Yes, and I love it!! As I indicated...I'm gonna get on a plane for that one...I'll be down there...let's find a sweat lodge to head to embrace all seven directions...the four, the earth, the banana and within!
I read a great story in Science of Mind today...Erico Rocco speaking of Lamsa he referred to a story about a glass of water sitting on the sands in the Sahara...being no different from the water molecules in the ocean that ships sail on and fish swim in, or the water in rivers that mold landscapes, or the water irrigating a difference in the molecules but different than their current abilities....the water in the glass sits there....the rest of the water is circulating, providing, being there for the world, the ships, the fish.... and it is only when that water evaporates that it returns to circulation, returns to be able to do so much more around the world....Lamsa linked that to Jesus...his life on earth was like in the glass...locals good drink of him...but when released he provides for us all.
And that is us as well, we are contained in this shell, but when released...
I'm looking forward to seeing the banana and you soon!