et al,
Godspot sounds much like pineal gland (and/or pituitary body) as referenced earlier by Flowperson. The former has been called the "third eye" sometimes, and science verifies that, inasmuch as it relates it to
light. In reptiles, the third eye/pineal is sometimes
external, as it was in humanity several million years ago (the Atlantean "giants" of the Bible, or
cyclops of Greek mythology

). Pituitary, ostensibly, has to do with growth ...
Alcohol, of course, is not mind-altering in the same way narcotics and hallucinogenics are. Usually quite the reverse, being a stupefying agent (I love that word - so appropo

). Let me finish my coffee with Irish cream, and I'll show you ...
Weed (cannabis, grass, herb), is definitely psychotropic, but I question how directly it acts on the pineal/pituitary. Somewhat, definitely, and this is the danger. These are the organs of the
spiritual senses, the "sixth" and
seventh. So they become stimulated by certain drugs, and continued use breaks these organs down.
I think the greater damage may occur in the
chakras, however, which are also subtle organs, existing as bridges (for consciousness, and for energy) between the physical (etheric) and astral (emotional) worlds - as well as in the subtler worlds of mind, soul, and spirit. There are even greater dangers, if using things like LSD, ecstasy, psilocybin, MDMA, etc., but my experience with these is limited to just a couple.
What really bugs me (you know I'm not addressing this to you, Ruby, or anyone in particular - just saying it) ... is when people who have
never smoked a joint, or dropped acid, or any of this, decide that they're going to come off as experts on this matter, and start bashing drug use, and babbling on about how dangerous it is. I mean, not that I necessary disagree. READ what I just wrote. But before you offer your humble opinion (
you, generic), ask yourself,
what do you really know?
When was the last time you were high? Tripping? Drunk? Any of that. NO, you
don't have to be trashed to offer your opinion. But I just love how people who haven't a lick of experience can somehow be
experts on a subject.
Am I suggesting that you (
anyone) go drop some acid before coming back and commenting?
No! That's entirely your call, and probably not a good idea, but then, we all make our own choices. What I
AM suggesting is that people take a couple of steps back before they rush to condemn
or condone something. I am a bit amazed that some folks have said, "oh, drugs have NOTHING to do with spirituality."
Technically, or in the higher sense, I agree. And I agree that primarily what happens is that we
are opened up to various influences (largely astral), not all of which are positive, or
lofty, in a spiritual sense. But if you're going to suggest that we simply
cannot contact
anything spiritual by certain drug influences, or during the experience, then all you've really said to me is that you know JACK about it!
I don't think it's necessary to say too much more. I've tripped acid (LSD) sitting right there next to people who were
definitely not tuned into what
I was tuned into. Often enough, I've kind of regretted that we weren't on the same page, so to speak. But I'll bet it's gone the other way a time or two as well! It's not any different at root than sitting next to someone on the subway, metro, tube, whatever, and wondering what they're thinking about ... and so on.
Do you
need drugs to know, tune in, etc.? No.
CAN they help? Well - yes, at a cost/price. And while I don't recommend it, probably the clearest instance of verbal telepathy I've
ever experienced occurred while high. Is there even a
CHANCE that I imagined it, or that it was "just the drug?" If I hadn't verified it, yes there would be - or would have been. But since I confirmed this
on the spot, it stands out to me as just one of quite a few direct, firsthand experiences - which constitute my knowledge and understanding ...
and not my belief, faith, etc.
Can I be
absolutely certain that the drug had nothing to do with it? No. But did it probably? Quite likely? YES. And to some extent,
that's my point. Was it "the voice of God" speaking to me. No, it was my good friend.
But s/he who can't tell that there's some overlap, even there ... also doesn't understand. I won't try to make that clearer. But I may have a second cup of coffee.
Cheers ... and
Namaste, all ...