Age of Aquarius


I enjoyed the last posts from Ciel and will as some important issues were brought up..
How one must die to be reborn is a great privallage, though it comes at a "price" as you tend to move away from the norm and into the extraordinary. You speak of interdimensional shift and realise if your head is in the sand, how are you meant to see "it'? Most of the planets human inhabitants heads are in the sand or elsewhere.

Come on , enlightenment you say?, interdimensional shifts you speak of, one grain of sand being part of the huh? "unseen" moving desert?. I know where your coming from and so do a few ( minority) people ,but take those questions out into the pit of society and ask joe or jane citizen ( whom I have nothing against) these questions and see the "general" reply you will get. Im sure most of us have already been down that road, and realise it can be futile and being told you dont live in the "real" world one too many times has made you realise, who wants to live in the "real" world!

Do you surround yourself now with like minded people as its 1000 times more productive to be creating than to have people question you forever and still not come to a conclusion?

Feel a little "disconected" from the hoy paloy when you out with "normal" friends who have normal lives and talk about normal things?

Sick of being the freak of the group or the newage gitt who talks a lot of interdimensional waffle at peoples homes, drinks too much herbal tea, and doesnt get out much these days?

Your house, work and life being encompassed by "newage-isms" to the point of ridicule from people who look at you bookshelf and say" do you read anything else or only this stuff"

Do you wake up in different locations, visited by nightly apparitions, speaking to the dead ( I saw that movie too) or maybe the mothership has landed in your yard and needs refueling or a spare tyre?

Maybe the Devil, or Jesus, buddah maybe ect, etc,, have visited you to bring you, I dunno, a box of cookies from the pie in the sky company?

Do those around you "smell" it on you and dodge you like the plague as you tend to "rattle" the walls of their reality in some way?

Enlightenment has a price. unless your dealing with the enlightened, then its joy....

The uncut marble, the raw diamond, the old bottle you found and cleaned. Yep this is an old concept I very much llike , a duality which one force is within the other.
I dont mind unfinished houses (metaphor), but when I look at the room im currently in ( very pretty ) which is finished and nicley done its easy to be swept away in the bliss of the moment. Unfortuantley for me, I looked outside my own room and seen that the fools building this unfinished house are going to be the downfall of it, heres some problems i saw.

Though my room and yours, and your are all nice, the builders are using material from the front of the house to build the back of it, the materials to build the whole thing dont exist and it should stop imediatley...

More people are moving into the house than there are rooms and its becoming crowded.

The garden cannot sustain the growing occupantcy and cannot feed all, plus some genius dumped nuclear waste in the back yard, not to mention chemicals, oils and many unknown nasties into the soil. People are getting sick from the contaminated food, which cannot even feed everyone.

Another great mind in the house has desided to genetically modify food, and grow it from the lab in there room. This food isnt the same as the real thing but , hey, it looks the same, who will know the diference.

And to top it of someone has bomb in the house and is making more for the ocupants to "protect" themselves with. The bombs are big enough to destroy us all, but not the house, only part of it. This house is starting to get me paranoid....

The house was once a great place until I stepped outside and into the light and saw the whole thing. Its my house too, why should I allow people to poo in it, and say nothing, when I have to live there too?
Yes , it would be much easier to just take a dump in the living room like most people do and not worry, ofcourse I cannot do that....

Sweet in the mouth, bitter in the belly

Some things which are rough can become smooth with care and attention to the "details" of it... But something that is broken cannot be fixed the "same" and should be replaced. Aquarius is the cut diamond while now, pisces /Aquarius is the rough stone. This is the way I see the world , now rough, but to become, so, so smooth.....
Please God let me not become fixated on the bright wallpaper in my room as I might forget outside and inside need fixing......

Part of growth for me is knowing when something is fixable or un-fixable.

The house my dear friends needs to be built again before it falls on us all.

Sorry if I dont like the current statis of the house we all live in.


Peace... and a new house
Hi Time traveller,

No time to answer all your many questions right now, as am about to take my 85 year old father on his weekly sojourn to the pub. What visions shall we see as we all gaze into the mighty log fire, burning bright in the hearth there today. Some see bulls and some see horses, some have even said, " look a man rider, deliverer of solace, fire spirit salamander." For a while we sit in another land where man forgets himself and finds his dreams. Just ordinary folk, with ordinary minds and lives, yet fired by the flame of hidden mystery.

There are many different levels of the enlightenment.

In time it is possible to be at peace with all.
Hello everyone,

Just wishing you all a safe and happy 2006.


Starbuck,first mate: "To be enraged with a dumb brute that acted out of blind instinct is blasphemous."

Captain Ahab: "Speak not to me of blasphemy, man; I'd strike the sun if it insulted me. Look ye, Starbuck, all visible objects are but as pasteboard masks. Some inscrutable yet reasoning thing puts forth the molding of their features. The white whale tasks me; he heaps me. Yet he is but a mask. 'Tis the thing behind the mask I chiefly hate; the malignant thing that has plagued mankind since time began; the thing that maws and mutilates our race, not killing us outright but letting us live on, with half a heart and half a lung."

Peace be to the world...

I've followed this thread with interest for a month or so, and many things have "come together" for me in that time. The most recent exchanges have motivated me to post, but I'm still collecting my thoughts.

In the meantime, I am fascinated by the Mayan date of 2012 as being signficant. Doesn't it come up in another tradition? Could someone post a bit more on this date in particular, or give me a good reference or two? Forgive me for not rereading all 10 pages of the thread. ;)

Thanks much!
Hello taijasi,

The 2012 date seems to pop up occasionally in this thread, with much resistance I might add but seems to be relevant to some.

I think that information of this nature has a life of its own and works in very mysterious ways as you cannot move into it without taking on a certain amount of belief in what you may be seeking; otherwise you may find yourself being the eternal fencesitter and not believing in anything.

I look for common themes, archetypes throughout the various religions and belief system and believe there to be common threads throughout them. As for 2012 or around that time, we can say that lots points in that vacinity but is it just a case of people like myself only finding what we wish too?

I dont think so.....

We can safetly say that nature is like a great machine whose parts work in sync with all its other parts, father sun seeds the earth with his rays by day and Mother moon tends to its watery needs at night. We have days weeks and years; seasons. The planets, moons and lets certainly not forget comet paths, follow the same design path, with theoretically no chaotic part to the system, just clusters of matter moving about within the great machine.

So, somewhere amongst the great infinite complexities of the universe (God) must lie a basic set of rules that govern what holds reality ( as we see it) togther incorporating time/space and the combination of colour, light and sound to manifest into reality.

If.... a big if...

..the ancient cultures knew (and we know they did) about the systems of the universe and maybe some of the guidlines it runs by them maybe they could see beginnings and ends of cycles in relation to the earth as once you can see the pattern its easy to break it down into little patterns...

As above, so is bellow..

So its easy to say that the whole 2012 thing has been made mainifest for"some" reason, but why go to all that trouble for some little date?
I prefer to take my chances with my ancestors message from the past warning me of the future as I dont believe they would have gone to so much trouble to "warn" us of a time where all will change globally and there is definatly no space for if or ums....
The problem with global catastrophy is that the happen instantaneously , the bad ones anyway, so if the poles flip, earthquakes and tidalwaves destroy all land 2000ft or less bellow sea level or a comet that brings doom and gloom is going to pass the earth around 2012 then I want to know about it. If the people of the past want something to survive the future, is this what they have done for us?

I have my own beliefs and am happy to know for myself that Major changes will and are occuring until around 2012 when.... nevermind.....

Heres some 2012 pointers ....

The end of the Mayan Calendar is December 21, 2012
21st - End of the twelfth, final baktun in the long count of the Mayan Calender and Aztec Calender.

The sunspot cycle is next predicted to peak in 2012 AD.

There was a Venus Transit in 2004 AD and there will be a partner transit in

2012 AD. "Kalki Bhagavan the founder of Golden Age Foundation, is considered to be the Avatar capable of giving enlightenment to mankind. This is an extract from a Darshan with Kalki Bhagavan and Amma held at Nemam (outside Chennai in South East India 2nd of January 2004. According to Kalki , the Golden Age will start in June 2004 and will be initated by the occuring Venus Transit."

2012- Nov,Tues, 13th- Total solar eclipse (visible in northern Australia and the South Pacific).

"By the year 2012, the "Schuman´s Resonance" is likely to be 13 cycles per second. When this reso-nance is 13 cycles per second, the earth’s core would stop rotating with the magnetic field gone.

"The 'calendar in stone' of the Great Pyramid, describes the so-called Phoenix Cycle of our galactic orbit, the present time period ends (converted to our present calendar) in the year 2012 AD. The Greek word Phoenix, derived from the Egyptian word, Pa-Hanok, actually means, The House of Enoch."

Dec 21st - Striking planetary formation along the Ecliptic involving 7 planets, the Sun, and the Moon above the Giza pyramid complex (coordinates 29° 58' 33" N 31° 07' 49" E).

According to the 1997 book The Bible code a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth. Some believe this means the world will end. This event was supposedly prophesized by John as Wormwood in the Book of Revelation.

"Then the third angel sounded;And a great star fell from Heaven,burning like a torch, and it fell upon a third of the rivers and on the springs of water,
"and the name of the star iscalled Wormwood; and a third
of the waters became as worm-wood; and many men died fromthe water because it was made bitter".

Then there is Nibiru, whom is said to pass around 2012 apon its 3600 yr cycle
It takes 72 years to pass through 1° of the Zodiac, or 25920 years to pass the 360, then Nibiru, 3600 yrs divided into 25920 gives us= 7.2.

As for the relevance of the number 72...
The 72 names of God in the Kabbalistic tradition, there are 72 skulls on the necklace of Kali, Hindu Goddess of Destruction, In Egyptian mythology: The 72 Assassins of the dark god Set clamped the lid shut on the coffin in which Osiris was trapped- then murdered, and so ,so many more.

There are more examples in past page to this thread of the pro's and cons of the 2012 senario.Its kinda like those "choose your own adventure" books, but this game involves your life and your soul. :)

Its all down to you on how much you take on as "reality" and lets not forget about faith and belief.
We are not dealing with uncivilized cultures here laying the framework for a future yet to come but which has already happened somewhere in time. They have showed us enough examples of architectural and mathematical ( the same thing) genius, then go and write dates in amongst there tomes and in manners able to survive the sands of time,eg; the pyramids, the mayan calender, for what, to warn us or whoever is listening?

Why go to all that trouble for some date?

In the present, I have seen enough, war, global warming, famine, disease,etc,etc to see things have to change dramatically. Ive asked on several occasions on this thread in anyone can show me a non-cataclysmic style like change from here( pisces ) to there (aquarius) then to show me how, cos I just dont see it. I believe something is going to change it for us.

The ancients dont need to prove anything to me as I can hear exactley what they are trying to tell me and will hapily take my chances with the possible foreknowledge of a coming catastrophy and maybe a chance to prepare, as opposed to idle fencesitting and to be caught out with possibly no chance....

This is what the information is for , isnt it?

hi taijashi .... here is a site that will give you lots of information related to the year 2012 .... its really long, but it pulls together a lot of perspectives ....

I associate the current period as a time of change leading up to some of the events in 2012 and personally I see it as positive. The mayan calendar is really pretty fascinating when you get to knows its codes and cycles and for the most part it is the strongest reference to the year 2012 (as interpreted by those that can read the ancient glyphs on the calendar). I don't think the year 2012 is an end-all to either the present way we live or the end-times, but I see it as important in the changes taking place with each of us helping ourselves become more balances and more loving spirits .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
Hello Poh,

Nice link in your last post. I have read about most of the topics on that link in the past and know that various themes and "archetypal stories' can be seen amongst them.

Most of the prophecys on that thread relate to "doom and gloom" as people on this site like to call it. Sometimes its hard to see what is what as ends can be really beginings, destruction is actually creation, and good and bad spiral about each other in unique complexity.
So a large quantity of the profecies and myths related to 2012 revolve are "doom and gloom" while the others relate to change, enlightenment and a more "happy" approach, but hang on... arent they once again the same thing? eg. to grow and to become enlightened we are told to "let go" of and put ourselfs in the fire to become the phoenix to talk metaphorically. Some religions use the term being "reborn" and of course to be reborn, something must die first, wether it be spiritual, physical, or theoretical.

Whatever we "see" for 2012 or that vacinity is only what we are seeing relative to our lives , knowledge and sometimes our desires. But to see things in there purity we are told to destroy our desires. I try to see things as they are and not how I want them to be, as that would be a desire.

No, a violent or apocalyptic end/beginning involving some hopi meteor profececy or floods and tidalwaves, with a touch over earthquakes, disease and my personally favorite , war, is definatly not what I want. I know that what I want ( desire ) and what I get ( destiny) are two seperate things....

Is the cup half full or half empty?
There is no cup, only your perception of it.

time traveler .... you are right it is all in the perceptions, personally I see the cup as flowing over .... I'm going to do some further thinking and reseach on the number 72 after reading your reference because I think this is important to the changes to take place .... in one of the hawaiian chants we have a prophecy that there will be a second great wave and it will be called Kai-a-ka-hulumanu which means 'sea of the bird feathers' because the waves will pour over the mountains killing the birds living in the trees .... but this prophecy is not one of physical death, it is a metaphor for the change ....

the chant also speaks to the first flood (or wave) which was called Kai-a-ka-hina-lii .... here is the english translation of that part of the chant

"born was rough weather, born was the current
born was the blooming of the sea, the breaking of foam
born the roaring, advancing and receeding of waves,
the rumbling sound, the earthquake
the sea rages, rises over the beach
rises gradually up over the land ...
born is the storm night
born is the night of plenty
ended in the first chief of the dim past
dwelling in the cold uplands
dead is the current sweeping in from the naval of the earth;
that which was a warrior wave
many who came vanished, lost in the passing night" (from the Kumulipo line 1531)

this ancient chant was known before outsiders arrived on the hawaiian islands and is sometimes referred as a genealogy chant, but it is in fact much more .... it means knowledge from the ancient source ....the next great wave will come during the time of aquarius ....

he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
pohaikawahine said:
time traveler .... you are right it is all in the perceptions, personally I see the cup as flowing over

Why do people always use the half full half empty thing? *unsure* I just see it as a cup... I don't bother with detail of the contents of a cup... it's just a cup... then I guess if I was to push myself..... I would say it was a cup of (contents) that is about as far as I'd go.. :\
Hello Poh,

I really enjoyed part of that chant in your thread but once again believe this has more to do with the physical than with the spiritual, maybe even more so to do with both; as stories and chants from ancient cultures tend to touch one on a physical and unconsious level. I tend to believe we are dealing with some very sophisticated cultures whom have left messages in manners that would pass through with the sands of time to us in the form of myths , stories and chants etc.

What a beautiful chant at the same time being one that also warns me..

"born was rough weather, born was the current
born was the blooming of the sea, the breaking of foam
born the roaring, advancing and receeding of waves,
the rumbling sound, the earthquake
the sea rages, rises over the beach
rises gradually up over the land ...
born is the storm night
born is the night of plenty
ended in the first chief of the dim past
dwelling in the cold uplands
dead is the current sweeping in from the naval of the earth;
that which was a warrior wave
many who came vanished, lost in the passing night" (from the Kumulipo line 1531)"

Once again " perception is based apon who's percieving" and you can read that as anything depending apon where your looking from. Well im looking at it from two angles.
The first is that it is a beautiful song whose words are but song lyrics.
The second is one which warns me of , yes, the future.
" the rumbling sound, the earthquake" -pretty self explanetory
..the sea rages rises over the beach rises gradually up over the land ...- tides are controlled primarily by the moon and ofcourse each planet has a small gravtational effect on the waters,and as metioned in my second last thread; Dec 21st, 2012 - Striking planetary formation along the Ecliptic involving 7 planets, the Sun, and the Moon above the Giza pyramid complex

[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Planet [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Mass [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Distance [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Gravity [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Tides[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1] (10^24kg) (moon=1)
[/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Mercury [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]33 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]92 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.00008 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.0000003[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Venus [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]490 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]42 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.006 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.00005[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Mars [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]64 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]80 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.0002 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.000001[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Jupiter [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]200,000 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]63 0[/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.01 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.000006[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Saturn [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]57,000 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]1280 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.0007 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.0000002[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Uranus [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]8,700 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]2720 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.00002 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.000000003[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Neptune [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]10,000 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]4354 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.00001 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.000000001[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Pluto [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]~1 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]5764 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.0000000006 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.00000000000004[/size][/font]
[font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]Moon [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]7.4 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]0.384 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]1.0 [/size][/font][font=helvetica, sans=serif][size=-1]1.0[/size][/font]
The total pull of all the planets combined is 0.017, not even 2% of the Moon's pull.Not enough to create changes to the tides a measly less than 1.7%? We will have to wait till dec 21, 2012 to find out.
...born is the storm night born is the night of plenty, -storm night?, a night of storms or a great storm, possibly?, Night of plenty? ur, plenty of what? maybe 7 planets, the moon and the sun(*7 & 2 ) which "possibly causes that great storm, earthquake and the "warrioir wave"....hmmm...maybe?
...ended in the first chief of the dim past dwelling in the cold uplands. dead is the current sweeping in from the naval of the earth; that which was a warrior wave, many who came vanished, lost in the passing night..."
A "warrior wave which caused/s may who came to (vanish) lost in the passing night" -Once again, self explanatory.
Hope I havent offended you Poh by by refering to that chant in an alternate manner.

Hello 17th Angel;I guess people use the half full /half empty cup thing as a simple clean metaphor, its better that saying for instance "is my wallet half full or half empty?" or " is the toilet half full or half empty?". It just doesnt have the same meaning, though I know there really is no cup, its a nice saying anyway...

Perception is based apon who's percieving

and piece of land high above sea level...
dear time traveler .... of course you have not offended me, I enjoyed your thoughts on the chant .... on a spiritual level, the warrior wave is related to the uprising of energy within the body in what we would refer to as the 'ancient ocean' .... and our chant (the inner message) tells us that there will be a second wave .... the second wave would be equivalent (in my view) to the second coming of the messiah or mosiach (which I believe is related to the blooming of ourselves into wholeness or merging the three hemispheres of our brains into One) .... but that is only my view, not necessarily even the view of others that study the chant .... so alternate views are important to me and I respect your thoughts on this ....

I am looking forward to the transition in the 'age of aquarius' and deeply believe it will be a positive time and we will find that promised land .... the only difference is that I believe that it will be found internally and once we find it, we will begin to change our world because we will have changed our minds .... simple and complex all at the same time .... but definitely doable .... I read this just a few minutes ago and really liked it "before enlightnment one pours water and chops wood, after enlightnment one pours water and chops wood" ..... hopefully in the new age we will have more people enlightened and pouring water and chopping wood .... :) pohaikawahine

p.s. I did find some more on the number 72 .... in Exodus there are several verses in Hebrew that contains exactly seventy-two letters and it is said that they encode the seventy-two-letter name of God (Exodus 14:19-21) .... there is a process for constructing the name .... this was really interesting and I believe truly connected with the symbolism of the number 72
Hello Poh,

Its nice to see someone open to interpretations and fluid enough to open there scope of information to other possible scenarios. I like to also keep an open mind knowing very well that something I "believe "today maybe proven wrong tomorow, but I also believe that amongst all the masses of information, religions , symbols, myths, practices etc, lies a base truth that holds it all together; an underlying imovable truth.
Wether the "second wave is equivilant to the second coming of the messiah or mosiach (which I believe is related to the blooming of ourselves into wholeness or merging the three hemispheres of our brains into One) ...." or its a second tidal wave formed by part of a crumbling meteorite hitting the ocean from space around 2012, ur guess is as good as mine.
I find that life is a series of positives and negatives( + & - ) and believe the universe is set around these two fundamentals. Many forms of Positives and Negatives interacting to create can be seen around us including Males and female, Night and day, fire and water, the binary code= zeros and ones interacting to create a manifestation within reality- 011010101010101,the ying and the yang,and so on...
I believe these laws will folow us into the age of aquarius and yes I believe people will become more spiritual, meanwhile the "dark" element will be there to ofcourse only sharpen the light and empower it. A time of peace will prevail but not before the whore of babylon goes kicking and screaming, only to appear on the human dancefloor again in the future, even but for a short time... A lion is at its most agressive when it knows the end is near. This is solidified by the current statis of the world relative to the pristine age of aquarius we are all told about and the almost impossible distance we must travel to get from here to there. In my mind, so much has to change but I dont see the majority of stubborn humans changing there ways and believe that good old mother nature is about to spank our earthly bottoms, its already happening...

I have some more reference for the number 72, I have found, hope they help you out...

In normal space, the exterior angles of an equilateral petagram measure 72 degrees each.

EXD. 38:29And the brass of the offering [was] seventy talents, and two thousand and four hundred shekels.

There are 942 profecies in the 10 centuries writen by nostradamus in his 10 centuries, with 58 "missing" profecies in century 7 . 942= 13 x 72.4

Num 7:85 Each charger of silver [weighing] an hundred and thirty [shekels], each bowl seventy: all the silver vessels [weighed] two thousand and four hundred [shekels], after the shekel of the sanctuary:

Seventy-two is the sum of four consecutive primes (13 + 17 + 19 + 23), as well as the sum of six consecutive primes (5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19). 72

Most people have an average resting value of 72 beats per minute

Ezr 2:3 The children of Parosh, two thousand an hundred seventy and two.

Ezr 2:4The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy and two.

Neh 7:8 The children of Parosh, two thousand an hundred seventy and two.

Neh 7:9 The children of Shephatiah, three hundred seventy and two.

720 x 3 = 2160 - there are 12 such cycles of 2160( in the Precessional Cycle of 25,920

The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles ( 720x 3)

Neh 11:19 Moreover the porters, Akkub, Talmon, and their brethren that kept the gates, [were] an hundred seventy and two.

144,000 ( 2 x 72,000 ) redeemed in revelations.

36 ( 72 x 0.5 ) the sum 1+2+3+4+5....+36= 666

72 disciples sent forth by Jesus in Luke 10 in some manuscripts (seventy in others).

72 ( as opposed to your standard 66) books in the Holy bible in the Catholic version if the Book of Lamentations is considered part of the Book of Jeremiah.

The maya long count (36, 72, 144, 288, 576, 1152 and 2304).

72 pages its going to take me to write all the examples of 72 in...

Ill continue the examples of 72 which are everywhere in another, and most likely more threads as there are so many examples of it existance...
