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  1. pohaikawahine

    Ate Wakantanka....

    get the driver's license .... a shift in consciousness is already starting and you are part of it my dear .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
  2. pohaikawahine

    Ate Wakantanka....

    aloha nui inlove .... yea, I'm still here and of course you know I would be drawn to a posting on traditional knowledge and wisdom .... the stories of the Lakota oral tradition are sacred litereature (same as those of hawaii nei) and like all stories of oral traditions they can be understood on...
  3. pohaikawahine

    Cultural Ties and Religion

    Deep in my cultural roots we had no religion, but a "way of life" that maintained a balance with the universe, our earth, and each other .... interesting enough this was in a way destroyed or rather I should say buried deeply again because of "religion" .... but even now in different "religions"...
  4. pohaikawahine

    The Tabernacle

    I subscribed to the Temple Institute and became a member. They send out very informative newsletters and information on all aspects of the temple. I also like their discussion on "Which comes first the messiah or the temple?". dondi, I think you might find some of the answers you are seeking...
  5. pohaikawahine

    Tikun Hatzot

    always so interesting bb .... a little off subject, but in parts of the South Pacific, when one wants to ask for forgiveness for a transgression, he/she will sit outside of the "hale" (home) with a mat covering their head for as long as it takes .... midday and midnight are also important times...
  6. pohaikawahine

    Beit Binah Virtual Intentional Community, My New Project

    I wish you the best in your new project(s) .... it looks really interesting .... by the way your new picture replaced all the old one's in this forum .... you look like you lost a lot of weight or is it just the photo? I signed on to Beit Binah because I always have much to learn from your...
  7. pohaikawahine

    Sea of Reeds vs. Red Sea

    hmmmm .... most interesting bb, in the south pacific on one of the islands the traditional title for one of the high chiefs is "didel" which means "to bridge" .... or "to cross" .... if one crosses over into the promise land (metaphorically) then this interpretation would be very insightful ...
  8. pohaikawahine

    Gog and Magog

    mahalo nui dauer .... that is very helpful, I'm still trying to understand the war of Gog and Magog, but I will ge there .... I suspect that the outcome of the return of the Mosiach will still herald an era of peace, but perhaps the birth into the world will be difficult because of our current...
  9. pohaikawahine

    Gog and Magog

    I've copied something that dauer posted on another thread related to the return of the Moshiach .... I don't believe he is considered a King, but his return will herald a new era of peace .... "Here are some of the primary activities of the Jewish Moshiach: • The Moshiach will be a man of...
  10. pohaikawahine

    Favorite Haggadot

    I got my first haggadot recently .... it is called Passover Haggadah for All Generations, A Modern is a four year haggadah set up to refresh each years reading with a different set of commentaries and addition of favorite commentaries by families .... it is a good start for one who...
  11. pohaikawahine

    Gog and Magog

    I'm not really replying to myself .... just wanted to add something new that I just read .... I've been enrolled in the "Know Your Bible" a one year study of all the books of the OT with Study Notes by Avraham ben Yaakov with AZAMRA. He just completed the study notes for the Song of Songs...
  12. pohaikawahine

    Drash on Waters of Meribah

    fascinating dauer .... lots of thought went into this .... I'm going to read it slowly and carefully and may get back with some thoughts .... aloha nui, poh
  13. pohaikawahine

    Happy B-Day Bananabrain!

    belated happy birthday bb .... much love to you and family .... aloha nui, poh
  14. pohaikawahine

    Posting on Sabbath

    aloha nui dauer .... your answer was very helpful to me .... since I am still learning the history of judiasm, the question of what came first "the chicken or the egg" still causes me confusion .... I was trying to understand the reasons for observance of the mitzvot (ta'amei ha-mitzvot) (in...
  15. pohaikawahine

    Posting on Sabbath

    I've been reading about "hitbodedut" and also "gemilut hasadim" ....and I read that "on three things does the existence of the world depend: Torah, avodah, and gemilut hasadim' (Shimon the Just declared in the opening lines of Pirkei Avot (1:2) .... how important is observing sabbath to the...
  16. pohaikawahine

    Temple's Location Found.

    I'm just bumping this thread to stay in the "courtyard" (so to speak) .... actually I do believe that the third temple will be made of light and when we remember who we are, we will no longer have to use words like "your people and my people" .... the temple will be a house of prayer for all...
  17. pohaikawahine

    Gog and Magog

    dauer or bb - can you tell me about Gog and Magog .... I've seen some references to the war of gog and magog and both punishment and redemption .... is this suppose to take place upon the return of the Masiach? Thanks for any insight you can give me .... aloha nui, poh
  18. pohaikawahine

    What is Theosophy?

    mahalo nui nick .... yes, I could use some help .... if you send me your e-mail (you can sent it in the PM section) I'll scan it and send it to you, then perhaps you can post it for me .... it is a pretty rough drawing since I copied it ,when I was on one of the islands, in my journal .... me ke...
  19. pohaikawahine

    What is Theosophy?

    I like to think of them not so much as "scattered remnants" but deeply planted seeds waiting to be nutured .... I've been searching for well over 40 years now, so "siriusly" (andrew that was for you) I must have a little bit of the theosophist in me .... it all connected about 10 years ago and...
  20. pohaikawahine

    What is Theosophy?

    andrew and nick - mahalo nui (thank you very much) for the charts and thoughts .... I do think that ancient hawaiian thought (as I understand it - not everyone would agree) is very compatable because it seems to stem from that ancient line of wisdom, buried in the sounds of the words...