
big deal,

i smoke about 6 "marijuana ciggaretts" a day and i am fine in shape and healthy, i dont smoke ciggaretts or tabbaco. and this is everyday i cant remember when the last day was when i didnt breath a joint.
speaking of overdosing of cannabis im pretty sure its impossible and that thing on wikpidia is just poppycock.
iv smoke over an ounce of marijuana in one sitting, im not trying to sound all hardcore but i have done it and i all that happend was that i had the best sleep of my life and a good morning the next day. speaking o marijuana whos gonna draw my new tattoo.... :confused: check out my post in the lounge "any artists aboard"

read my sig, i belive that cannabis could be a great and important part of scociaty. ( a good thing)
Spazola said:
Forgive my ignorance....but what is Cannabis??? :eek:

By the way, I love being called "Spaz", and Half Baked is an awesome movie. :D

I think Spaz is an awesome name lol no idea why that and spooky... (another name of one of my kittens) Also just to clear it up, Cannabis = weed, marijuana. Haven't seen halfbaked for ages...

Also, I cannot remeber who, but someone brought up an issue about how the plant itself is a pure gift from God, I would strongly agree... It's uses are seriously, thousands I could sit here for the entire day and still not list all the pro's of the plant. It has helped in many tight spots, such as world war II. For raw material, your (USA) goverment had many farms where they produced it to create rope and bio plastics.
I said:
and that is that even if cannabis itself is seen as relatively less harmful compared to other drugs (ie, nicotine and alcohol), it still remains an important commodity for very violent criminal gangs.

LOL, Oh please? That is one of the most classic cops outs of all time, you hear this all the time.... OK here is an example. (A very insane one to show a point)

You wear red clothes? That is terrible! I cannot believe you do that...

Why whats wrong with red clothes?

They are harmful! like drugs?!

Your comparing my clothes to drugs?

Sure am! Well maybe not as bad as crack-rock but hey violent gangs wear red clothes! Your a bad man and I am now going to label you with others that i call violent gangsters...

It is simply not just.. I know a 70 year old lady who would never harm a fly... she constantly tokes on the plant
17th Angel said:
LOL, Oh please? That is one of the most classic cops outs of all time, you hear this all the time.... OK here is an example. (A very insane one to show a point)

You wear red clothes? That is terrible! I cannot believe you do that...

This is the sort of lack of reality I'm talking about. Yardie Gangs don't deal in red clothes, they shoot people in the back of the head. Appreciate the difference.

I have nothing in particular against cannabis, but a lot of pro-pot arguments are very much in denial of reality. Sort of ironic, really.
Yardies? London gangs?

I am speaking of gangs.... Thousands strong... Cities strong, The Bloods.
But then I could go on to say I don't know The Latin Kings.... OH! You wear yellow clothes?
Or the crypts... blue clothes... Or 18... You have tattoos? Then with the yardies you can bring racist remarks into this, Oh your black? There is so much in gangs that can relate to normal, non violent people in society... Infact I don't truly know how the 'Yardies' work but with the bloods.... and 18 and I think the Crypts... It is acceptable for gang members to smoke weed, but if they touch any other drug they are punished. Such as crack it is acceptable to sell it but not to use it because it is addictive and turns you into a mess. Other gangs or groups I.E the Mafia attempt to stay clean of even dealing such drugs. *Shrugs* I dunno just sharing my thoughts.
I said:
This is the sort of lack of reality I'm talking about. Yardie Gangs don't deal in red clothes, they shoot people in the back of the head. Appreciate the difference.


Am I understanding your argument here correctly? Are you saying that weed is bad because gangsters sell it?

If weed were legalised, the Yardie Gangs would not be in control of it any more, I could buy it from Tesco instead.

At the moment, if I choose to use it, I am forced to get involved with Yardie Gangs, or the Bloods or the Crypts(sp?) or whatever other unsavoury individuals are selling it.

I said:
I have nothing in particular against cannabis, but a lot of pro-pot arguments are very much in denial of reality. Sort of ironic, really.

I do agree with this.

Anyone who says that weed is completely harmless is as in denial as people who smoked tobacco in the 50s and 60s who developed a terrible cough and died at the age of 50 from lung cancer still believing that tobacco was safe.

Every drug has side effects. My argument would be that the side effects of Cannabis are as yet unknown, but apparently not serious enough to justify keeping cannabis illegal. The drug is NOT sufficiently addictive to pose a threat to society (a la heroin). And above all else, it is MY decision.

But there is definately a level of misinformation from the authorities about just how dangerous the drug is, and until this stops, smokers will not listen to ANY warnings.

Did the government ever hear about the boy who cried wolf?
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
At the moment, if I choose to use it, I am forced to get involved with Yardie Gangs, or the Bloods or the Crypts(sp?) or whatever other unsavoury individuals are selling it.

Yes it is spelt Crypts... But anyway, You are not allways getting involved with gangs or even bad people when you purchase weed, I myself grow it, so I do not have to deal with anyone, and at times Rarely I will agree to sell some to someone.... Rarely. I myself am not apart of any gang so yeah. I was going to make another point it was good, but I have forgotten.... thats the short term memory for ya.... ;)
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Are you saying that weed is bad because gangsters sell it?

Nope - merely referring my earlier statement:

even if cannabis itself is seen as relatively less harmful compared to other drugs (ie, nicotine and alcohol), it still remains an important commodity for very violent criminal gangs.

This was especially to try and underline Quahom1's earlier statement of losing a good friend, killed over dealing.

Generally, I think a point I'm trying to make is one of balance in the arguments - all too often I feel pro- arguments can become as unbalanced as the anti- arguments.
This was especially to try and underline Quahom1's earlier statement of losing a good friend, killed over dealing

I dont mean to be insensitive, but I do feel compelled to point out that no one would ever be killed over dealing if dealing were not illegal.
Hey Everyone

Haven't closely followed all of this thread but will throw in my piee anyway...

I myself am not a smoker of pot or anything else. never tried it or any other variety of smoke and don't feel the urge to put some kind of smoke substance into my lungs... but anyway, not hugely against it for those who choose to use it. my boyfriend does smoke it every now and again, and it doesn't bother me in terms of it affecting him, only in that it is illegal.

Anyway, I think like all things, its about moderation. I don't think its healthy to be so utterly reliant on one thing or another that you couldn't cope or be the same person without it. So that could go for anything really, from pot to alcohol to just plain old caffeine. but I guess when something is so powerfully physically addictive such as hard drugs then better to steer clear altogether.

So I guess what I'm saying generally that i think someone shouldn't end up with a criminal record because of having a small amount.

But then I did watch a documentary a little while ago which was a little concerning. It said basically, for an adult brain marijuana is not really harmful. But it said for teenagers whose brains are still developing, - if they are heavy users then it can be very harmful. The people they had on there did not have epilepsy at all , but because of over-use of pot, they were having similar fits, hearing voices and seeing things, and having other psychological issues etc.

So maybe there's something we still dont know about?

So legalisation would have to come with an age-restriction of course. But does that make it even easier for under-agers whose 'brains are still developing' to access it and potentially do damage to themselves?
At_the_Wellspring said:
So legalisation would have to come with an age-restriction of course. But does that make it even easier for under-agers whose 'brains are still developing' to access it and potentially do damage to themselves?

What like Alchol doesn't? Kids still get ahold of that and that damages their head and kidneys and such... Then so do cigarettes. Also what about glue? Age limit on that in parts of my country. ANYWAY! It makes it harder if you ask me... some joe on a street corner or in a park slinging herb will not be seen if the plant is legal because he cannot make any money on what he is doing... Unless he has insane prices. So I think it will cut the middle man so to speak out, and you go in a store or a special place that sells it and will need ID, no dealer I have ever heard of asks for ID...
Hi 17th Angel,

Yeah, you are probably right. Probably having it in the open more will cut out the middle man, it makes it easier to regulate age, and also makes it easier to have eduction about it openly, rather than having the appealing 'rebellion' aspect of using it (for young people anyway). It is afterall an educational and advertising campaign that has reduced cigarette smoking here. Starting 20 years ago or so with banning cigarette advertising and then up to last year banning smoking from all office/ restaurant/ bars/ pubs etc. Education is a key I think so people are making informed choices.

I was just wondering whether easier access for people who would otherwise not touch it would make a difference. Like here there has been these 'party pills' come in a year or two ago and receive a lot of media attention. They are legal 'herbal highs', and still age restricted, but some were worried because a lot of people who would otherwise not try anything are saying, "well, why not, its not illegal it must be safe..." and there was the concern that these might also act as a 'gateway' to using other drugs or substances or whatever.

So I was wondering if that would happen similarly with marijuana.
Legalisation may lead to a more relaxed attitude towards it, which could be both positive and negative.
At_the_Wellspring said:
Hi 17th Angel,

Yeah, you are probably right. Probably having it in the open more will cut out the middle man, it makes it easier to regulate age, and also makes it easier to have eduction about it openly, rather than having the appealing 'rebellion' aspect of using it (for young people anyway). It is afterall an educational and advertising campaign that has reduced cigarette smoking here. Starting 20 years ago or so with banning cigarette advertising and then up to last year banning smoking from all office/ restaurant/ bars/ pubs etc. Education is a key I think so people are making informed choices.

I was just wondering whether easier access for people who would otherwise not touch it would make a difference. Like here there has been these 'party pills' come in a year or two ago and receive a lot of media attention. They are legal 'herbal highs', and still age restricted, but some were worried because a lot of people who would otherwise not try anything are saying, "well, why not, its not illegal it must be safe..." and there was the concern that these might also act as a 'gateway' to using other drugs or substances or whatever.

So I was wondering if that would happen similarly with marijuana.
Legalisation may lead to a more relaxed attitude towards it, which could be both positive and negative.

Here I haven't experienced the banning of smoking in pubs and offices and such, I also hope not to see this... You go to a pub and that is what you expect, smoke... Don't like it, simply dont go. :) And Office? I would end up commiting mass murder if they stopped me from smoking while I am in work. (I smoke a cigarette every 25mins just to put you in the picture of how many I have a day.) Restaurants maybe, anyway! we're talking about weed. There was a comedian (not sure If I have said this allready, but here goes) who said, "Soft drugs lead to hard drugs? If this is the theory then Masterbation should lead to sex.... *deep annoyed frown* And it hasn't bl**dy well worked yet.." The soft drug hard drug "theory" I wouldn't say is a fair overall look at society as a whole. Where do they get these statements?

From the people on hard drugs? "ugh, yeh, well mate... I started on weed... then went to harder things.." (done in an ozzy osbourne accent) lol. They never ask other people apart from the ones who are on hard drugs... And it has to be something individually inside them that craves harder substances. I myself have no intentions of trying any other drug. I do not see any joy from it... It is just a matter of the drug users opionion... I don't know I am still half asleep here, I hate mornings.
Hi guys--

I am neither endorsing nor condemning the use of marijuana; However, I am trying to gain some understanding on exactly why it is classified the way it is. I appreciate the listings that have been provided here on this thread, but I feel that these are incomplete listings, and possibly politically biased.

And Q, if marijuana played a part in the death of your partner, then I would be interested in the details, if you would like to tell them (If you already have, forgive my oversight and refer me to your words already posted.)

But I have a story, too. One wherein the legal restrictions on this substance prevented medical personnel from administering it when it was really needed--and as a result, my terminally ill partner suffered to an extent that was totally unnecessary.

I do realize that, like any other "drug" or "remedy", there are side-effects for people with different physical and emotional conditions. I know for sure that individuals with epilepsy are not candidates for cannabis(sp?)-based medicine. It is very dangerous for these individuals.

By the way, thanks, Awaiting_the_Fifth, for your concern. Things turned out okay for my family in Texas in the wake of Rita, which turned, and for my family in Florida in the wake of Katrina, which turned. I am very thankful--but wherever these storms turned, they hurt many people, especially Katrina. And so, while I am grateful that mine are safe--if I am truly "InLove", then aren't they all mine? Including the hurricane in Mexico and the earthquake in Pakistan--yeah, I know it will be difficult to believe, but I know folks in Pakistan. (Sorry to get off subject here, but please continue to lift them all up--I really am in a position to see just how much damage has been done. Guess I will address that somewhere else, more appropriate--another thread somewhere.)

Anyway, back to the conversation at hand....

I will, Q--it may take a while. They have been full for a while, and each time I clear them, they fill up right away.

Recently had some computer trouble...there are private messages I do not want to lose, so give me some time to get them into another program so I can save them.

I am always interested in your input.

Love you,


Well, although it is not entirely empty, I believe my PM box will accept messages now. I hope you are still interested in sending one, Q---

You know me by now, and surely know that I really do want to hear this, if it is not too hard to recount.

Hi Q--

I received your message, and I read it carefully. I responded sincerely, but I see no evidence that my message went through. I think all the stuff I said was lost. Will you let me know? I will respond again if you did not receive the first one.
