How do I define "prophecy"? That's the first question that I must answer before I may continue in this discussion, because without a clear definition of the key terms, it will be very difficult for me to express myself clearly.
Of course, this word may be defined in an infinite number of ways, so allow me to define it in just one way in this particular posting. I may redefine it in subsequent posts, allowing for more explanations.
May I preface everything I am about to say by acknowledging that I believe that the Holy Bible is the exclusive source of Truth in the tangible universe in which we live. I prefer the Authorized (King James) Version, mainly because of its word-for-word translation versus the phrase-for-phrase/thought-for-thought interpretation of the vast majority of more modern versions (e.g. NIV, NASB, Living, etc.).
My first definition will be thus: "'Prophecy' is the reception and consequential declaration of a message received from a spiritual being." What then is a "spiritual being"? Here is another definition: "A 'spiritual being' is any being that exists in the invisible world of the spirits, of which consist of those beings commonly referred to as angels, demons, or God (i.e. our Creator) Himself."
Now that I have these definitions in place, I will proceed with sharing my thoughts...
Prophecy, as a message from a spiritual being, exists in multiple ways today, but I would like to focus on two of them specifically. First, are those spiritual messages that everyone may receive by simply picking up a Bible and reading It. What is one really doing when he reads the Bible? Is he not literally hearing the Voice of God? No, not in his ears as an audible voice, but yes, in his mind (and if he allows it, in his heart). Second, is the influence imposed upon all humanity by Satan via his army of fallen angels, also known as demons.
In my way of thinking these two forms of prophecy are the most basic. Yes, God is constantly speaking to us and urging us to share His Message, and all we have to do is open up a Bible and our hearts, and we will be able to "hear" Him. But also, Satan is seeking to influence us through constant temptation. I believe that all humanity is incessantly bombarded by this latter form of prophecy (i.e. satanic temptation) and that it can be effectively counteracted and defended against only by allowing the former form of prophecy (i.e. Biblical influence) into our lives daily.
That being said, every person has an opportunity to be a prophet. The question is for whom will you prophecy? Your Creator or one of His creations--His most rebellious creation? The time you invest in studying God's Word will determine the answer to that question.
God bless!
~Bryan Madonna