In human history there are some paths who got mixed with eachother so easily that even followers could not recognise the mixing. Even today there can not draw a line where we can differentiate between them. Taoism and Buddhism got mixed gave birth to a new baby i.e. ZEN, improved version of both.
In human history two religions got mixed without a single drop of blood and it is the biggest achievement of east civilization. This indicates maturity and civilised thought process of the both paths and followers.
This happened with Taois and buddhism but confucianism was a method to run socity, to govern socity. I do not think confucianism around taoism or buddhism.
Confucianism has to deal with external affairs and approach is ethical, view is pilitical and target is good governing of social life.
Taoism and Buddhism has to deal with internal affairs, approach is existential, view is spiritual and target is good beings of indivisual life.
Taoism VS Buddhism: Taoism has more femininty element in its approach. Natural, Existential, Passive and waiting.
Buddhism has more male element in its approach with respect to Taoism but more femininty with compairing to west religions. Hence i call it middle path as for as approach is concern.
East phylosphy is incomplete if any of toaism and buddhism is removed. These two create harmonics in east approach towards existance and truth.
www.royalmonk.in your buddhist tour guide in india
In human history two religions got mixed without a single drop of blood and it is the biggest achievement of east civilization. This indicates maturity and civilised thought process of the both paths and followers.
This happened with Taois and buddhism but confucianism was a method to run socity, to govern socity. I do not think confucianism around taoism or buddhism.
Confucianism has to deal with external affairs and approach is ethical, view is pilitical and target is good governing of social life.
Taoism and Buddhism has to deal with internal affairs, approach is existential, view is spiritual and target is good beings of indivisual life.
Taoism VS Buddhism: Taoism has more femininty element in its approach. Natural, Existential, Passive and waiting.
Buddhism has more male element in its approach with respect to Taoism but more femininty with compairing to west religions. Hence i call it middle path as for as approach is concern.
East phylosphy is incomplete if any of toaism and buddhism is removed. These two create harmonics in east approach towards existance and truth.
www.royalmonk.in your buddhist tour guide in india