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    Age of Aquarius

    the other day.... BBC reported " the Birth of an Ocean " If we see..... since 2004 there are some very positive pointers ...indicating a very massive phyical Change in the Earth's geography... like tsunami... which resulted...
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    Age of Aquarius

    First there was tsunami Last year.... then earth Quake in Gujrat India... then in Kashmir Region at the border of India-Pakistan... then in Iran... and the Latest in Africa..... something really is giving way .... and these could be signs of a Major Change in the Earths Geography......
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    Peter Henderson and Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster

    In recent weeks, a satirical attack on the teaching of Creationism in American schools has become the world's fastest growing 'religion'. The Noodly Saviour looked at the furore He had created and pronounced it good, writes James Langton In the beginning there was the Flying Spaghetti Monster...
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    list people reading page as like main?

    The statistics at this moment are Currently Active Users: 76 (5 members and 71 guests) Then I feel proud that so many webcrawler softwares are attracted to our site...
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    list people reading page as like main?

    except for the PM thing... I too would like to know . who's who are reading the posts..... funny one more thing which I have noticed.... there are always more visitors then members on this site...... Like Now there are three members and 43 visitors.....!! and at times i have...
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    London Bomb attacks!

    Being a Muslim I condemn this cowardice attack in the strongest possible words...and ways.... I do not think any of those who associate themselves with Osama Bin Laden or Al-qaeeda are muslims.... they are Not... No where In Quran and In any Hadith it is said to Kill Innocent...
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    Sex Magik

    Chela thanks for the Link I will go through that....First
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    Sex Magik

    Any Practical advice....on how to achieve this magical balance.......
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    Ministry of Happiness, Jokes Departement

    Great Writer "There was once a young man, in his youth, his desire was to become a great writer. When asked to define great, he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl...
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    Sex Magik

    What about the intricasies of Sex magic where are they.......!!
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    Prophesies in the Quran (Fulfilled)

    reference post 9/10 from Friend. I am a bit confused..... 1- Raja bhoj and reference to Dhar.. Dhar is in Central India ref And King Chakrawati is of Malabar Kerala.....which later on is called as Cherman perumel .... Now to me these are two...
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    Ministry of Happiness, Jokes Departement

    Scientists have finally solved the riddle of what wrong with humans... The problem lies in the two parts of their brain....The left brain and the right brain... the problem is... In the left brain there is nothing right.... and in the Right brain there is nothing left....
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    Before the Law

    Re: "the Law" Interestingly I had a friend who calls himself observer... This is what he posted in his orkut community... Just today... Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... The man trudged along the forlon path..till he reached the Door. But before he could knock the door...doorkeeper appeared. and...
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    !!......The Di Vinci Code......!!

    Source :- I could not Understand all this..... Seems like the Council of Nicea is the turning point.... I have some where on this very forum....sorry forgot which thread.....But it said.. before the council at Niciea...
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    Man superior to woman?

    So it seems that Female form was the First to Sort of Rebel Liliat refusing a submissive postion... to ADAM.... So is it God's Sort of payback to the Female form to be dominated by the Male form on this earth..?? Of course the Other being ' EVEs' another Female form...
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    Man superior to woman?

    Hmmmmmmm.... Though I am not famaliar with all this historical Mythologies,Characters...etc..etc... But ..... the Insinuation that .......EVE was not the first Women......created....and the reference to Lilith being the First...... I googled...and found this... .... Its very...
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    Zoroaster preditcs Baha'i

    Yes i agree..... later On When Alexender.... entered India... he fought his Last battle agains Poros..... and though the History is ambigiuous... it is said.. he defeated Poros....and Yet let him have his Kingdom back.... that a very Unique ACT... a conquerer returing the conquered Land...
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    Ministry of Happiness, Jokes Departement

    Each year, the Washington Post's "Style Invitational" asks readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are the 2001 winners: Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize...
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    Zoroaster preditcs Baha'i

    The Epistle of Sasan I in Dasatir contains the prophecy about Prophet Muhammad. Sasan I was a reformer of the Zoroastrian religion. It is believed that this Epistle is a part of the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster, to which Sasan I added his explanatory notes. Some scholars have suggested that...
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    Zoroaster preditcs Baha'i

    "The magnificent palace complex at Persepolis was founded by Darius the Great around 518 B.C., although more than a century passed before it was finally completed. Conceived to be the seat of government for the Achaemenian kings and a center for receptions and ceremonial festivities, the wealth...