Massive generalisation. What's your definition of drug? Panado's a drug.
You need brain cells to think and, in my opinion, thinking is the beginning of spirituality.
Kay, so I don't have 20years to my name, but I have yet to see any depreciation of my intellect.
I don't know if any of you has ever hung out around someone who's done drugs for more than 20 years of their life, but I have. Words like sharp and clear don't really describe the long-term effects on the mind.
I hang out with people who've been doing Marijuana for variable lengths of time, and yes, the results are not pleasent to the intellectually inclined, such as myself. I don't condone the prolonged use of Marijuana.
I would posit that a much better path would be to exercise one's mind by reading, having conversations, and writing in a diary or a journal, rather than to try and take a "spiritual short-cut" by following in Jim Morrison's footsteps.
This is the thing. People won't accept Psychedelics because it's just too easy. Let me explain that Psychedelics are not easy at all. They're very difficult actually. They take a lot of getting use to and a lot of understanding and I'm glad I've taken the time to get to know them.
The biggest problem with peoples' perceptions of Psychedelics and Visionary herbs is when they are ignorant of their nature and clump them together with drugs such as opioids, cocaine, amphetamines, barbituates, solvents, alcohol, nicotine and marijuana (which is a slight psychedelic along with it's other analgesic effects.)
Psychedelics are in a field of their own and should be treated as such.
Pure psychedelics (LSD, Mescaline, Mushrooms) have no known long lasting effects on one's body. Peoples ideas about things may change, sure, but there is no conclusive evidence against them from years of use by modern and ancient cultures. I won't go into the real reason why governments are perpetually on their case. You can look it up if you want. If you haven't done any research of your own, then remember that probably all you've ever heard about drugs is what the government has told you.
The problem with psychedelics is that the realisations and thoughts they throw at you are difficult to stomach. You end up thinking about all your anxieties and buried sub-conscious thoughts. This along with the possibility of ego-death on a deep trip, and the whole thing becomes a bit much. This is why people use marijuana in conjunction with psychedelics, so that they can enjoy themselves. This is a mistake, because anything you learn on the trip is shrowded in confusion because marijuana slows down your brain.
Marijuana is the cause of the fuzzy looking drug 'addict'. It is an analgesic (a pain killer,) like heroin. It is different to the psychedelics I'm talking about.
Please do not prejudice against psychedelics without adequate research.
An excellent and unprejudiced site where you can find all the information you want about most drugs can be found at this link: