the Fates then it was meant to happen anyway:)
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    Reincarnation Paradox

    I also raise another paradox here, not with cryogenics but with the possibility of regrowing the spinal cord. Scientists believe they are close to doing that and many paraplegics have signed up to donate their brain for further experimentation. If the brain can be kept alive in such a way for...
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    Wiccan spells and destiny

    If a life is truly predestined then you were never meant to get to point B in the first place.
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    My son is a Capricorn. Sounds fairly accurate for him too. I'm a Scorpio, although my chart reads Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Libra; Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in the Second House, Uranus Conjunct Ascendant; Sun in Third House; Moon in Third House; Venus in Fourth House; Saturn in Fifth House...
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    Circumcision: who invented it?

    Female circumcision is performed in many different ways, from the symbolic to what appears to be nothing more than mutiliation! Also a religious rite too.
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    Circumcision: who invented it?

    I recently watched a programme on TV about this subject a little while ago and it seems that the foreskin actually helps in producing an airtight seal during copulation, plus the additional lubrication. So it does have a purpose. Seems circumcision regardless of religious dictates is big...
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    Fluffy Bunnies

    There is an equally derogartory term within the Christian communities for the newly embraced....basically on the same par as Fluffies....they're referred to as 'Happy Clappers'. Don't know about the Muslim world And on that I agree. Its the same with all faiths that become 'fashionable' and...
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    preggy hits ground sky diveing

    Think it just proves you only go when your time's up
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    Universal temples!

    All my reservations aside I still think it would be one heck of an idea, certainly be worth a try. And your concept dayaa certainly sounds very workable. Why should mankind squabble over minor differences?
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    Christians and Magic/Harry Potter

    Somebody else came across this. Thought I might share Sorry, gotta go, my dragon's eggs are hatching. Been waiting months for this. Got them...
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    Age of Aquarius

    Hello Time Traveller:) Looks like you have found your natural talent. I am also highly creative but whilst I have moved away from science, I have yet to find what it is that I am supposed to do. I seemed to have done nothing else but produce (Babies and from those babies 2 very talented...