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  1. Pico

    Matthew 26: 28

    I would argue every bit of it ;) I don't know where you got that information, but I've read experts on the New Testament giving earlier dates than those.
  2. Pico

    Matthew 26: 28

    Shoot, this book I lent to my friend "The Case for the Real Jesus" by Lee Strobel tackles this issue, but I can't quote from it right now. But from manuscript evidence the Bible itself is virtually unchanged. The 2 exceptions are resurrection in Mark and the story of the Adulteress in John 8...
  3. Pico

    Matthew 26: 28

    So does that discredit the Bible? All Bibles I've read say that the extra ending isn't in the oldest manuscripts. Doesn't sound like they're trying to deceive anyone, just being honest. Plus there are 3 other resurrection accounts. Is there any major change in doctrine because part of Mark may...
  4. Pico

    Matthew 26: 28

    Whether people accept that the Bible has suffered changes and whether it actually has are different. Just as some people accept that there is no God, while others say there is. But in away, yes. According to historical scholarship the manuscripts have gone some changes over the years they were...
  5. Pico

    Your favourite Bible teaching

    But it's a Godly characteristic. :)
  6. Pico

    Your favourite Bible teaching

    Being the type of person I am, I love this teaching in the Bible (which is actualy two verses that I combined into one) Proverbs 1:7 & 9:10 "Fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom and knowledge." I also like (Don't remember what book or chapter) "His strength is made perfect in our...
  7. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Yes, you are supposed to worship God. But as I was saying about us being spiritually dead until we believe in Christ and receive the Holy Spirit which gives us life is something Jesus said: So we need God to revive our dead spirit because we can only worship God in the Spirit. When God made...
  8. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    With all due respect, your feelings do not dictate truth.
  9. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    I dunno. If you look in Genesis 2 when God made Adam, He made the body first, then when God breathed his spirit into him Adam became a living soul. I know we can be spiritually dead (what happened to man after the fall), but I don't think that there is ever any separation to Mind/Body/Soul...
  10. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Yeah, God made man in his Image. We are our physical body (Jesus is the physical embodiment of God), We have our soul which is our personality, thought, ect. (the Father is the main thought behind everything, He gives permission, etc.), and our Spirit is our connection to God (just like how God...
  11. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Yes I did. I just wanted to add something.
  12. Pico

    reasons to trust the bible

    Here's an article about some theories Creationists have come up with to explain the vast distances of space. I find the Time Dilation of Light theory very interesting. I remember reading something about astronomers checking the red-shift of galaxies and discovering that the universe is...
  13. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Well yes, Salvation is a free gift from God, and all who are forgiven get to live with God in the New Heaven and new Earth forever and ever. But, that's not to say there's nothing to work for. Christians are supposed to work to have Christ live through them and bring others to Christ so they...
  14. Pico

    Bin Laden tried to kill Christians and Hindus in America

    Well yeah, Sin is Sin. God will judge those who kill the ones who love him.
  15. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Oh yeah that's true. There are other parts where he gets attacked for claiming to be God. I don't have time to look them up now :/
  16. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Jesus flat-out claimed to be God. In John 8:58 Jesus says: “I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I Am!” The word I Am is the translation of the world YHWH, which is God's very own personal name. It's also translated as Jehovah, and Lord.
  17. Pico

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    I'm sorry I didn't have time to read through the whoel thread, but I wanted to ask you, Muslimwoman, why was Jesus crucified?
  18. Pico

    The good and bad will have their own results separately and will not cancel each othe

    Re: The good and bad will have their own results separately and will not cancel each [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT] Uh... I dunno where you got this information from. Definitely not from the Bible. Thus is why Jesus said "judge not, lest ye be judged" [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT] I'll agree with you up...
  19. Pico

    The feeling of God and love to Him is the most powerful healer of all the stress

    Straight up, son. We are the problem, and God is the cure.
  20. Pico

    Bin Laden tried to kill Christians and Hindus in America

    Massive ignorance. Someone would have to be a fool to think it's any less wrong to hurt someone of an other religion in any way of .