I would like to point out for the cheap seats (the bleachers), that during the middle ages, there were less than 2000 bibles. It wasn't until Gutenberg's press, that bibles became prevelant.Peace--
Catholic Church held a strong power over all christian communities for a long time. In the Middle Ages Christians who had personal Bibles in their homes were prosecuted. Also, at the time no one but the priests were allowed to interpret the Bible. The Christians who dared to have different interpretation of the Christian Message were declared heretics and were killed (Cathars, Bogumils, etc). What we "know" about them is what Catholic Church wanted us to know about them. It would be the same as if Nazis would try to tell us who the Jews that were killed were.
Today, Catholic Church admits that it added, deleted and adjusted certain passages in The Holy Bible. What eventually came down to Christians is the version of the Holy Bible that Catholic Church 'reformed' to its own liking.
I will also point out that it wasn't persecution for faith that had people scrambling, but certain of the vatican that wanted land...and went after the rich. Kind of like certain religious clerics of today...only they want an entire people out of the way...