‘where will you spend eternity’


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‘where will you spend eternity’

hopefully not with either the righteous or the even more annoying unrighteous. :D

to the point though...
> a message often seen splashed across billboards outside churches etc, yet no one seams to have noticed the rather obvious logical contradiction. eternity does not begin nor end, if one has an eternal nature and it exists, then we are in it! or we cannot be in it as we are not of an eternal nature. equally the things we do in life are not of an eternal nature, but are fleeting moments in a transient world.

whatever you do and whatever is there after death [if at all], it has no bearings nor consequence on the nature of the infinite and eternal.
so if god exists or not, in eternity there can be no punishment of sinners nor can there be any evil, such things are but fleeting moments of this world [even where the effect is far greater than that moment].

[to glimpse eternity is to go blind’ [quetz ~ erm i think :p]
eternity is so radically different to this world, that the nearer we get to it the greater the madness. or so it would seam. the point here is that we are confined by our vision of things, often something that challenges it throws us back, if we were to truly see eternity but for a moment imagine what the effect would be! noting such a great difference, why do people presume to think it is like this world in some way [e.g. heaven elysium], or that the soul would be anything like an animal [where human is a kind of ‘animal’ {common usage} ~ mammal].

discuss, or go mad, or get your eternity glasses right here lols.

btw, this is not an anti christianity thread, far from it, maybe if we become to engrossed in worldly things then we don’t have the correct disposition to join eternity proper [i.e. proper as in not the eternity that is the universe].
Those of us who are unrighteous are surprised you find us annoying when we were trying to be oh so much more than just that. Oh well, try, try again...
For the most part I'll spend eternity forgotten. Well, I guess that's not quite true. It depends on where eternity starts. Is there a past portion, as opposed to a future portion of eternity? Am I at the half way point of eternity at all times? If so I suppose that nearly half of me is left unimagined, and the other near half is forgotten.

paladin, hi

i am unrighteous too ~ in the context i am thinking that you mean, but i had a more specific kind in my mind, evil-doers [rapist etc] rip-off merchants and the like. words are limiting to meaning, or i should have explained better. :)

cat, hi

yes thats where i was going with this; is there a start point? and isn’t that a contradiction of what eternity means. interesting thought, that we are at half way point at all times! perhaps that is where i am being taken with this and other lines, that there are only middles and there is only eternity, somehow where ever we are located and in whatever state ~ alive in-body, or alive un-bodied [perhaps we have different bodies according to state?], we are eternal.

I suppose that nearly half of me is left unimagined, and the other near half is forgotten.

perhaps yes, or that in eternity everything is just there, in hinduism there is the notion of the akashik which as i see it is like infinite memory, so all events/memories are in there somewhere.

snoopy, hi

pretty much the same as ever.

says it all really ~ good point!

wil, hi

lols yup. ...although ‘spent’ is a finite ralationship, eternity is always free, or somin’ bla bla :)
alex p

I think perhaps living life as if there is no eternity is good... Think about it.

like atheists do? if there is eternity and if reality is eternity, should we not live by the truth? i don’t think we can fully realise reality as not being eternity ~ another debate [and a big one], but i have yet to find an explanation that counters mine ~ or that explains reality as not being eternal.

living without it has caused many problems in a societal context, criminals can excuse themselves as ‘nothing matters’ etc etc.

or did you mean something else?
I am not that spiritual of a man, but I am a man with spirituality.... So bare with me lol.....

Yes believe there is a god please do, I also believe there is a god, and I wanted people to draw their own conclusions on the thought, but my own impression of it is.. Live, for the day... As if there is not another day to come.... Meaning? Treat people right, treat them just, fair and with peace and love.... Do these acts out of appreciating the life you have been given... Not out of a need for a reward.... Or because you feel intimidated or scared(bullied) into them. Cut this short as I was wandering from topic lol...

Surley if we live every moment as it were our last, we will have lived and lived well... Well that is my humble opinion help others to live well as if it were their last moments, I don't look to eternity as that is a long old view, which is pointless to look out over the horizion too looking for an end... I'd rather look short distance and see what can be done now.
Live, for the day... As if there is not another day to come....

oh of course, i see what you mean now. there is a certain complacency in considering ourselves to be eternal, i would balance that by agreeing with you, in that life is important eternity is ‘now’ as well as forever. we only get one chance to watch our children grow and to see a given sunrise. as an anarchist respect is fundamental, is a universalist i would not view life by what can be taken away but by what is given or shared.

looking to eternity gives us a purpose other than that of the now, sure we don’t need a goal or end product and there probably are none, but why not have both, when life presents us with both!
discuss, or go mad, or get your eternity glasses right here lols.

OK, how about:

the universe came into being but a moment ago and will exist for only a moment.

Read an article yesterday in which it was suggested that a peculiar particle, unlike the vast majority, has been found that is not symmetric and shows a bias that can, it is theorised, only be explained if time really is a linear dimension in its own right with fixed direction. I myself have tended to base my thinking around time being a necessary illusion but this finding, along with some theoretical models, shakes that up. The implication on the notion of eternity is that if time is a linear dimension in its own right, and not an illusionary property, then eternity cannot exist due to entropy. I hope to go into this further soon.

I myself have tended to base my thinking around time being a necessary illusion

This space-time model is the one implicitly accepted and enacted in "3D" physicality by our local bus company. It recently published a paper on the subject called Winter / Spring 2009 Timetable.

This space-time model is the one implicitly accepted and enacted in "3D" physicality by our local bus company. It recently published a paper on the subject called Winter / Spring 2009 Timetable.


It might be interesting to devote some time to checking their predictions. My own observations are that such papers are barely worth the paper they are written on and if they were true then time dilates and expands unpredictably. As can be seen by waiting for and hour for a bus then 3 come at once.

It might be interesting to devote some time to checking their predictions. My own observations are that such papers are barely worth the paper they are written on and if they were true then time dilates and expands unpredictably. As can be seen by waiting for and hour for a bus then 3 come at once.

I tried to discuss a shift to a new paradigm (a la Kuhn) with a bus driver coming home recently late one night. I somewhat tongue-in-cheek suggested that the number and magnitude of temporal anomalies was now beyond acceptable levels of error. “Surely the tipping point for a paradigm shift”, I suggested. But he just told me to f*ck off. In fact, he made me get off the bus.:eek:

I tried to discuss a shift to a new paradigm (a la Kuhn) with a bus driver coming home recently late one night. I somewhat tongue-in-cheek suggested that the number and magnitude of temporal anomalies was now beyond acceptable levels of error. “Surely the tipping point for a paradigm shift”, I suggested. But he just told me to f*ck off. In fact, he made me get off the bus.:eek:


Be interesting research to find out how many ‘wrongdoers’ believe in eternity v. those who do not.

i would think many do, i doubt if it is much different to the general populous. i would expect that many either think there is an escape clause [purgatory or that they are young and will change and it will all be ok in the end etc], or that they are not to blame. some perhaps feel that hell would be a good place to go, wine women etc, so it is simply a place where people are like them, which would be ok right.
if we were to say that there is no hell apart from the one you make, then that they will just be reborn or cease to exist after death, perhaps the attitude would be different. but i doubt it, evil doers simply excuse themselves by any twist of flawed logic.


the universe came into being but a moment ago and will exist for only a moment.

ha yes, so we dont exist now then. ...or perhaps that we only imagine it does, reality is a purely subjective entity and everything we observe is a shared hallucination. when we die we go; oh! and realise this, thence heaven/reality once realised is a playground for the mind.

I somewhat tongue-in-cheek suggested that the number and magnitude of temporal anomalies was now beyond acceptable levels of error. "Surely the tipping point for a paradigm shift", I suggested. But he just told me to f*ck off. In fact, he made me get off the bus.

:D brilliant, but are you allowed to speak like that here. :eek: :p
ha yes, so we dont exist now then.

er yes we do! each moment the universe is creeated, exists and is destoyed by the creation of the universe in the next moment. keep up!

reality is a purely subjective entity
that is one necessary perspective I think.

everything we observe is a shared hallucination.
not shared; each to our own, I think?

when we die we go; oh! and realise this,
we may hopefully make a realisation before we die.

thence heaven/reality once realised is a playground for the mind.
twas ever thus. :)

brilliant, but are you allowed to speak like that here. :eek: :p
I checked the CoC and as long as one uses *****s then it is permissable to criticise public transport. :)


er yes we do! each moment the universe is creeated, exists and is destoyed by the creation of the universe in the next moment. keep up!

:p i see, its impossible though, not only because particles arise all over the universe at variable times, but also because you would need a mechanism for that. an un-elegant and purposeless solution perhaps.

not shared; each to our own, I think?

i think we can say we have a shared environment whatever its nature?

good stuff mate :)