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  1. S

    Your God/Goddess

    Did your study involve Islam? What role did the feminine have there?
  2. S

    Peaceful greetings!

    Thanks. :) Feel free to call me "SC" -- I might not realize you're referring to me if I read "Java". :D (I can try to remember, though..)
  3. S

    What music are you listening to?

    "That's Life!", Frank Sinatra
  4. S

    Peaceful greetings!

    Hello, everyone. If you'd care for my story, it is below. If you have multiple tabs open, if you want the short of it, I'm an ex-Pentecostal turned humanist-stoic-universalist-Gandhist with strong Buddhist and pagan influences, who is also partial to Sufism and Bahai. And I go to an Episcopal...
  5. S

    Jesus Christ, what's the real story?

    I believe the historical Jesus was another apocalyptic prophet who thought the end of days was right around the corner. But the Jesus I relate to, the Jesus who matters, the "real" Jesus, is the wise and counterintuitive teacher who drove authority figures crazy.
  6. S

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Hey, fellow Stoic! :D Great to see you here. I mean, seeing you here creates an impression which I highly prefer.
  7. S

    What music are you listening to?

    "I Get a Kick Outta You", Frank Sinatra
  8. S

    Why Neo-Paganism?

    I think there are at least two different paths that could lead someone to think of themselves as a pagan: the first is a reverence or a strong feeling of connection with the Earth, a viewing of ourselves as not distinct, but part of the Cosmos; and the second is reverence for our ancestors, a...
  9. S

    Your God/Goddess

    Feel free to call me "SC", and thank you for the welcome. :) I'll mosey over to the introduction section shortly. Is the moderating team very zealous? :D
  10. S

    Your God/Goddess

    I don't consider myself a pagan as such, but my spiritual worldview is very electic, and I take inspiration from traditional religions. For some reason I identify strongly with Athena, perhaps because my most foundation religious practices derive from Greek philosophy (Stoicism with a little...
  11. S

    Richard Dawkins thinks sexual harrassment isn't important

    My interest in spirituality began when I escaped my childhood religion. I spent a number of years mostly associating with the skeptical, humanist, and atheist groups, and as someone who still identifies with them in part, despite having made my peace with religion and begun associating with a...