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  1. Nick the Pilot

    Woman buys a 'journaling Bible' and draws illustraions in it. MISSISSIPPI (WDAM) - "A Mississippi woman’s Bible illustrations helped her get through a difficult time in her life, and the powerful story behind the pages is what brought her to share them on...
  2. Nick the Pilot


    Hi Ellison, and welcome to the forum. What do you think happens to you, after you die?
  3. Nick the Pilot


    "How does the location of stars and planets organize my karma?" --> I don't know exactly how the system works. But, according to the theory, people decide before they are born how, when, and how much karma they will deal with in the ensuing reincarnation, and this is then reflected in the...
  4. Nick the Pilot


    "Is astrology a religion?" --> What is your definition of religion? Astrology is a way of organizing the good and bad karma a person will experience in this lifetime.
  5. Nick the Pilot

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for set date for Easter

    I don't know. I just know that the first full moon of Aries is important.
  6. Nick the Pilot

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for set date for Easter

    Because it is a significant day in the astrological calendar. Otherwise it makes no sense at all. And remember it gets postponed another whole month when that first moon is eclipsed (although I have heard that they have recently stopped following the eclipse-causes-postponement rule).
  7. Nick the Pilot

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for set date for Easter

    I think this whole thing is hilarious, because the date for Easter is determined astrologically, and the Church is against the idea of astrology! They didn't mention that when the appropriate Sunday has a lunar eclipse, Easter is postponed - another very astrological aspect of Easter.
  8. Nick the Pilot

    Archbishop of Canterbury calls for set date for Easter "Easter could fall at the same time every year under reforms being considered by church leaders. "The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, announced that the Church of...
  9. Nick the Pilot

    Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

    Goodbye 'God Save the Queen'? UK considers new England anthem LONDON (AP) — Is it goodbye to “God Save the Queen”? British lawmakers are debating a proposal to replace the royalist song as England’s...
  10. Nick the Pilot

    Spiritual goals??

    It has been said that achieving enlightenment will be the most difficult thing we have ever done. I totally agree.
  11. Nick the Pilot

    How Religion Leads To Mental Health Problems (VIDEO)

    My point is that he used his religion as a way to justify destroying his family, which is the point of this thread. We can make these two points: He used his religion to destroy his family. He used his religion to justify destroying his family.
  12. Nick the Pilot

    How Religion Leads To Mental Health Problems (VIDEO)

    Watch the movie Inherit the Wind. The minister is mentally unstable, and uses religion to spread his mental instability and destroy his family (which is why the movie has this name). Or does anyone think the minister is not mentally unstable?
  13. Nick the Pilot

    Spiritual goals??

    Spiritual goals? First enlightenment, then nirvana.
  14. Nick the Pilot

    Muslims and Islam

    TO be fair, this also needs to be said: No NON-Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a NON-Muslim.
  15. Nick the Pilot

    Christmas on December 25th?

    Dec 22 is with us once again, in this year of 2015. It's time to bump this thread once again. I would like to share one story about the historical St. Nicholas. One myth is how Santa slides down the chimney to give out presents (then, presumably, slides back up). One day the historical St...
  16. Nick the Pilot

    Is it right to "try" other religions?

    Wil, I actually knew someone who didn't want to try meditation because they thought it was 'un-Christian'!
  17. Nick the Pilot

    Moscow authorities to offer free Wi-Fi at cemeteries MOSCOW (AP) - As part of their campaign to bring Wi-Fi to crowded public spots in the Russian capital, Moscow authorities are connecting up an unlikely new location: cemeteries. The Moscow city...
  18. Nick the Pilot

    Is Britain no longer a 'Christian' country?

    Don't ask us, we say it can't. Ask the Christians who say it can.