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  1. L

    Raising Children in religion

    I'm not sure if you have the same kind of law system because America is always a little different than Europe... but we have the constitutional law of freedom of opinion. You're free to have an opinion about religion, about common problems and the goverment and you are free to show that opinion...
  2. L

    Raising Children in religion

    I understand your point, and it’s a good one. But I can’t see a way to avoid parents teaching their kids racism or roman mythologie, even tho it’s bad or doesn’t make sense. Who would tell them to not teach their children that? Then somebody has to decide for the parents what’s best for their...
  3. L

    Raising Children in religion

    Which bible passage do you refer to? I only can think of ‘marry in the lord’ but I can’t think of a verse which says to only marry someone of your one religion. Would a catholic be wrong to marry a Protestant for example? They have an other religion and they have their differences, but they are...
  4. L

    Raising Children in religion

    Okay, but when you say it like this then you could not raise kids without indoctrination. Simply because you learn your children during their youth. That indoctrination actually means something else does not necessarily mean that the explanation stays the same over the years. Nobody will say...
  5. L

    Raising Children in religion

    Love that attitude! Okay, so the ‘young lady in question’ has arrived. Why would it be indoctrination if you teach your children what you believe? There’s a reason you follow a certain religion or a certain spiritual path, hopefully because you think that’s the right thing to do. Why would...
  6. L

    New and a bit desperate

    I see the problems and not only in my heart. Life with my partner is full of insecurities and questions while I leave a live which I know and love. But I’m not willing to let my partner go or let my family go without a lot of meditation. They both deserve that. At the end, I want to make a...
  7. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Yes, I figured that that would be helpful for us so I asked for a meeting with one of the nicest preachers I know (i’m not sure if preacher is the correct therm, in my branch of Christianity we have our own name’s and I know them in Dutch, but I’ve talked to one of the men who are ‘leading’ or...
  8. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Wait, we are both prepared to separate from family, but I'll not lose my faith for a person. Or do you only mean the traditions of family and faith? Then yes, well, kind off. I think it depends on what you call faith traditions. Things like praying, going to meetings and bible reading will...
  9. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Thanks for all the reactions people <3 I understand what you're saying and a part of me feels the same way. But in some area's of the world people are getting married a lot younger. Isn't the trend of marriage after your thirties something from the 21ste century? A way for people to feel free...
  10. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Great point and I don't have an answer. My boyfriend and I talked about it, but a solution is hard to find. We could try to raise them with our perspectives both, and also the respect we have towards each other. The children would have to decide for themselves what they think and what they...
  11. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Thank you for reaction and your help Thomas, it's refreshing to see somebody truly wants to help me instead of pushing me to a side. I gave your response a thought and I hope you can follow my response. I love your idea of following Jesus. He truely is an example of pure love for everybody, but...
  12. L

    New and a bit desperate

    Hello everybody! *bumps into the introduction section* My name is Lyari and I just signed up for this forum because of a few problems I have. I would love to share my story with people to ask for advise, so hopefully you guys could help me. With many advisors plans could be accomplished, I...