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    Muslim, "No." Jew or atheist, "Yes." Catholic, "No." Rasta, "???" That's my guess.
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    I imagine if you asked each one of them, they would say "Yes" (except the atheist, of course). What would you expect? As to Calvinism, for us to have Free Will at all, God would have to will to NOT KNOW everything and it's outcome. (The Jews have a doctrine something like this in their...
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    Personal Signatures?

    How do you, if possible, put in a personal signature block as with other forums?
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    [Got a quick question for the Moderators: How does one set up a personalized signature block?] :o
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Please see my edited Post above!
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Calvinism means that Michael Servetus was burned to death in Calvin's Geneva for questioning the Trinity. Silas . . . "Eppur si muove" Silencio
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Silas, your obvious Calvinism is simply not arguable. It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" proposition. May you be at peace with your version of truth. Andrew
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    The Godhead

    For Silas: "A person convinced against his will, Is of the same opinion still!"
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    How do the Cults explain away this?

    Obviously "subordinationist" in the view of St. Arius.
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    are jesus and god equal?

    Rather a convoluted way to get at the truth? This what made the early Christians anathematize and hate each other. While I have sympathy for the Trinitarian doctrine, I feel more like the Arian doctrine is closer to the truth. I'll agree that if the Bible "only" is taken as a whole, the...
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    are jesus and god equal?

    In my dictionary "subordination" and "co-equal" are mutually exclusive terms.
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    are jesus and god equal?

    1 Cor. 15:28 clearly demonstrates the subordination of Jesus to the Father!