Is the Christian God the same as the Muslim God?


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I'll bet if I walked into your average Christian church and asked for a show of hands to the following question...

"Do you believe in the same God Muslims do?"

I'd see relatively few hands raised in the air.

So I'd like to ask the members of interfaith the same question. Same God? Different God? Why?
So I'd like to ask the members of interfaith the same question. Same God? Different God? Why?

It is of my opinion that Christians and Muslims believe in the same God.

Jesus is referred to as a Moses-figure in the book of Matthew and so is Muhammad in the book of Revelation. Moses vs. Moses. Both often come together to argue if they believe in the same God or not.
We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our Allah and your Allah is One, and to Him do we submit (Koran 29:46)
Muslims and Christians both think that they worship the same God as Abraham or Moses and, therefore, the same God as the adherents of Judaism.

Truth is progressive in my life. We are living and learning.

To me, it is true in regards to religion too. It is an indesputable fact that religion is continuously changing and in motion, progressing more and more towards the Absolute Truth, which is "infinitely beyond the present range of current understanding," says Esslemont. With this in mind, the Christians and Muslims have differing perspectives on God, but they are still collecting perspectives on the same God from this argument.

Like Dante, most of the people with their hands down in the church do not have their hands up because they are thinking of the Muslim God as one that takes the position of the Arian heresy, so Muhammad must be a false teacher, who followed a false God. Muhammad says that God said: Jesus never claimed to be God. If Jesus and Muhammad worshipped the same God, the same Absolute Truth, they would both agree.

Strangely, though they both disagree on this main point, and this issue could earn one's place in the first and seventh circle of hell in the eyes of another person, both educated mankind. Rousseau, a irreligious man, said: "plants are improved by cultivation, and man by education." Jesus and Muhammad educated mankind. Christians who disagree that Muslims worship the same God, Who has attributes and characteristics that can be known, can look at the virtuous heathen followers of Allah as still following the wrong path. Instead, I think that both Christains and Muslims share the same characteristics and attributes of the God of their religious founder. It is not very productive now for me to argue whose Prophet is right or wrong, but it is more productive to argue if I am following my Prophet's teachings. If I am a Muslim faithfully following my Prophet's teachings, is it true that my characteristics are really that different from a practicing Christian? As Kahlil Gibran asked, "Who can seperate his beliefs from his actions?" Seems to me that these theological differences between Moses and Moses does not make a difference in action at all, unless somebody here can prove that to believe Jesus is not God and to believe that Jesus is God makes a tremendous difference in their daily actions. . .
The God of the bible is JEHOVAH PSALM 83;18:) and thats the God that causes to become
The God of the bible is JEHOVAH PSALM 83;18:) and thats the God that causes to become

Read my thread in this forum in Islam section called "Why Judaism and Christianity reject Koran"
Same theory, so why not?

Over history we see many groups/civilisations placing stock into gods, and into higher powers.. All in all it's the same thing, just the name changes.... Everything about this being(s) represents what every others represents... Blind faith, exclusive rights.... Righteousness, salvation, redemption, wrath! Got to have wrath :D

A tool which helps the simple mind of man become more at ease with the relisation of that which he does not know, and that which he fears because he knows one day it will come for him. So sure... Jah, Alllarrrrgh!!! Thor!!! Zeus!! who ever... Same product different badge/label. Unlike Ronsons' however, I seriously doubt it can do what it says on the tin.....
Since there is only one G-d, it follows that it/he/she must be the same One.

So walk into a Christian church and ask the question.* Do you think everyone (or nearly everyone since I don't believe in absolutes) will raise their hand in agreement?

I doubt it.

But is that because of religious or political reasons?

And does that make any difference?

*Hey, if I'm not going to the trouble to survey these folks, why do I expect you to?
So walk into a Christian church and ask the question.* Do you think everyone (or nearly everyone since I don't believe in absolutes) will raise their hand in agreement?

I doubt it.

But is that because of religious or political reasons?

And does that make any difference?

MEE says,walk into the churches of christendom and show them Gods name in their bible psalm 83;18

and they dont even get to be taught his name, in most cases they have removed that grand name from their bibles , and the flock are in blindness the same as their leaders are. :(

That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah,
You alone are the Most High over all the earth.

PSALM 83;18

BRING IT ON I SAY, make it known.

I like what the bible really teaches,:)

that men may know that you whose name is JEHOVAH is the most high

christendom have forgotten who the most high is , even saying that he is a trinity.

manmade doctrines have taken over what the bible REALLY teaches .

i think i will listen to what Jehovahs son said, at JOHN 17;3

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ JOHN 17;3

Thats more like it , taking in knowledge about the TRUE GOD (JEHOVAH),and the one he sent forth JESUS CHRIST
john 3;16

And its all in the bible about that TRUE GOD, and in luke 9;35 The true God Jehovah Said ,THIS IS MY SON LISTEN TO HIM

And a voice came out of the cloud, saying: “This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him.” LUKE 9;35:)

Ahanu said:
It is of my opinion that Christians and Muslims believe in the same God.
Spoken like a true Bahai!

I am not sure if it is the same God in the sense that the question is asked, because you get a different idea of God from the two religions. They must be talking about the same God, because they both say there is only one God. The single most identifying factor about God of Christians or Muslims is that he's the only one and that there can only be one. So, ok they believe in one God; but what good is that if Muslims cannot accept Christianity or vice-versa? It is as if there were two Gods then.
So, ok they believe in one God; but what good is that if Muslims cannot accept Christianity or vice-versa? It is as if there were two Gods then.

You mean the Christian Orthodoxy we know today. What does it mean for Muslims to accept Christianity, for instance? Muslims are similar to the Ebionites in the sense that they do not believe that Jesus is God. There are so many different versions of Islam and Christianity. If one accepts the other, they would only end up accepting a part or slice of the other's religion . . . Scholars can't even unanimously agree on what is true Islam or true Christianity
[quote ] You mean the Christian Orthodoxy we know today. What does it mean for Muslims to accept Christianity, for instance? Muslims are similar to the Ebionites in the sense that they do not believe that Jesus is God. There are so many different versions of Islam and Christianity. If one accepts the other, they would only end up accepting a part or slice of the other's religion . . . Scholars can't even unanimously agree on what is true Islam or true Christianity [/quote] Yes, but scholars need not denounce each other. Scholars contend by the rules of scholars; but Christians and Muslims cannot abide by any common rules. They live by the sword. You know that Baha'i are considered idolaters by both authorities. You are the enemy of both, by both revealed to be an enemy of God and of truth. You say the same God has given both revelation, and I don't agree.
I think there needs to be a qualifier to the question.

Both faiths believe in One God. However, how that One God is presented is what differs. In both faith's eyes there is a distortion of who God really is. The truth probably lies in the middle.
The God of the Bible is Not the god of the Q'uran

Completely different on all levels...

Thank you Faithfulservant for answering honestly.

You say the (little 'g') god of the Q'uran is different. Does this mean there are two gods? I thought there was only one God.
[quote ]. . . and I don't agree.

Hey Dream,


Your a Christian, right? What do you think the Christians in your church would say? Well, I am assuming you go to a church . . .
Ahanu said:
Your a Christian, right? What do you think the Christians in your church would say? Well, I am assuming you go to a church . . .
It has been some time since I stepped into a church, and it has been even longer since I felt like I was part of the church. I now agree with Thomas that the RC is the original Christian church and that the Protestants are somewhat unchristian, to the degree that they do not accept its teachings as authoritative. I will still call myself Christian, though technically I have a lot of differences. People change.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing, and that isn't the point. Point is Protestants (and probably Catholics) and Muslims teach about God so very differently that they really are describing two different things, and with good reason I think Protestants are not that different from the RC. I think that they are both very different from Islam -- which became what it is during wars with Christianity, and Islam & Christianity have vehemently fought each other. To change this you would have to overlook aspects of the Q'uran and maybe much Church Tradition. Fundamentalism -- the direct reading & personal interpretation of Scripture -- would have to go out through the window. I fail to see how fundamentalists of Islam & Christianity could share the same God.
Christianity introduces God as a loving father. Islam does not. We are servants. Mohamed was a servant of God. Jesus introduces himself has a son of God.

From my studies of different religions based on the overall feeling the project I came up with this:
Buddism is the mother (feminine) religion. It speaks a lot about compassion
Islam is the father (masculine) religion. It speaks a lot about rewards and punishment
Judaism is the grand parents religion. It speaks a lot about tradition
Christianity is the child religion. I speaks about love and miracle

All we are missing is the parents religion to bring it all together
aha yes the yin has been surreptitiously swept under the carpet with patriarchialism in all the intitutionalised religions,and society in general. The 3 goddeses of islam [rushdie], the need to elevate mary [the trinity wasnt enough], witness the rise of the virgin mother especially in latin america. buddhism to me is more to do with the development of the will and right intent [with compassion in mind of course]. Islam is concerned with submission to one g*d alone with muhammed as the final seal of prophets; they will never accept jesus as an incarnation of g*d, only as an equivalent to muhammed. neither jews nor christians will accept muhammed as they closed the book of prophecy long ago, as the jews did concerning jesus and the NT. Islam is newer than these two and therefore saw the squabbling, idolatry [JC] and rabbinic variations at first hand so have stuck to the hard and fast rule that 'there no g*d but Allah'. and because newer its evolution is 'catching up'. And l disagree- there is a lot of love and miracles, just as much, in Islam, listen to any mosque 'service'. Another problem with non-acceptance, apart from the history of bloodshed written in the 'sacred' books themselves, is the authority and precedence of the 'word', culturally incommeasurable. shame.