Gnōthi seauton
It's very good to be posting with you again!
Thanks for being a part of this discussion, and helping to create the bridge ... (antahkarana)
I included this term, and a link to a page from the online Theosophical Glossary, because I think it's relevant here. I'm also uploading a chart ... from the works of Alice Bailey, who was not strictly a Theosophist, yet who studied The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky, and who presented Theosophical concepts in her writings.
The chart is on `The Science of Meditation,' and shows many things at once. With respect to what you said, Poh, the three head centers are at the very bottom, as the alta major center, pituitary body, & pineal gland. No doubt you will recognize them!
These form a triangle of energies, which allow the threefold Individual Human Soul (the yellow triangle labeled `Ego' according to the Theosophical terminology) to express itself in the etheric body of the physical world. So the Soul, or `Ego,' is understood as belonging to the upper portions of the Mental Plane, while a person incarnates temporarily through a mental body in the lower mental world, an astral or emotional body, and a compound etheric-physical body (which houses the meditative, or higher creative triangle). {I know all this is familiar, and charts are quite 2-dimensional, obviously ... but maybe this one helps?}
A lower triangle of creative energies also exists, consisting of the root chakra, the sacral (or sexual) chakra, and the reproductive organs (or gonads) ... which must be gradually sublimated in order for the higher creativity (especially expressive via the throat chakra) to come into activity and properly function. No wonder the emphasis on the celibate, or monastic lifestyle - as a necessary stage of the spiritual path, at one point or another, in some particular incarnation. Not that there aren't other reasons, but here is the practical reason, in terms of specific energies (Kundalini-shakti, to which I think you were referring, Poh).
Nick, your mention of the fourth world, or Fourth Round, in Theosophical terms ... is to that stage in Humanity's unfoldment wherein lower manas, or lower mind, is being developed, is that correct? The idea of Fifth Round Humanity suggests a time when the entirety of the Human Race will be much farther along, spiritually speaking (and developing Higher Mind, globally, instead of in individual cases here & there, or sometimes in groups) ... maybe equivalent to those beings that Theosophists call `Masters' or Adepts. Under this system, a Sixth-Rounder would then be much closer to the Christ (or Bodhisattva) in terms of attainment, and the final, or 7th Round man ... will be a Buddha.
For this to make sense, it is helpful to have considered the Theosophical idea that: Where mankind now is, every more advanced being once was ... and thus, where advanced beings now are, mankind will one day be. I'm not sure if this is completely in sync with the classical idea of a Great Chain of Being, but it is definitely what the Theosophist believes when s/he speaks of all of Nature as consisting of a great Hierarchy of Lives ... in the broadest sense of this term.
Every single atom, even, is ensouled by living energies, and thus Annie Besant put to words the ideas of the Unity of all Life, the consequent Brotherhood of one man with another, and the existence of the Divine Presence even within the smallest unit of evolution ...
It's very good to be posting with you again!
Thanks for being a part of this discussion, and helping to create the bridge ... (antahkarana)
I included this term, and a link to a page from the online Theosophical Glossary, because I think it's relevant here. I'm also uploading a chart ... from the works of Alice Bailey, who was not strictly a Theosophist, yet who studied The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky, and who presented Theosophical concepts in her writings.
The chart is on `The Science of Meditation,' and shows many things at once. With respect to what you said, Poh, the three head centers are at the very bottom, as the alta major center, pituitary body, & pineal gland. No doubt you will recognize them!
These form a triangle of energies, which allow the threefold Individual Human Soul (the yellow triangle labeled `Ego' according to the Theosophical terminology) to express itself in the etheric body of the physical world. So the Soul, or `Ego,' is understood as belonging to the upper portions of the Mental Plane, while a person incarnates temporarily through a mental body in the lower mental world, an astral or emotional body, and a compound etheric-physical body (which houses the meditative, or higher creative triangle). {I know all this is familiar, and charts are quite 2-dimensional, obviously ... but maybe this one helps?}
A lower triangle of creative energies also exists, consisting of the root chakra, the sacral (or sexual) chakra, and the reproductive organs (or gonads) ... which must be gradually sublimated in order for the higher creativity (especially expressive via the throat chakra) to come into activity and properly function. No wonder the emphasis on the celibate, or monastic lifestyle - as a necessary stage of the spiritual path, at one point or another, in some particular incarnation. Not that there aren't other reasons, but here is the practical reason, in terms of specific energies (Kundalini-shakti, to which I think you were referring, Poh).
Nick, your mention of the fourth world, or Fourth Round, in Theosophical terms ... is to that stage in Humanity's unfoldment wherein lower manas, or lower mind, is being developed, is that correct? The idea of Fifth Round Humanity suggests a time when the entirety of the Human Race will be much farther along, spiritually speaking (and developing Higher Mind, globally, instead of in individual cases here & there, or sometimes in groups) ... maybe equivalent to those beings that Theosophists call `Masters' or Adepts. Under this system, a Sixth-Rounder would then be much closer to the Christ (or Bodhisattva) in terms of attainment, and the final, or 7th Round man ... will be a Buddha.
For this to make sense, it is helpful to have considered the Theosophical idea that: Where mankind now is, every more advanced being once was ... and thus, where advanced beings now are, mankind will one day be. I'm not sure if this is completely in sync with the classical idea of a Great Chain of Being, but it is definitely what the Theosophist believes when s/he speaks of all of Nature as consisting of a great Hierarchy of Lives ... in the broadest sense of this term.
Every single atom, even, is ensouled by living energies, and thus Annie Besant put to words the ideas of the Unity of all Life, the consequent Brotherhood of one man with another, and the existence of the Divine Presence even within the smallest unit of evolution ...
O Hidden Life, vibrant in every atom;
O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is therefore one with every other.
Namaskara,O Hidden Light, shining in every creature;
O Hidden Love, embracing all in Oneness;
May each who feels himself as one with Thee,
Know he is therefore one with every other.