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  1. radarmark

    So whats the deal with Hinduism and Atheism?

    Seems a euro-centric answer to me, Senthil. I believe most Hindus know of Jainism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam (after all, it is the birthplace of the first two, 90% of the next and it is home to the second or third most Muslims). All I can go by is what most Hindu...
  2. radarmark

    So whats the deal with Hinduism and Atheism?

    Aup, Very good. I do not comprehend what "one Supreme God, inclusive of many other Gods, whereas the western view is generally One God period" even means. Your description seems much more on the mark. The whole Hinduism versus Christianity thing seems a false choice to me. Should not human...
  3. radarmark

    Computer Scientists 'Prove' God Exists

    Please do. I am not stupid, but I do not understand your arguement. What is the space-time based experimental "proof" (that is usually what we mean by that term).
  4. radarmark

    What I believe.....

    From Thomas Quote: Originally Posted by Paladin Agreed. I'm interested to know however, how you determine when this is happening and when someone is honestly talking about their own understanding of things in general. Then you go back to what it is they think they understand and examine...
  5. radarmark

    Rotating universe

    Yep, but so are multiverses (which exclude the possibility of the rotating universe). Theories are confirmed or verified, never proved (see Popper and Einstein and Gödel for various discussions of this). However, they can be disproved (like the famous EPR experiment). The point is that...
  6. radarmark

    Rotating universe

    If you knew anything about it, you would understand, like string theory or cyclic cosmology, it is not provable. Thus "beyond science".
  7. radarmark


    Pretty close to my non-Aryan, non-mythological beliefs. By that I mean classically Jewish and claisically philosophical interpretation of all of this.
  8. radarmark

    What I believe.....

    Pretty much what the "traditional" interpretation from Moses to Moses to Moses has taught, I do believe.
  9. radarmark


    I begin to understand, you (carrots) want to define the Gita in terms of what you know (or beleive you know) about the bible. Does not really work. Regardless of the text, it is always open to interpretation. The text (as written) is never inerrant (I know this is probably a foreign notion to...
  10. radarmark

    Satan's origin

    First,you are assuming "a man" (adam) was the first man, created by g!d. A lot of the world does not accept this. Nor do they accept this definition of concepts of "death" and "mortality" and "woman" implicit in your post.
  11. radarmark

    Rotating universe

    Nice cosmology.... but not quite in sych with what physical cosmology (the science of the empirical universe) teaches. Why teach such things that fly in the face of scoience and physics?
  12. radarmark


    Fine, but just realize there are a lot of people who do not consider OT or NT as revelation. And, of course, Jews do not accept the NT. And A lot of those who remain (Christians) do not accept your interpretations of these verses.
  13. radarmark

    Hello, my name is David,

    Welcome, Friend!
  14. radarmark


    Aup, good post (IMHO). For while there is no definitive, objective proof that Samhain predates Christianity, there is no proof of the opposite either. In terms of empirical proof (stuff that can be radio-carbon dated) they are ti9ed at about the IVth century. To assert that Christianity...
  15. radarmark


    Kinda depend on what you mean by "older than Christianity", doesn't it? While the "Macgnímartha Finn", "Táin Bó Cúailnge" and "Rúraíocht" may not exist in written form before the Middle Ages, the context of the tales, their internal references, and external (like Julius Caesar) datings make them...
  16. radarmark


    Even with the links, this thread is not (to me at least) understandable!
  17. radarmark

    Halloween and Christmas

    Halloween has a pretty much Celtic-Druidic origin. Very Strong in Mann, Wales and the West of Scotland. Pretty much limited to that core, Ireland and the U.S.A. (at least after the XIXth century influx of Scots-Irish. Thanksgiving has similar dark origins, a celebration of the death of the...
  18. radarmark

    connect with Jesus

    Aup, can't blame you one a nutcase comes aboard!
  19. radarmark

    connect with Jesus

    Gee, so becoming a Christian makes one an Israelite? How does that work? Seems like Christians throughout history have taught and believed just the opposite (look up the blood libel and the historical tracing of Jews by blood).
  20. radarmark

    End of the road for Gaia?

    So do we become extinct due to climate change or nuclear war or just terrorism and violence. In terms of the victim, it does not matter much (death is death is death). In terms of the species, the third is preferable to the other two. Which is worse, death by climate change or death by grand...