Does God speak to you?

heaven_id said:
ok, just sharing my experience, when i asked God to speak to me, i only heard in my mind that sound "fitness!". Though i keep on asking, the answer always said "fitness!". On that time i've been Christian. My hobby was body-workout so i kept my body in good shape. But then i knew that my hobby was my idol. Ofcourse all i had to do was to renounce it, even my wealth, my beloved one, and the hardest thing is my soul. GBU.
For bodily training is beneficial for a little; but godly devotion is beneficial for all things, as it holds promise of the life now and that which is to come ...1 timothy 4;8 .... nothing wrong with keeping fit but balance in all things i would say.

I wonder why? Why these should happen to us? (#not must - matthew 10:39; matthew 16:25)
But Matthew 11:28-30 said "...for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light".

Do you know why Jesus said that His yoke is easy to lift? cause when you lift His yoke for the sake of God, it is hard. But when you lift His yoke for the sake of yourself, it is easy.

Compare to SABBATH. Do you think that SABBATH must be done to human for the sake of God?
Everything is vibration and sound. Wherever our ear is there is His voice. Nothing can mock Him. His voice is ever present. Wherever our foot hits the floor there He is. Love is a two way street as they say so we do participate in that hearing. Its a willingness.
Arizona said:
Everything is vibration and sound.... there is His voice....His voice is ever present...
amen, in him I live and breathe and have my being
yes i agree he does answer ....but we dont need God to litraly speak to us...i also think that God can and does intervine if it is according to his purpose
yes and sometimes since it is not my will but thine be done...we have to realize...yes he always answers but sometimes the answer is no.

But only because in your heart in your truth you are not praying for what you say you are....when a child prays for a better relationship with his parents, yet complains when having to mow the lawn or clean his room....which prayers are said more often. When an adult prays for tolerance and peace, yet curses the person who 'cut them off' on the highway, or the cashier who is moving to slow, or the person with 17 items in the 10 item lane...which prayers are being said more often... the universe hears it all and acts accordingly and our lives are evidence of our innermost thoughts....ouch.
But only because in your heart in your truth you are not praying for what you say you are....when a child prays for a better relationship with his parents, yet complains when having to mow the lawn or clean his room....which prayers are said more often. When an adult prays for tolerance and peace, yet curses the person who 'cut them off' on the highway, or the cashier who is moving to slow, or the person with 17 items in the 10 item lane...which prayers are being said more often... the universe hears it all and acts accordingly and our lives are evidence of our innermost thoughts....ouch.

Big Amen...

It is quite a clever thing how our hearts are really exposed.
He is faithful even when we are not. What does this mean? It means that He is ever doing things for our benefit but we can miss seeing it. Let God be true and every man a liar. He always does what He does no matter what we do. But we can miss seeing His work for us and we can miss seeing the Liberty in it when or if we do see it. No matter what happens no matter what the circumstance is we can pause and seek Him on what He is REALLY doing in it. When we are bitter we just experience the opposite of what is really going on. If someone cuts in front of us let them and see how nothing can get in the way of His presence and plan in our lives. Nothing anyone can do can prevent Him in our own lives. But we can prevent seeing it the way He does.

Its not an easy thing to do but it is very simple.
God only speaks to me when I speak to him. He doesn't intrude unless asked. And when he does speak, it's ALWAYS words of support, even though they're sometimes ones I don't particularly want to do such as, "you already know that, answer it yourself."

Waiter, I'll have what he's drinking....

I would openly admit I have been a fool and wrong if god spoke to me, ... I have asked kindly I have even in pure rage demanded his presence... Both ways there is no reply, hence I can confirm in my own mind there ain't no one listening.
yes, The Spirit fills my heart and I worship and praise the Lord my Saviour. He gives me understanding, revealing his truth, and i spread it for the glory of God. I call on the Lord and he dwells with me and guides me, and gives me peace,forgiveness, and strength through the spirit and his living word.
Waiter, I'll have what he's drinking....

I would openly admit I have been a fool and wrong if god spoke to me, ... I have asked kindly I have even in pure rage demanded his presence... Both ways there is no reply, hence I can confirm in my own mind there ain't no one listening.

Hard to hear, when one is raging in one's own mind... Be still and know I am God...isn't that what God said?

Not knocking you soldier. Just pointing out the obvious. Hard to hear when we are screaming.



P.S. I pray for you daily, just in case no one else is. Soldiers take care of their own...
dagnabbit Q, that is where I get in trouble here...

If the psalmist can say it, so can I?

Of course. You are the "psalmist", each time you present the verses. Also spokesman for God...:D
Hard to hear, when one is raging in one's own mind... Be still and know I am God...isn't that what God said?

Not knocking you soldier. Just pointing out the obvious. Hard to hear when we are screaming.



P.S. I pray for you daily, just in case no one else is. Soldiers take care of their own...

Morning Sir ;)

I have in the past in a sincere manner asked for god to give me adivce/guidance and it just seems in vain...... You're P.S. Was touching and I thank you for that Joshua. :)
yes, god speaks to me, and although I am likely to incur the wrath of those who think I am blowing my own trumpet and on some mission to dominate or indoctrinate, I shall tell u of it anyway...

...many years ago, I had what would be described as a "religious experience"... I went blind, there was no form, everything was brilliant white, with tiny flickering colours within the brightness, of every hue, and I was surrounded by such immense pefect love, bliss, brilliance... I dont suppose the experience lasted all that long, really, but the light faded, and I was sat with tears rolling down my face and within my mind my first notion was- that I had been picked up by God, into the arms of God, and kissed, on the forehead... prior to this I was a negative depressive type, hated everyone, they all hated me, full of doom and gloom, and yet- suddenly, the sun was out, ppl liked me, they smiled at me, and the world changed...

...I'm not especially religious, today, although I have "beliefs", yet after this experience, and to this day, I will experience the same sensation, within me, even though this experience was over 15 years ago, and although the cynics might suggest I have temporal lobe epilepsy, or I had some kind of stroke, yet this sensation and feeling does not happen on the bus, in the supermarket, at my desk... this sensation comes when I read religious texts, when I pray, and when I ask for it... I take this sensation to be the holy spirit, as I have no other more fitting name for it, and when I am on the right path, it lights my fire, so to speak... I could be reading the gospel of Thomas, the bhagavad gita, the NT, the koran, and there it speaks- it only ever answers yes, to my questions, when I ask it things, and I allow this sensation to choose for me what is right for me, I trust it, and it has never let me down yet...

...I also look ten years younger than I should, and after feeling this sensation, I feel "revitalised". Sometimes it comes from within me, and sometimes it comes from outside of me, almost as if, sometimes, u have to call it down to catch onto it and send it forth, this light which isnt a light, within... amazing, hey...? just thought I'd share...
So many people I'd like to personally meet.

too good to be true? lol Or just need to see that we're actually human? come on over. I'll even set you up for fishin' on the river.



p.s. I am as I state...just ask Brucedc. You might be my lack of guile. :eek: :rolleyes: :D
Hi you all, finally i meet ppl with the same XP in their lives.. I'm very glad to find out that I'm not alone - in physical, human domain (in spiritual domain i knew always that God never forsake me and never will) - I would ask where are living ppl, maybe somehow I'll meet you in reality .. (me from Chisinau , Moldova (between Ukraine and Romania), Europe) Regards Francis King, i very liked your post, your sharing, I'm with you and i support you (even if others will criticize you..). I also liked posts of Quahom1; also of Arisona, though hadn't understood everything in Arizona's posts... Cheers you all... Ahh... PS: not to be an offtopic, I'll keep to the subject, saying some words.. : i talk to God like to a person standing beside me and guiding, guarding me in my every step, and also receive messages (through every single activity, happening and feeling and understanding of things and words and meanings..., yes God and only He reveals everything to us !!) and sometimes direct words from Him, but the most important I think is the peace and love from Him. Hold for these brothers and sisters and you'll never be thirsty (also hungry) of anything.... (SORRY for the unordered text, i tried to make some paragraphs, but i couldn't)
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