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    What Makes Jesus The Son Of God?-The Son Of God Theory.

    Hello Wil, This is a little dated but I want to respond on this. Jesus was very maticulous in fulfilling the Law of Moses. It was necessary to do this to get them out from under their religous tyrant leaders. They were so bound to it unless it was fulfilled they would not have come out from...
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    Does God speak to you?

    He is faithful even when we are not. What does this mean? It means that He is ever doing things for our benefit but we can miss seeing it. Let God be true and every man a liar. He always does what He does no matter what we do. But we can miss seeing His work for us and we can miss seeing the...
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    Does God speak to you?

    Big Amen... It is quite a clever thing how our hearts are really exposed.
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    The Transfiguration

    Just in case, I didnt mean my biological father I meant Father God. Yes it was and it was clear and confident. What He told me was this, He said, He (Jesus) is everything He says that He is and He will do everything He said He was going to do. I think there is something very deeply burried in...
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    Does God speak to you?

    Everything is vibration and sound. Wherever our ear is there is His voice. Nothing can mock Him. His voice is ever present. Wherever our foot hits the floor there He is. Love is a two way street as they say so we do participate in that hearing. Its a willingness.
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    The Transfiguration

    Thank you Bandit. I have been told that before but not sure what it all means yet. But I know the Day is approaching and is here now... It wont be long Brother. Much Love !
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    The Transfiguration

    [/font] Mee, Can you elaborate on this for me please? Thanks !
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    Greetings !

    Thank you Paul ! I like the forum. Hey Tex ! :)
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    What is the inner-self?

    Yes Will, once we reach out and put one of those tools in our hands what does come into play then is responsibility. And in my experience we will weild it unti the thought is finished. Take with care. And also yes to that all things are nature for nature. Bandit, I was not so much...
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    The Transfiguration

    Hi Bandit, I was not raised in church. My family were not "religious" at all. Im not even sure if they were athiets at the time. Anyway, when I was 13 Father told me who Jesus was in such a way I could never deny Him. Since then I have been mainly led by His Spirit and when I read I just ask...
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    The Transfiguration

    It seems to me that vision here means they saw through the veil. They saw beyond the 3D frequency. It is spiritually literal for example. If I recall correctly Elijha did not die in the flesh but was taken in a chariot and there was a dispute over the body of Moses in which case "satan" lost.
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    Greetings !

    Thank you Tao, will be looking forward to sharing with you. The board is still pretty new... Hi Brian ! The board is very nice ! Lots of mature people here to discuss things with... :) :) One for each of you...
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    What is the inner-self?

    I will paint a picture for you of the Law. A sphere within a sphere within a sphere. Now, the inner sphere is the Core of God. Of all things unseen and unknown, or, not yet manifested either to the individual or perhaps all. Outside of the very Core are two rings of darkness. One spins in...
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    What about the people that hadn't heard - could they have lived a fulfiling live?

    Everyone does hear. His Spirit was poured out on all flesh. Like a quarantine being lifted. His Spirit speaks to all flesh now. We understand spiritual matters much more clearly then before. Those who receive goodness and love and kindness have received Him. By their fruits you will know them...
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    What is the inner-self?

    [/size][/font] Hi Z, well no. We never wield the tools directly. For example, illustratively, we get a mirror image of the tool box. What we do with those tools has the potential to manifest according to how we wield them but we still cannot change the nature of the tools themselves. So if...
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    The Transfiguration

    ... so to continue The transfiguration was real time. It was being accomplished in the Spirit first, Moses and Elijah, and the three witnesses were an illustration of what the result of the Ressurection was all about. The day of Pentecost was the fulfillment of the physical illustration...
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    The Transfiguration

    I think Moses represented the Law and Elijah the Spirit. The two houses that work together but illustrate the same thing differently. For example, Moses would represent the flesh/tabernacle and Elijas the spirit/temple. Jesus brought peace to the two. Our flesh and our Spirit. He came so that...
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    The Transfiguration

    OK Bandit here is some scripture. Mar 9:1 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. 9:2 And after six days Jesus taketh [with him] Peter, and James...
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    Universal temples!

    If all the names were taken off the buildings and the such what would be left?
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    the prophet elijah

    Hi Bandit, Can you explain to me what you know about the Transfiguration? What you have been shown and what is typically taught about it. Thanks !