Age of Aquarius

.... when more of us begin the process of moving this energy in the body, the vibration of the planet will change .... if we change our minds, we can and will change our world and move smoothly into the Age of Aquarius .... but we must keep our focus on this path, if you keep going back to thought of doom as the only possibility then the passage will be more difficult .... each of you holds the seeds of this knowledge, look beneath the texts that you read and begin to see with your inner eyes .... you must be able to see behind the veil ....

Now Pohaikahine is somebody I would invite over for some herbal tea and lentil soup. Totally at harmony with the universe and has a true understanding of the humanty within us all and where we are going. The problem is the majority dont think this way for whatever reason or religion ,mainly believing "they" are to be saved while the rest of us "un-believers" burn in some form of eternal hell. Take your pick from the many faiths about and gain your seat in the after life. All you need do is worship its leader/God/messiah/messenger , follow a few rules about the faith and bingo-a one way ticket to eternal bliss. One pattern I see is how your standard new age knowledge usually doesnt mix with the beliefs of the major religions at the current time. Start talking about Chakras, kundalini and serpents at the bases of our spines to someone of a major faith and theres going to be a clash of beliefs.

I really believe in this age of aquarius concept, people living in harmony,an age of understanding and peace but I also see where we are at, in this time.

If i were a being from another dimension that had never seen a human before and stumbled apon them in this time, studied them, them gave my conclusion- I would be mortified. Humans ( the majority ) are pretty ferocious creatures, are at there best when they are fighting, and enjoy delivering pain in its many shapes and forms, taping it then watching it on there tv's. This lazy little bugger will not atack if you feed it with food or money, but look out if this ceases. This creature has done more damage to the planet in the past 200+ yrs since there " industrial revolution" when they marveled at there monsterous creations- Factorys. These metal juggernauts would consume fossil fuels to create products of every shape and form from metals to plastics, but not without a price. The bi-products of these factories and there machines would have a disasterous effect on the planet we are now seeing. The humans used this technology to build great cities of twisted metal and concrete, but the dark had already set in and fire doesnt care wether it warms your house or burns it to the ground. The technology was used for warfare, even the civilizations greatest discovery concerning the atom would fall to the dark( they can kill a lot more with the atom, quicker than they can cure with it ) and be used primarily for evil as most of the items they made would be. They have about 3% of the population who add to humanity with science/music/art/maths etc, the rest are consumers , most dont care about anything but themselves. How will they enter aquarius?

I believe the transition from here to Aquarius is going to be rough but reality is a series of positives and negatives interracting. If there is to be a time of light (aquarius) then there must be a time of darkness ( end of pisces, a.k.a- now? )
but we have a long way to go before we get there.

Prepare yourselves, aquarius is about to give birth to a new humanity, the transition maybe painful at times blissful but like all birth, bloody. All we worth it for the sake of new life.

The dark sharpens the light
Well we may not be comming to a concensus, but in each persons version we see the possible kernals of truth, I dont like to speculate whos truth may be more prevalent in our upcoming fututre, though I've enjoyed our dialogue immensly. Not that I try to draw this to a close but the jury has heard the witnesses.

Humanity is a diseased core and much like the past empires is ready to fall, if not now in the blatant world of the bushes then possibly in some Orwellian hell I choose not to contemplate. Thank you Pathless, we can still all excersize some choice here, though remember you are the few who are thinking this way, if the creator allowed thought to manifest so easilly then I'm afraid the world would be a mass of drive through McDonalds and porn theatres. But Pathless did say: "Perhaps as world events become more cataclysmic, the potential for catalyzing change and truly transforming increases dramatically." Which is suggesting possibly that choice is somewhat out of our hands, or is given to you after people realise the folly of their way.

Taijasi who gave us a great cross section of recent talk and a very middle ground level headed approach said:

" ...unfortunately there is also a certain measure of cataclysm that is unavoidable because of the (overall positive) transition(s) that we are making. We know good and well, intuitively, that if many of our practices (ecologically, politically, as consumers, etc.) have been unsustainable in the recent past - then sooner or later these tendencies have got to change!!! To refuse to yield, or to adjust our methods of living, is not simply to invite disaster, it is to guarantee it! This is but the Law of Karma, or of Cause & Effect, which Christ taught plain & simply. Every great teacher has emphasized it, yet always there is a reluctance to accept that yes, it applies to us/me too! It's kind of the, "we'll never have an earthquake/tornado/flood/etc. here" syndrome. But there is no escaping the fact that as we sow, we shall reap!"

Like many here Taijasi sees a bigger picture and warns that to ignore the possiblity of cataclysm is as bad as embracing it, the natural process of balance that most of us have professed belief in at some point would tell us we've swung too far to one side.

Remember Ben
Gruagach would have you believe that no predictions ever came true, but almost exactly half a precession cycle ago (12000+) a great cataclysm bulldozed humans, Mamoths, sabretooth tigers and a whole batch of temperate plants on at least 2 continents into huge tracts of frozen ground so that their flesh is still eatable.

In any other situation I would dearly love to play the role of
Pohaikahine, to shine a positive light on a bunch of cynical brooders, fortunately for all of us this is not a gothic forum, so it behooves me to stand aside from the 'overly' positive (still gotta be positive!!) road or even the thoughful middle ground where I'd prefer to sit and play a little devils advocate or we risk telling each other how wonderful it all is being 1st world middle to upper class free thinkers waiting for this beautiful change.

So far our choices have materialised thusly:

A) World goes on as per usual and the material reigns.

B) The world under goes Cataclysm and after we enter an age of enlightenment.

C) A happy transition to enlightenment occurs, possibly some minimal strain.

D) The world under goes Cataclysm and we wiped out or are forced to start again.

I know, I know an overly simplistic break down of a complex argument, but thats it really kiddies, unless there is a 5th option Im missing.

Option "A" is actually the most statistically likely but none of us like it.
Option "B" is the happiest option (sign me up).
Option "C" Is the hard work route to enlightenment (if I have to)
Potion "D" Is the fire and brim stone option for any of those gothics that snuck in while i wasn't watching.

Make your choice, but keep an open mind.

Phoenix72 said:
Remember Ben [/color][/color]Gruagach would have you believe that no predictions ever came true, but almost exactly half a precession cycle ago (12000+) a great cataclysm bulldozed humans, Mamoths, sabretooth tigers and a whole batch of temperate plants on at least 2 continents into huge tracts of frozen ground so that their flesh is still eatable.

Sorry, but that is a gross misrepresentation of what I've said.

Predictions can and do come true. For instance, I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow, and people around the world will go through their routines of daily life. Scientists make predictions all the time about things, and those predictions are so reliable that we rely on them all the time without thinking. When I press the power button on my computer I can predict what will happen, and if it doesn't do what I expect I can predict why it didn't work and then change things so that my subsequent predictions are more accurate.

There is also no question whatsoever that disasters happen. There are hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados, fires, droughts, famine. There are human-made disasters like war which also have very predictable consequences. There are even global events which in some interpretations can be seen as disastrous, such as the ice age.

On the topic of the ice age, it happened so far back before human history invented writing that it's rather noticeable by its absence in the mythology. For instance, are there any references in Egyptian or Jewish mythology to the world being frozen over in a global catastrophe? The only myths that I can think of that mention anything close to an ice age comes from Norse or perhaps Inuit myth, and in their case it doesn't necessarily come from an actual ice age since those cultures are based in lands that have very prominent winters.

If we don't have mythological records of the ice age how can we suggest there were predictions of that particular global catastrophe which prove the current predictions of apocalypse are also therefore true?

Phoenix72 said:
So far our choices have materialised thusly:

A) World goes on as per usual and the material reigns.

B) The world under goes Cataclysm and after we enter an age of enlightenment.

C) A happy transition to enlightenment occurs, possibly some minimal strain.

D) The world under goes Cataclysm and we wiped out or are forced to start again.

I know, I know an overly simplistic break down of a complex argument, but thats it really kiddies, unless there is a 5th option Im missing.

Option "A" is actually the most statistically likely but none of us like it.
Option "B" is the happiest option (sign me up).
Option "C" Is the hard work route to enlightenment (if I have to)
Potion "D" Is the fire and brim stone option for any of those gothics that snuck in while i wasn't watching.

Make your choice, but keep an open mind.


I think there is a fifth option -- almost like option A, but that while there is no apocalypse, no global and sudden transformation, that things will indeed change although the changes will happen more gradually. Just like changes have always taken a while to happen and are not necessarily instantaneous nor global in scope.

If dramatic change in the way people live counts as one world ending and another beginning, then we've had this happen already many times over. Humans have gone from preliterate to literate, from preindustrial to industrial. We've gone from the medieval times to the renaissance. We've moved through the Victorian era, the era of the first and second world wars, and into the computer age. The human world is dramatically different today when compared with a hundred years ago, with two hundred years ago, with a thousand years ago. Were each of these drastic changes an apocalypse?

The world does change but it often takes a lot longer, or is perhaps more subtle in its transformations, than the apocalyptic predictions would lead us to believe. The world does indeed change, and there are indeed disasters that happen, but so far it seems the apocalyptic predictions have a rather poor record of anticipating the transformations.
The issue of personal vs social change is a very salient one - 10 years ago the internet was nothing more than some geeky academic project - now it is transforming the world in every way imaginable (someone say Noosphere...).

20 years ago we were gripped in Cold War, with multiple nuclear warheads targeted at every significant human settlement on earth.

The world has certainly ended and changed in very dramatic ways.

Probably the biggest evolutionary advantage the human animal has is adaptability - we respond to change easily, and somehow on the personal level that can seem to denigrate the scale and actual impact of change. Additionally, change on the social level - ie, across multiple lifespans - can be absolutely extraordinary.
Predictions can and do come true. For instance, I predict that the sun will rise tomorrow...

This is no prophesy Ben this merely the mechanism you live in ticking over, pressing the button and having your computer turn on is a reliable mundanity.

There is also no question whatsoever that disasters happen. There are hurricanes, tsunamis, tornados, fires, droughts, famine...

These are also tiny relatively common cogs in the material enviroment your in, these make you feel small but they dont require a 26000 year clock to record them.

On the topic of the ice age, it happened so far back before human history invented writing that it's rather noticeable by its absence in the mythology...
If we don't have mythological records of the ice age how can we suggest there were predictions of that particular global catastrophe which prove the current predictions of apocalypse are also therefore true?...

Mythologys about the regular global catastrophies that have been proven to occur will be different because each region recorded its affects from their own point of view and from different cultures with different methods of writting or remembering it, also they would have experienced it differently given their latitude, northen tribes have myths of ice, southern have floods, records are also stronger in the temperate areas written in stone and papyrus.

During the last Ice age Egypt was a temperate land with rainfall and grass, we all know about water erosion on the Sphinx when it rained, but frozen bodies are only found North. Inuit, Norse and even Greeks may talk about the Plaidies (sp?) and Ice, Egyptians discuss water and Stars as well. Scientists accept placidly that the world Flips it poles and/or has asteriods ram into it frequently and and like clockwork, plus we're overdue as far they're concerned.

Do you envision ancient cultures as our intelectual inferiors? These people were far more advanced than us in most ways, our knowledge is almost only a hundred years old, not to dismiss the renaisance or classical Greece but big deal, so when they tell you somethings going down soon do you think they might be more clued in than say [derogatory smear against a particular religion removed by moderator] that you quoted as guessing wrong!!

...things will indeed change although the changes will happen more gradually. Just like changes have always taken a while to happen and are not necessarily instantaneous nor global in scope...

Even minor changes like communist revelolutions or the advent of Astronomy come with dire consquences, No change worth mentioning after 1000 years evercame along peacefully.

...preliterate to literate, from preindustrial to industrial. We've gone from the medieval times to the renaissance. We've moved through the Victorian era, the era of the first and second world wars, and into the computer age...Were each of these drastic changes an apocalypse?

Small potatoes. Think bigger.

...but so far it seems the apocalyptic predictions have a rather poor record of anticipating the transformations.

So far? What in your life time? Or somebodies lifetime less than 12000 years ago? Scaled down to an hour, this clock we are discussing counts you and what you know as mere seconds.

Dont think that the world will do something crazy on a specific date, just don't discount the fact that this is the mythical end game and the scientifically most likely time for a change. The happy option is there for you to choose...

...There is no 5th option.


PS: I still haven't heard Bens opinion yet.
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Phoenix72 said:
During the last Ice age Egypt was a temperate land with rainfall and grass, we all know about water erosion on the Sphinx when it rained, but frozen bodies are only found North. Inuit, Norse and even Greeks may talk about the Plaidies (sp?) and Ice, Egyptians discuss water and Stars as well. Scientists accept placidly that the world Flips it poles and/or has asteriods ram into it frequently and and like clockwork, plus we're overdue as far they're concerned.

Let's look at the historical timeline.

The last ice age was at its height around 20,000 years ago. It was over by 10,000 years ago.

The most generous estimates about the sphinx in Egypt say that it was built 9000 years ago. (More conservative estimates say it's only 4500 years old.) That means that the last ice age was over for well over a thousand years before they even built the sphinx.

By the way, the earliest Egyptian pharoah, Menes, ruled around 3200 BCE. (That's about five thousand years AFTER the end of the ice age.)

The earliest known writing goes back around the same time (perhaps as far back as 3500 BCE.) Unless there were other earlier undiscovered literate cultures that means there were no people who lived through the last ice age who left any sort of written record.

Phoenix72 said:
Do you envision ancient cultures as our intelectual inferiors?

Certainly not. It's one of the reasons why it annoys me when people suggest that monuments like the pyramids in Egypt, the temples in Central and South America, the stone circles and earthworks in the UK, etc. could only have been built with some sort of alien assistance. Our ancestors were clearly very skilled based on the amazing artifacts and structures they've left behind. However it is also very possible for predictions and theories about how the world works (the flat earth theory for instance) that our ancestors made might be mistaken.

Romanticizing the distant past is just as misleading as portraying people from long ago as being incompetents.

Phoenix72 said:
Ben Gruagach said:
...but so far it seems the apocalyptic predictions have a rather poor record of anticipating the transformations.

So far? What in your life time? Or somebodies lifetime less than 12000 years ago? Scaled down to an hour, this clock we are discussing counts you and what you know as mere seconds.

Dont think that the world will do something crazy on a specific date, just don't discount the fact that this is the mythical end game and the scientifically most likely time for a change. The happy option is there for you to choose...

...There is no 5th option.


PS: I still haven't heard Bens opinion yet.

Sorry, but I don't follow the argument here. How is the clear record of failed apocalyptic prophecies being refuted? How is the current crop of apocalyptic prophecies being vindicated?

Back in message #22 in this thread, pohaikawahine mentioned that the interpretation of the Mayan calendar as predicting the end of the world was a gross misunderstanding by non-Mayans. Somehow I suspect that a lot of the other mythology that has been drawn out to support other prophecies of apocalypse are similarly being distorted and misrepresented.

But it does sell books, TV shows, and movies!

I also think that the Mayan explanation that pohaikawahine repeated is more in line with what I suggested as the "fifth alternative" -- that things will just continue, but that when we look back in a hundred years we'll say that life in 2100 is definitely quite different from life in 1900, and that it's like a whole new world. I just hope that that new world is one where we've managed to deal with our own human-made disasters such as global warming, pollution, overpopulation, political squabbling over land and resources, etc. However I seriously doubt that these age-old problems can be worked out in such a short period of time.
Really starting to stray on this topic now so I'll try and tie back a little,

Sphinx; conventional egyptology doesn't really do it justice and the debate goes on, but in order for it to have the erosion marks it has it needed to be dated around the end of the last ice age, the controlling egyptologists are interested in the status quo, many discoverys are pushed back, they barely even acknowledge the astronomical or astrological understandings, they stopped any further studies up the "air vents" once some guy found a metal door complete with hinges, they couldn't care less that these structures line up as a star map on the ground or that those vents point to orion or whatever, they know that there is a cavity under the sphinx and, hell no you can't check it out.

Menes? the first Pharoh? Rubbish hes merely the first of the 'modern' pharonic dynastys, Ive been to the Osirion to see the King lists, a complete line of '72' (theres that number) Pharohs stretching back through time, though a few are recognised to be missing and the time line doesn't go back that far. A tour guide came through talking about these historical records of all the pharohs and how we base our understanding on it.

Directly behind her was the prelude to that history, exquisite in its antiquity, so old I dared not touch it, it made the king lists look like a computer print out, and it listed all the Pharohs before Menes, going back thousands of years again, the "followers of Horus", not even worth a mention by egyptologists except as something fanciful. Why? because because each king lived for more than 300 years!

I'm sure theres something online to throw this in the trash too, but conventional explainations of history and perceptions of our place in it are an illusion, I'm not trying to sell you on an apocalypse, what will be will be. Its just this topic, the Aquarian age, it means nothing in pieces, without the maths its arbitary, without the stars whirling through the millenia its not even a fairy tale, without its stories it means nothing, yes it talks of enlightenment and yes it says that destruction comes with, in no nostrodamus like double speak.

The lists stated here...

There are some interesting lists of failed apocalyptic predictions at sites like and and (which also includes some interesting links to criticisms of the Mayan calendar claims.) not include predictions made by the people who made the topic we are discussing (unless I missed them), these are the people I want to talk about, once again I am not selling the apocalypse, just please review the facts in relation to the people whos topic we now discuss.

Really big clock (26000)
Lots of numbers associated with said clock in many mythologies (12, 72, 144)
Destruction stated
Enlightenment anticipated

Forget the last two, lets just marvel at that clock and its component mythologies...

This is what the Age of Aquarius 'means'. Look no further.
Phoenix72 said:
Really starting to stray on this topic now so I'll try and tie back a little...
...This is what the Age of Aquarius 'means'. Look no further.

I don't think that the responses have been off-topic to Brian's original question:

I said:
The New Age - the Age of Aquarius - is something we are apparently entering into - an age of peace and prosperity.

Only it won't hit properly until around 2016.

However, what does the Age of Aquarius actually represent, and what can we actually expect of it?

If anything, people are simply responding from the question from different angles and with different perceptions--perfectly normal and perfectly understandable, and nothing at all to get stressed out about.

Taijasi makes a good point when (s)he says:

taijasi said:
It does indeed seem that folks are vacillating back & forth as we try to incorporate many ideas into an overall framework or understanding of the New Era of Aquarius.

There seem to be two extremes of thought presented by various people in this thread about how the so-called Age of Aquarius will unfold:
1) It will be brought about by catastrophe or at the very least by recurring, violent episodes of conflict/resolution.
2) The Age will manifest gradually; nothing drastic or cataclysmic to be expected; I mean, after all, the world hasn't ended yet. Gosh.

And in between those two possibilities, people are clashing about the mispercieved notion that someone is claiming that time is static and nothing ever changes; i.e. we will all live in a boring world characterized by capitalism, work-a-days, McDonaldses, corporate ladders, glass ceilings, consumerism, commercialized Christmas, and other various Hells of modern life. And of course, in reality, neither side of this debate is claiming any such thing. We are all sensible, spiritual people who recognize that such a life is 1) undesirable and 2) simply not the way things are, since both history and life are dynamic rather than static.

It is this quality of dynamism that is propelling us into the new paradigm that has been termed "The Age of Aquarius." Rapid technological advances have transformed the world; now it is time for us to transform our consciousness.

Science, technology, and communication over the past several hundered years have altered our perception of reality. Perhaps it is not too much to say that these things have actually altered reality; after all, reality is defined by our perceptions. Different cultures are interacting and interfacing in modalities brought about by these new technologies--radio, television, internet, to name a few--and this is creating all sorts of change. Over what we term "history", the cosmological order has had to be radically readjusted from an earth-centric system where earth was considered the center of the universe to a much larger, much more open system, where earth can be percieved as a small dot of flotsam hurtling around a mediocore star in a remote arm of some galaxy in a cluster of galaxies in an indeterminate corner of the ever-expanding universe. Seriously, it's enough to make Coepernicus's eyes pop out of his head. Another significant transformation that has happened as the different populations of the world communicate with each other is that now many different religions are aware of each other, and are, at some level, engaging in dialogue with each other.

The point of all of this? In James Joyce's early 20th century novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Stephen Dedalus makes the complaint that "History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." I think this is an appropriate expression of what history is and has been: a dysfunctional trip through the details of the cosmic mind. We are coming to one end of that trip, and we are about to awaken. It is happening now, and has been for some time; people are waking up to who they truly are, and who/what people truly are is (are?) expressions of cosmic consciousness. We are spiritual beings who need to integrate with the rest of creation to reach our potential of wholeness and oneness. We are fractions of a whole, pieces of a dream, and the more we wake up to this reality, the more we will become who we really are. Our Life will change; and I mean this in a very literal sense--no longer will the paradigm be "my life;" instead, as people come closer and closer to the truth that we are all expressions of the same One Source, these ideas of "me" as separate will begin to pass. I do believe a "me" will remain for all of us, but that ego will only exist to merge with the greater, communal life. So, the spirit of the new Age is communal (not communist, mind you :rolleyes: ) and integrated--the many joining into the One.

...I have some more thoughts on this, but they will have to wait. Life calls, and a night's sleep. :)
The main reason I like this thread , besides the fact it makes me laugh a lot is that people opinions differ so much and this is healthy as we all have lots more to learn.
Who really knows what the Age of aquarius means and what effects it will have?

This "oneness" we are meant to experience must start somewhere and a point for me is what the people of that day (Aquarius) will believe in ( religion / philosophies/ God n Gods etc?) Will they have multiple beliefs or worship something as one ,if anything at all?
This oneness seems far away when most of the current major religions see only "their" way as "the way" and all others are mostly doomed to some eternal hell while the "chosen" are whisked away to paradise. The religions have been around, some for over 1000's of yrs but hey, Im sure we can explain such things as, chakras, astonomy, numerology, astral traveling, aura re-alignments and many other blessing of this new age to them cos sure they would have burnt us at the stake 100 yrs ago but now they have to at least listen to us, dont they? Wheres you aquarian spirit?

No, a perfect God would not have even bothered with the dinosaur period, nor would it have anything to do with the present period in which the majority of the human race live wretched lives and die ugly deaths, exist in ignorance and fear only to be destroyed my greed and disease. Why are people starving on the planet while others eat too much (Obesity) as I have previously mentioned ? And for what are people being punished for when there simple and improvished lives are suddenly ended by a flood or earthquake?
A perfect divinity would have no need to create anything and thus could not have done anything other than create a perfect world if it "needed" too. Had it made me in its image , a perfect God, thus I would be born without the slightest blemish.

I dont live in a perfect world.

So where does this leave the Age of Aquarius and what changes will occur?

My opinion is that the world is unbalance and needs some major upheaval to happen to "change" the way we do things, this is already happening more to the point we are being forced to change our ways, re aligning with the harmony of the universe. My search continues through this time and the information here and now and how it effects us;the past is good to look at as long as it relates to the future.
If there was some ancient superrace whom saw a point in time ,for instance,of major catastrophy so bad as to destroy everything , then I believe they would have placed enough " warning " signs around for " us" to see and possibly.
If their knowledge would be lost through a dark and mechanical age, they would have to preserve it somehow, to survive this Piscean time.
I personally believe major vehicals for this information are, myths, Fairytales, and religion etc. Architecture also holds the secret of the ancients, mathematics and harmony a must. ( Hello Phoenix72 ) We are told these ancient civilisations were "primitive" compared to our technological era, but we still awe at the pyramids, buildings at machu pichu, stonehenge, and endless other examples of "primitive genius" Who are the primitive ones?

Back to the age of aquarius, hmm?

I believe the world is far away from "the Age of Aquarius" though its said to be just around the corner according to urr, legend , myth and religions. Yes endless cultures talk about this change into this golden age but how?
A lot points around the period of 2010- 2016 and then there are the countless "redeemers" from the various religions, everyone from Jesus to hindu buddhists waiting for a "devine child" are going to be there at the "endtime" when it all hits the fan, if it hits the fan?

So with all the wars, politics and religions, not to forget the coming "redeemers" and all the rest of the good stuff mankind has to offer just at the turning point of Aquarius, where does that leave us in relation to the "Age of Aquarius" and all of its goodness which is apparently just around the corner?

So close, yet so far away.
timetraveler I liked your last response, it was very thoughtful .... this whole thread has prompted me to do some further research and thought on the subject of the changing times (which as you know by now I believe is close and will be positive) .... but here is an odd piece which is not only interesting but a little out of the box (not that other thoughts on this thread are not, many certainly are) ....

a man named "Jazz Rasool gave a presentation at the Mysteries of the World Conference in Marlborough in which he pointed out that we are currently experiencing the most active solar cycle since records began, and that the 11-year sunspot cycle has just jumped forward a year, so that the current phase will terminate in 2012 instead of 2011. He also pointed out that this is the same year as the last one on the 5,125-year Mayan Great Cycle, and Kyoto Protocol deadline (anti-pollution treaty). The fact that Schumann Resonance is rising combined with discoveries by the Japanese scientist, Hiroshi Motoyama, that the frequency around psychics increases to a lvel of 17 hertz, leads Jazz to the conclusion that these environment factors will lead to a "switching on" of some of the massive amounts of genes with officially unknown function (so called "junk DNA") WHICH HE CALLS "Species DNA", LEADING TO MASS TELEPHATHY AND TELEKINESIS. This will be the birth of a new species Homo Spiritus" (Sunspots + Schumann Resonance = Mass Telephathy in 2012 from Beyond 2012 A convergence of Eschatogical Information)

While one may or may not believe in this could happen, I do think it is important to keep an open mind to the possibilities ....

"Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them Sam-I-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them anywhere.
Would you eat them in a box?
Would you eat them with a fox?
Not in a box,
Not with a fox,
I would not like them here or there.
I would not eat them anywhere.
I would not eat green eggs and ham.
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
You do not like them,
So you say,
Try them! Try them!
And you may.
Try them and you, I say .
If you will let me be,
I will try them.
You will see.
(and he finally tries them)
I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat ....
So I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE! " (gREEN EggS AND HAM BY dR. sEUSS)

Once we let go of our need to be right, who knows what awaits around the corner .... maybe green eggs and ham .... lol, pohaikawahine
pohaikawahine said:
a man named "Jazz Rasool gave a presentation at the Mysteries of the World Conference in Marlborough in which he pointed out that we are currently experiencing the most active solar cycle since records began, and that the 11-year sunspot cycle has just jumped forward a year, so that the current phase will terminate in 2012 instead of 2011. He also pointed out that this is the same year as the last one on the 5,125-year Mayan Great Cycle, and Kyoto Protocol deadline (anti-pollution treaty). The fact that Schumann Resonance is rising combined with discoveries by the Japanese scientist, Hiroshi Motoyama, that the frequency around psychics increases to a lvel of 17 hertz, leads Jazz to the conclusion that these environment factors will lead to a "switching on" of some of the massive amounts of genes with officially unknown function (so called "junk DNA") WHICH HE CALLS "Species DNA", LEADING TO MASS TELEPHATHY AND TELEKINESIS. This will be the birth of a new species Homo Spiritus" (Sunspots + Schumann Resonance = Mass Telephathy in 2012 from Beyond 2012 A convergence of Eschatogical Information)

pohaikawahine, love the research,

If anything could send us changing beyond recognition into an age of enlightnment, where we all stopped suddenly being the jerks we usually are and listened to our fellow man, Mass telephathy would be it.

Its also cool that the sun plays a part in this, although my questioning side says thats its more likely to strip our magneto or ionisphere and leave us open to its killer UV, or flip our poles or some such.

Still once again I prefer your theory, where can I get a hold of this info?


Phoenix72 said:
pohaikawahine, love the research,

If anything could send us changing beyond recognition into an age of enlightnment, where we all stopped suddenly being the jerks we usually are and listened to our fellow man, Mass telephathy would be it.

Its also cool that the sun plays a part in this, although my questioning side says thats its more likely to strip our magneto or ionisphere and leave us open to its killer UV, or flip our poles or some such.

Still once again I prefer your theory, where can I get a hold of this info?



In his book Awakening to Zero Point: the Collective Initiation, Gregg Braden proposes a version of the kind of consciousness shift that pohaikawahine refers to. In Braden's version, the rising Schumann resonances of electromagnetic waves coupled with the slowing of the earth's rotation. Braden theorizes that the Schumann resonances will level out at 13 hz, a number he derives from the fibonacci sequence. The Schumann resonance was originally recorded at 7.8 hz and it is assumed that it had resided there for some long amount of time. According to Braden, it is now shifting upward; 13 is the number that falls after 8 on the fibonacci sequence. He suggests that as the base resonance of the Earth resonates higher, it will stimulate the "forgotten" pieces of human DNA that pohaikawahine's last post mentioned. He is in agreeance with Jazz's theory that these pieces of DNA will be switched on, which will profoundly effect human consciousness. He also proposes that as the Earth slows down its rotation and the resonances get higher, the poles will shift, and after a couple/three days, Earth will resume rotating, but in the opposite direction. After this event, humanity will be radically changed.

Further information about rising Schumann resonance and Braden's ideas can be found on these sites: (Schumann resonances are acting weird) (Nothing weird going on with Schumann resonances) (Braden or Braden-esque concepts) (seems a bit garbled to me; new-agey 3rd party response to Braden) (a skeptic's book review of Zero Point) (a believer's Braden)
He also proposes that as the Earth slows down its rotation and the resonances get higher, the poles will shift, and after a couple/three days, Earth will resume rotating, but in the opposite direction. After this event, humanity will be radically changed

A change in human DNA on a mass level is a very interesting idea - I actually have my own on this (later) - but just to comment on the poles flipping - I don't believe there's any suggestion in the records of previous pole flips of any change in the earth's rotation at all.
pohaikawahine and Pathless,

Thanks heaps for the reading guys, it does seem that we are reading similar stuff except for the Schumann frequency dealio, which is fascinating if not entirely understood so far, the science needs a bit more info but it sounds plausible. I do not intend to deconstruct any text here to validate my argument(s) as its nice to actually hear some body elses viewpoints for a change.

Thought I'd recap it here.

Jazz went on to talk about the Schumann Resonance – Earth’s resonant frequency, which is said to be rising from its usual level of around 8 hertz, to a current level of 13+ hertz. The Japanese scientist Hiroshi Motoyama has found that the frequency around psychics increases to a level of 17 hertz, and Jazz thinks that when the Schumann Resonance hits 16-17 hertz, a threshold will be reached that will trigger mass telepathic and telekinetic abilities in mankind! Together with changes in carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere causing breathing changes, the net result could be a switching-on of genes in the species DNA, leading to the birth of a new race, which Jazz calls “Homo Spiritus” – one including more of that hidden totality of Homo Sapiens. We should start to prepare for the changes by controlling our thoughts (imagine your thoughts being broadcast telepathically!). When a new species develops, it cannot breed with the old species, which becomes extinct

This all sounds quite interesting and remarkably similar to the dead sea scrolls and what it has to say about the Elohim, the Sons (patriarchal tense) of light, about them changing into a new race of super powerful people, mythology does seem to favour the idea that only some people change, I wonder why that is, Krishna in the Bhaggavaghita says similar things about that, that some people are worthy and some are not, Bible talks about the Rapture, etc etc. Strange that its so elitist, this spiritual thing, Im not casting disparagements merely suggesting that this kind of separatism would certainly not be taken well by the less evolved of the two species due to become extinct.

1. Time will appear to speed up as we approach Zero Point. A 24 hour day will seem to about 16 hours or less. Remember the Schumann Resonance (or "heart beat" of Mother Earth) has been 7.8 cycles for thousands of years, but has been rising since 1980. It is at about 12 cycles at present. It stops at 13 cycles.

The Bible also talks about the speeding up of time. 12's and 13's too.

2. Zero Point or the Shift of the Ages has been predicted by ancient peoples for thousands of years. There have been many shifts including the one that always occurs every 13,000 years at each half of the 26,000 year, Procession of the Equinox.

Precession seems to be always at the core of things.

3. Zero Point or a flip of the magnetic poles will probably happen soon, within the next few years. It could possibly synchronise with the Earth's four cycle biorhythm that occurs every 20 years on the 12th of August. The next occurance is 12th August 2003. The Philadelphia Experiment and Montauk Project (secret military time travelling) both locked up to the 12th August/20 year biorhythm.

These guys get into the polar flip thing too, though with less disastrous consequences, which is reassurring.

4. It is said that after Zero Point the Sun will rise in the west and set in the east, approx. Past occurances of this change have been found in ancient records.

This is true, ancient records do state this and a polar flip would cause it, though those ancient records do also talk of the havok this causes globally.

5. Interestingly, the New World Order plan to be in power by 2003. This may or may not happen, depending on many factors and agendas. Stay centred and follow your intuition.

Whoops theres one for the detractors!!

6. The Zero Point flip will probably introduce us to the 4th dimension. Here, everything we think or desire will instantly manifest. This includes love and fear. Our INTENTION will be of utmost importance.

7. Most technology that we know will cease to operate. Possible exceptions could be technology based on so called "Zero Point" or free energy.

8. Our physical body is changing as we approach Zero Point. Our DNA is being "upgraded" to 12 strand. A new light body is being created. We are becoming more intuitive.

Another 12

9. The Mayan Calendar predicted all the changes that are occuring now. They say we are going beyond technology and back to the natural cycles of nature and the Universe. By 2012 we will have entered the 5th Dimension (after the flip to the 4th Dimension at Zero Point).

10. All this information is not fearful. Be prepared for changes that will bring in the new age of light. We are going beyond money and time where fear based concepts are totally dissolved.

So we continue the themes of enlightenment, Polar flips, precession, evolution, magnetics and unfortunately cataclysm and or war.

Interesting stuff, quite in line with present discussions, thanks for the info.

I said:
A change in human DNA on a mass level is a very interesting idea - I actually have my own on this (later) - but just to comment on the poles flipping - I don't believe there's any suggestion in the records of previous pole flips of any change in the earth's rotation at all.

The Egyptians talk of it in the book of the dead (or going forth), the mention the flip and how north was south. Oh plus scientists have accepted it as a common occurence but although they say we're over due, most don't say when its coming, those that do, well...I hate to flog a dead 2012 horse.

I loved the summary by P72 and also the references from Pathless .... Churchward was mentioned again and his references to Lemuria (Mu) and the symbols .... Churchward did not believe that the people of the south pacific that had these symbols understood their meanings, but in fact they did understand the meanings and most of the information connected with the symbols had gone "underground" because it was looked at as some some of pagan knowledge .... today many young people do not understand the meanings because those that took it "underground" have passed over. The place that Churchward called Lemuria is known in the ancient chants and from my culture is called Ta Rua and there is hidden within the creation chant a message about the future, a prophecy, that is connected with these changing times. What is most fascinating remains the question, how did the ancient ones (those that hid the messages) know what science is finding out today. I still maintain that at one time there was a higher frequency of being and this is spoken of in the chants and the process to achieve this is hidden in the symbols .... which brings me right back to the importance of a "comparative religion" site such as this .... to my mind the symbols, when understood in their most sacred meanings (the deepest levels), will link us all together and we will understand our connectedness instead of our seperatness .... this thread on the Age of Aquarius has brought forth many of the symbols in legends and prophecies and biblical text and we are all working to share our thoughts in the meaning .... as we do this we actually begin the start of a process that increases our own frequencies .... so perhaps in our small way we are helping to usher in the age of aquarius .... just some thoughts to share.... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
First there was tsunami Last year.... then earth Quake in Gujrat India... then in
Kashmir Region at the border of India-Pakistan...
then in Iran... and the Latest in Africa.....

something really is giving way .... and these could be signs of a Major Change in
the Earths Geography......
quote: Phoenix72

"The Egyptians talk of it in the book of the dead (or going forth), the mention the flip and how north was south. Oh plus scientists have accepted it as a common occurence but although they say we're over due, most don't say when its coming, those that do, well...I hate to flog a dead 2012 horse."

You have to admire the young firebirds persistance with the flogging of the 2012 horse which I believe is far from dead. Now excuse me while I add some fuel to the fire.
Although the Koran is not helpful in pinpointing a date for the apocalypse, or the final judgment of the world it does state that the hour is near when traditional Islamic way of life is overturned, the sun rising from the west and setting in the east."
"After the night of three nights, the following morning the sun will rise in the west."
para 5 , line 2 ,The Final Signs of Qiyaamah(Islam)

Is it due to polar flippage that the sun rises in the west?

And the bible?...

Isa 45:6

That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.

Hmm, maybe?

Keep flying Phoenix72, we have just started the flogging...

Anything is possible
Nothing is real
what if the sun rising in the west and setting in the east has nothing to do with the physical sun, but is a metaphor for enlightnment of some sort .... internally the back of the head is north, the face is south, the left hemisphere of the brain is east, the right hemisphere is west .... so the rising of the sun in the west (the right hemisphere) would result as a process of enlightnment .... at least another perspective to think about .... pohaikawahine