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    Questions ?

    According to a saying of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him),a man can briefly see the face of a woman (that is with the hijab)headscarf when looking for a future wife.Most of the time in the muslim world it is with the support of family and friends that marriages are arranged with mutual...
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    Hadith is is also the next best Holy Literature after the Holy Quran, and 99.9% is authentic.
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    Is Prophecy dead?

    I think you would need to look at Islam where Prohet Muhammed(peace be upon him) have prophecised quite in depth about the return of Prophet Jesus(may peace be upon him),near to the DAY OF JUDGEMENT, and what his role is going to be,what he will do, his Prophecies come right down to how the...
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    Attacks on islam by Christian Leaders

    On reading these articles of the attacks by the Christian Leaders towards the Islamic Religion is unacceptable,it seems that they have little or no knowledge of the Muslim religion,Islam is a religion of Monotheism,the belief of One God (ALLAH,this name of God is the true name of God which is...