Just found this and thought it contained a nice mixture of sentiments, for anyone giving Buddhism the once over...
Words of Advice for the New Buddhist « Daily Buddhism
Words of Advice for the New Buddhist « Daily Buddhism
@idtheory — Don’t believe everything that you think.
And don't think everything that you believe. ~ CZ
I read
by Hermann Hesse
seemed like a really good book about the life of the Budda
“Siddhartha is an allegorical novel by Hermann Hesse which deals with the spiritual journey of an Indian boy called Siddhartha during the time of the Buddha.
(In this book, the Buddha is referred to as "Gotama".)”
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhartha_(novel)
So from that POV, this novel is rather like recommending The Life of Brian as a really good film about the life of Jesus.
For those looking into Buddhism, can I suggest that looking before you leap is a good idea, as with any religion or belief system.
Unveiling Bloody Buddhism seems to be an article about the arrival of Tibetan Buddhism in a magazine called Nexus which I don’t have so I can only look second hand at a review.Dr. She D'Montford wrote a book entitled Unveiling Bloody Buddhism. She does not bash Buddhism but rather gives a true historical account that people can consider for themselves.
LOL well it was a long time ago when I read it, but it was a good read as the Life of Brian is a good film
I read this in my late teens. I was astounded that Siddhartha experienced profound insights as a young man, only to fall into the trap of materialism through his middle years.Siddhartha
by Hermann Hesse
Buddhist cosmology allows for beings to be reborn in different "realms" and "planes." {Vaj may have posted a relevant link somewhere around here:}one thing we should think of is; what happens if the sun went supernova tomorrow, do we all enter nirvana by default? this idea for me negates any ideas about karma and dhama.
however it does not undermine the emptiness, that still seams like the most likely end-game scenario for the soul/mind or whatever. weather or not that is ‘bliss’ or just oblivion is quite another question.
one thing we should think of is; what happens if the sun went supernova tomorrow, do we all enter nirvana by default? this idea for me negates any ideas about karma and dhama.
however it does not undermine the emptiness, that still seams like the most likely end-game scenario for the soul/mind or whatever. weather or not that is ‘bliss’ or just oblivion is quite another question.
Buddhist cosmology allows for beings to be reborn in different "realms" and "planes."
I’m not sure I get your scenario. Why does it matter if the Sun supernovas? What do you mean by enter nirvana by default?
well if the sun goes supernover, we all die, there would be nothing left to return to [hence no samsara]. with no way back we would enter into the only other reality available [irrespective of ones karma] ~ nirvana.
one thing we should think of is; what happens if the sun went supernova tomorrow, do we all enter nirvana by default?