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  1. S

    A Christian group?

    It seems to me you like elements of the tree symbolism, but not all of it. Yes, natural Israel made up the tree to start with, because they were called first in OT times. But then the unbelieving were cut off, their branches burned (Jer 11:16). So was it a tree of all Israel then? No, of...
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    A Christian group?

    Read Rom 11:13-24 and Eph 2:11-18. There is no support for a modern jewish racial supremacism in the New Testament. The jews were appointed as God's people first and then likened in Rom 11 to branches on an olivetree. As most of them did not believe and obey, even rejected Christ, they were...
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    so when a saved person goes to heaven

    Try to let the Bible speak for itself. Read one book in the Bible at the time. I recommend you start with the New Testament books. Consider the context of the book, of the chapter, of the passage, make a note of all the cases where the JW magazines take scripture out of context or teaches in...
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    A Christian group?

    I dont consider the WBC as biblically relevant or challenging for a moment, but consider how sad it is to be brought up in the Phelps family. These kids should be removed from their families, but misunderstood civil rights prevent that. Example...
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    so when a saved person goes to heaven

    mee, Notice how your belief clinges on a few symbolic verses. Wouldnt you rather read the New Testament as a brother or sister of Paul?
  6. S

    A Christian group?

    Westboro baptist church gets a lot of attention because it's so overly controversial and sick. But there are only 70 people or so in it. People are fascinated with evil and perversion. Visiting their site is similar to visiting a blod&honour site or an extreme porn site. Lurk in if you cant...
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    A Christian group?

    Anyone that hates Jewish, German or American people is non-christian. Anyone that supports ethnic supremacy be it pro Arians or pro Jews, are non-Christian. However, I think the idea that a Christian is supposed to side politically with the state of Israel is dangerous and offending. That idea...
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    Christianity minus Paul

    China Cat, Your opinion proposes that the NewTestament and the disagreements within it is not the work of God's inspiration, but just some man's philosophy. My opinion proposes that the disagreements fit together and that's not unfortunate, that Hebrews (which is generally believed to have...
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    Christianity minus Paul

    I can not imagine Christianity without Paul. Some thoughts on this: 1. Most believers are not taught that the old covenant did not end in AD 33 when the new began, but in AD 70 when the Tempe was destroyed and the old covenant heavens and earth as in Mat 5:18 passed away. So in AD 33-70, there...
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    Christianity minus Paul

    I dont believe there is any consensus about every book attributed to Paul. On some of them it depends very much on what the eye will see. Some believe Colossians and Ephesians were written and composed by someone else than Paul. Some believe Paul instructed a person to write the letters for him...
  11. S

    Jesus vs Everyone else

    A careful Bible study shows that Jesus is God. God's Incarnation is not explicitely spelled out in the Bible (apart from Philippians 2:5-11), but the person of Jesus is identified sometimes as true God and as sometimes as true man&servant of God in the Bible. God descided to become his own...
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    Jesus vs Everyone else

    Coffman: ""This day have I begotten thee" is a statement upon which such things as the so-called "eternal Sonship" and other implications are said to rest. Although widely received, the doctrine of the eternal Sonship of Christ is not supported by this epistle, nor by anything else in the...
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    Jesus vs Everyone else

    Maybe it's my English, I can see the message did not come across. Jesus is the Word or Wisdom of God in flesh in a symbolic sense. In a literal sense the man Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The authors I mentioned are more or less prominent examples of Trinitarians rejecting the eternal...
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    Jesus vs Everyone else

    I say the most common understanding confuses the symbolism of Jesus as the Incarnated wisdom/word/message/cause of God with the literalness of God being Incarnate as a man / a son of God. The Son then is God as man / the Godman. You can not find the term "eternal son" in the Bible. This is btw...
  15. S

    Are there contradictions in the Bible?

    Why do you not settle with and adress the difficulty in Exo. 33:11 and 33:20? When you quote all sorts of books in the Bible to make your point, it seems to me you avoid the implications in your contradiction being found in a single passage. Now what could this imply? That the scribes did not...
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    Jesus vs Everyone else

    The Incarnation is a paradox and God's being a mystery. The genious creed of Chalcedon is a paradox; "two natures, inconfusedly, unchangeably, indivisibly, inseparably; the distinction of natures being by no means taken away by the unity, but rather the property of each nature being preserved...
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    Jehovah's Witnesses

    True, but I was thinking about those informed about JW doctrine not the sick. If you serious, then gee I dont know where to start. Datesetting, the "earthly class" who is not part of the body of Christ and the following Christrejection, constant misquotation of scholars in their literature...
  18. S

    Are there contradictions in the Bible?

    What I am basically is saying is that when the Bible says God is seen and God is not seen, the solution should be found in what 'seen' can mean, not what kind of God we are talking about. I read Exo 33:11 and it says a face to face conversation was taking place, like men talk to eachother. It...
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    Jehovah's Witnesses

    Those that should know, do know.
  20. S

    Are there contradictions in the Bible?

    Exo 33:11 And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. Men dont speak to eachother through burning bushes nor is that what "face to...