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  1. sam1008

    Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to God

    Re: Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to Go Sheep are certainly stupid compared to humans that is why as a human you should know better than to eat animals. Barbarian.
  2. sam1008

    Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to God

    Re: Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to Go Namaste Gays, sorry my writng was a bit disjointed - I was just free forming you know? I wouldn't even buy one of murdochs newspapers let alone write for one.
  3. sam1008

    Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to God

    Re: Athiest will be born as animals who serve the humanity without any devotion to Go They say 'Atheists do not believe in God and God does not believe in atheists.' How can an embodiment of Divinity say that they do not believe in Divinity? Self-confidence is a akin to faith in God. Its...
  4. sam1008

    They are still teaching the Aryan race/invasion misconception in universities

    Aryan means noble theres no such thing as an Aryan race. Aryans included many races. The refutation of the Aryan race theory is not a new Indian nationalist thing it was refuted in the west when it was created and also by Aurobindho and others. There is certainly a parallel between ancient...
  5. sam1008

    They are still teaching the Aryan race/invasion misconception in universities

    Aryan means 'noble', due to some Eurocentric misconceptions the notion of the Aryans being a distinct Indo-European race who invaded India a few thousand years ago bringing Vedic civilisation with them was invented in the Nineteenth century and became the accepted academic dogma which famously...
  6. sam1008

    They are still teaching the Aryan race/invasion misconception in universities

    The idea of there even being an aryan race let alone an invasion has been well and truly discredited. Yet it still gets taught to Religious Studies students in universities. Someone needs to take it upon themselves to inform all the relevant lecturers throughout the world. Here's a couple of...
  7. sam1008

    Did Moses write the frist 5 books of the bible?

    Thanks very much for the replies guys and the link to Bob X's article. I'll have a proper read of that in a bit. I've worn myself out for the moment reading an article in the Catholic encyclopedia about Mosaic authorship. My lecturer Rabbi Dan seems to believe in the redaction theory by the way...
  8. sam1008

    Did Moses write the frist 5 books of the bible?

    Hey dudes, I'm writing an essay on this subject and my guess is that Moses did receive from G-d and wrote the core of the 5 books of Moses but that they were then developed and added to by priests before being finally written down in the form they are now. Any comments and/or resources would...
  9. sam1008

    is god dreaming us all up?

    As the American indians say 'We are all thoughts in the mind of the Great Spirit'. The Hindu mayavadis who believe that all this is maya (delusion) say yes this is God's dream. God is the dreamer, creation is the dream and we, the embodied beings, are the dreamer in the dream.
  10. sam1008

    How many years ago did the advent of Rama take place?

    Namaste Agnideva - thanks for the reply. What a great picture thanks for posting it, I've not seen that before. I think a stolen jewel ends up in Jambhavan's cave and Krishna fights him for it then Jambhavan realises he's fighting the self same Rama come again and surrenders. I've come...
  11. sam1008


    The use of the term 'Sacred Cow' to refer to something which one believes is not worthy of being held sacred is not acceptable, because it assumes that the audience shares the speakers presumption that the veneration of cows as sacred is silly. Therefore it is disrespectful to those genuine...
  12. sam1008


    Regardless of whether our society is capable of affording love and respect for beings with animal bodies we should at least be able to respect the religious beliefs of our fellow humans and not go around insisting on slaughtering thier sacred cows. Here's some definitions for 'sacred cow' as...
  13. sam1008

    How many years ago did the advent of Rama take place?

    Namaste Agnideva - thanks for your responce. Reading it reminded me of another doubt - there are characters in the Ramayana that are said to be still alive at the time of the Mahabharata and appear in it, I think the person in particular that I'm thinking of is called Jambhavan; the historian...
  14. sam1008

    How many years ago did the advent of Rama take place?

    Some people say the Ramayana took place about twenty thousand years ago whereas Krishna was born on earth about five thousand years ago. But Krishna belongs to the previous yuga (age) and Rama to the yuga before that and these yugas last for hundreds of thousands of years. So it seems the...
  15. sam1008


    I go to Catholic church occassionally with my folks. I find it a good time and place to pray and be aware of the presense of God and this makes me feel ecstatic and I also enjoy the communal singing and speaking. Amen.
  16. sam1008

    God Men of India

    Hare Krishna Neemai I read that bit and I see what you mean - Swami Prabhupada does strongly assert that the individual exists as an individual eternally. I thought he said that it could merge but that must mean only apparently or temporarily as you said. I'm not really a dangerous mayavadi or...
  17. sam1008

    God Men of India

    Hare Krishna Neemai, The qualified non-dualist philosophy which I have read does identify our individual selves with God. It says the individual being is of the same quality as God but not the same quantity. Our nature (or quality) is Sat-Chid-Ananda (Being-Awareness-Bliss) and God's nature...
  18. sam1008

    I confuss

    Namaste, Death is the big sleep - so they say. And the heavanly or hellish astral planes are the dreams which take place during the big sleep. They reflect - and help us to process - the experiences, attitudes and believes held during the waking life - so are different for each person...
  19. sam1008

    God Men of India

    Its not about acheiving perfection but rather realising one's perfection as the atma (soul or self) is of the nature of God and is already perfect. Surrender is realising ones identity with God.
  20. sam1008

    Saving yourself from the idols of today

    I use an idol to help enslave my mind to Allah.