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  1. At_the_Wellspring

    Conversations with God

    I have also read the book (all three 'Conversations' books anyway). I just randomly picked it up in a bookstore and started reading... it intrigued me (plus it was on sale...) so I got it and kinda got hooked I guess. I personally found the book extremely enlightening, it helped me to 'relax'...
  2. At_the_Wellspring


    Hi 17th Angel, Yeah, you are probably right. Probably having it in the open more will cut out the middle man, it makes it easier to regulate age, and also makes it easier to have eduction about it openly, rather than having the appealing 'rebellion' aspect of using it (for young people...
  3. At_the_Wellspring


    Hey Everyone Haven't closely followed all of this thread but will throw in my piee anyway... I myself am not a smoker of pot or anything else. never tried it or any other variety of smoke and don't feel the urge to put some kind of smoke substance into my lungs... but anyway, not hugely...
  4. At_the_Wellspring

    Court case against Christianity

    Hi Wizanda I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The bible has inspired many people to amazing things since it was written... social and civil and human rights movements, charities... etc etc And we can't just fix history, fix the bible. It's all about interpretation. If you or whoever...
  5. At_the_Wellspring

    Court case against Christianity

    Hi again Wizanda I have to say I also agree with some of what you are saying, like there could definitely be more emphasis on what we can do by faith, rather than the fact that Christs perfection is impossible to achieve, (therefore lets not bother...). Its definitely more empowering to have...
  6. At_the_Wellspring

    Court case against Christianity

    Hi Wizanda Thanks for your reply... just a couple of things briefly... Firstly what i had written (that you quoted) about what if everyone was able to love as powerfully as Jesus, I was saying that in the context of understanding that this is not possible, as to fully love as powerfully as...
  7. At_the_Wellspring

    Fear of Death

    Thought I'd just add a little quote I heard somewhere" "Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." I like that one. Live life to the fullest by recognising the reality of death, but this could imply recklessness, so the second part, keep learning every...
  8. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Too right! ;) (and here I am talking about motherhood, when I actually have no experience of it myself... just speculating, hope I don't sound like a know-it-all ;) )
  9. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Hi, I am free Looks like my mammoth post managed to slip in just before yours. And I meant to be brief! ha! I agree with you :) Nature is to discover who we are and become our True Self, and one of my main problems is the categorisation that we humans seem to like to do, the defining lines...
  10. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Hi smkolins :) thanks for pitching in, and interesting point. In the end the most important thing (in my opinion) is the existence of love, acceptance and nurture in a childs upbringing, whether this be a family of 1 or 12 kids, whether there be one or both parents, whether those parents be...
  11. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Hi again Silverbackman... :) Don't have much time so i'm gonna try and be brief... Parents have a huge influence on their children. I agree that in the end the child must make the decisions, and not all children from 'bad' or 'broken' families turn out that way themselves. But i would not...
  12. At_the_Wellspring

    Fear of Death

    Don't think you've gone crazy Awaiting the Fifth :) The same thoughts have passed by me recently as well. I fear pain, if my death must be painful, but actual 'death' and whatever comes after, i have no fear of. I have some kind of understanding that whatever lies ahead and beyond is good...
  13. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Wow, that was long... and I'm s'posed to be working on an assignment... oops!
  14. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Hi Silverbackman. Thanks for your first post, I understand what you are trying to say, but there are still a few points on which I have to disagree. Firstly, I am definitely not saying there is anything wrong with wanting to be a homemaker and mother - as I said, I myself have a very strong...
  15. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Sorry that was a long post! Guess I was defending my place as a 'modern western woman'. Just thought I'd add... We've had a woman Prime Minister for the last 7 or 8 years now (first one took over leadership of govt for 1-2 years before losing the election to the opposition, our current and...
  16. At_the_Wellspring

    Women's Role In Religions

    Hi Silverbackman I'm sorry but I wouldn't agree with you that Japanese modern women have it all worked out better than 'Western woman'. I'm not wanting to put down any culture or place here, but I just want to make a bit of a comparison here. My sister has spent a lot of time in Japan, she...
  17. At_the_Wellspring

    Come on please...

    Hi Scott, I agree :) I believe the 'miraculous' healing can definitely happen, though I wouldn't claim that it is exclusive to Christianity, or even to religion generally. I think we are only just beginning to tap into the connection between mind/ spirit and body. Not sure how far science can...
  18. At_the_Wellspring

    What do you look like?

    Thanks Brian Actually this was near the end of 6 weeks travelling around New Zealand last summer (Jan-Feb) with a friend visiting from Switzerland. It was a stunning trip and it was fun doing it in one go, the tourist kinda way of travelling around but in your own country. After the sandwiches...
  19. At_the_Wellspring

    Court case against Christianity

    Thanks Saltmeister :) I do agree, there shouldn't be a heirachy or feeling of ineptitude when it comes to understanding the message. But at the same time, the most stimulating sermons that I have heard and learnt from were from a Pastor who was very well researched in the history and context...
  20. At_the_Wellspring

    What do you look like?

    Yeah, cucumber and I think there was some meat in there too (and Pringles chips, mmm). It was up at the very top tip of New Zealand where we cooked dinner and watched the sun set over the endless sea. It was only on the way back to the car that we realised that the site is a 'tapu' (sacred)...