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  1. Kaldayen

    Geostationary Banana Over Texas

    Hello InLove, To answer your question, yes i had heard about it before. It created some controversy here because the artist actually received money from the federal and provincial "Council of Art" which are governmental societies... The fact that some of my taxes are paying to fly a banana...
  2. Kaldayen

    Anyone here at University?

    I do have some webspace. But I'm not too sure what you want us to do? Put a link on our webpage?
  3. Kaldayen

    Anyone here at University?

    Major: East-asian studies (China speciality) Minor: Anthropology I just completed those. Next year should be another language... :rolleyes:
  4. Kaldayen

    Race, Religion and Culture

    1) Because there's only one race, the human race, I don't think this applies. 2) Culture as a clear influence on population's beliefs. Religions often have a "don't search, here are your answers" philosophy, so many are satisfied with that and adopt their parents' or society's religion. ___...
  5. Kaldayen


    Bienvenue Tigress :) ___ Kal
  6. Kaldayen

    What Faith Group Distinction Are You?

    In this passage, the "this..." should have been written as "your answer to the following question : ". The whole post was for Chris. I think that's even clearer now. You know I'm french Quahom, I really try to be as clear as I can but on a forum, there's always place for misunderstandings. I...
  7. Kaldayen

    What Faith Group Distinction Are You?

    Again, the question is directed at him. I don't "go after" FS. She'll read his answer if she wants. Where wouldn't we be clear on this? If you don't want me to post here Quahom, just say so but please don't search ill-intentions where there aren't any... Kal
  8. Kaldayen

    What Faith Group Distinction Are You?

    Greetings Quahom, Actually, I'm not asking about FS. You're right, her position is quite clear. In light of the debate, I was directing my question at Chris and I was saying that she (FS) would probably be interested in reading Chris' reply. I guess my question wasn't clearly formulated...
  9. Kaldayen

    What Faith Group Distinction Are You?

    Greetings Chris, After reading all the recent fuss about what it takes to be christian in a bunch of different threads, I thought I would reply here. The thing is, my own beliefs are really close to yours and yet, I don't consider myself christian. I've been raised and baptised in the catholic...
  10. Kaldayen

    I'm aware this might offend some...

    Congratulations Scarlet! I'm very happy for you both! I wish you trust and understanding from your relatives and friends. :) ___ Kal
  11. Kaldayen

    Christians and Magic/Harry Potter

    Greetings, I don't want to sound provocative here but isn't that what every christian do? But they believe they pray to The Spirit. The Church itself has an agenda of bending people to its will... I think it's only a matter of point of view or "versions or reality". ___ Kal
  12. Kaldayen

    Evolution v ID v Desire

    Thank you for that link on the "switches", Tao. I agree with you that many mechanism are still poorly understood. That's what's so interesting and motivating :cool: ___ Kal
  13. Kaldayen

    Evolution v ID v Desire

    wil, An inch per decade is indeed a lot. I'd love to see those statistics somewhere. Other than a better alimentation, I could also think of another cause : China is a heterogenic population. People in the north (manchuria, inner mongolia, etc.) are often taller than the Hàn population; same...
  14. Kaldayen

    Evolution v ID v Desire

    Hi everyone, _Z_, Well I had not heart about the "switches" in the DNA. Do you have a link where would could learn more about it? As for the unused arm of humans disappearing after let's say 1000 years, I have doubts. What's the logic behind that? According to what I know, the only way it...
  15. Kaldayen

    Evolution v ID v Desire

    Hi Peale, Your "Desire theory" is actually Lamarck's transformism theory. It stated this : Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) lived before Darwin. His theory has since then been invalidated because it was scientifically proven that acquired traits weren't inherited to the next generation...
  16. Kaldayen

    an annoying little philosophical conundrum

    IMHO, the "tag behaviour" by itself isn't causing more harm than the "religious behaviour". The problem is that the tagged item is most likely to be a Nike shirt or a Fubu pair of pants that are produced by exploited childrens or that reflect racial intolerance... I guess we would need...
  17. Kaldayen

    Evidence for the Creationist Model

    Very inspiring post Tao_Equus! I hope too. We need dreamers to make other people dream. ___ Kal
  18. Kaldayen

    Polygamy and Monogamy

    Polygyny had its use in the past when husbands where dying in combats, leaving their wife alone with the childrens. But today, I personnaly think it has lost its practical use. If 3-4+ people want to live their life in a polygamous/polyamorous relationship, they should be open to both...
  19. Kaldayen

    Hurrican is God's work

    What percentage is humanity's fault is difficult to judge. Considering that some scientific studies are paid by oil companies and friends to say whatever they want to say, I'd personally believe that we are the major influence. Otherwise, I agree with you on the second part. We just don't take...
  20. Kaldayen

    Hurrican is God's work

    Curious Mike, This is from the same source you quoted in your post : Perhaps you should read the articles in their totality before quoting them. Facts are there: global warming is causing the oceans to warm up. Hurricanes feed on warm water (just look at Rita getting stronger over the...