Identity if the serpent in Genesis (2)

There are also immunological issues related to rejection, don't confuse Shawn with the facts :D.
Shawn, I can't give you too hard a time, because if I tried to tile a bathroom it would come out looking like a random broken shard :D.
Well, if you need some tiling done, now you know who to call.
A bit of a hike though to your Israeli desert hideaway.
Thought you lived in the States.
A good friends mother is visiting and she is from Elat. I have seen some pictures and it is very picturesque.
Are you near there?
Just kidding about being in the Israeli desert. It is also not really a picture of me :).

But I do believe in racial equality :) .
I'm with you.

It's just when somebody says your post is way off base without actually responding to the content of it that it makes me want to pursue a follow-up.

But it was Quahom1 after all... the same guy who spent many posts trying to argue that pigs were human's closest genetic relative.

So you gotta consider the source.
yeah, never wrestle with a both fall in the mud and the "PIG" likes it...:)
You shouldn't make derogatory remarks about your brotherhood m8.
Only some of them act like swine.
*Ahem*... a heart valve... not an entire heart. And it is a matter of fit more than genetics.

As we discussed in that thread there were many reasons pigs made good candidates for human organ cloning... none of which had to do with their being our closest genetic relative.
We can also custom-make heart valves by culturing the patient's own adult stem cells in a valve shaped scaffold, and then transplant it into the patient, so using pig valves would only make sense if you don't have enough time to custom-culture heart valves from the patient's stem cells.