If all humanity vanished in this next instant, awareness and volition (karma) would find plenty of other outlets.
Every being in the universe is connected.
Why worry just about this Earth?
it is the source of our karma! i would contest that awareness has karmic associations, below i will paste a short description of how i think the mind works. once read if anyone can tell me how karma affects us, please feel free to do so. how does action become part of the soul/spirit? if i move this glass in front of me to one side, that has no effect on my soul only on my brain. when one dies nothing to do with the material is left, and along with that goes all our karmic natures ~ as they only affect the brain. simply put the material affects the material, our action only pertain to the material world in which they reside, the spirit remains free.
think about it, if the essence of the soul is not freedom then how do we have the ability of ‘detachement’! there has to be an element of us which can become detached, it is that very element which enters nirvana [or becomes one with it/itself].
what is paranirvana?
I agree with citizenzen. If earth became unavailabe for us, we would find another place to use to strive for nirvana. Our task is to strive for nirvana, and I do not think we can be deprived of it.
no one agrees with such a scenario when i use it to say why christ isnt the son of god [many planets in the universe etc].
why strive for the original self? it is not something that is difficult to obtain it is simply the base nature of all things and hence part of us already.
if fate were so cruel as to send us to an alien planet or realm where our earthly understanding and striving would mean little, then what is the point of all we do? secondly, what exactly is it that determines our fate! if you don’t believe in god/s then you are putting it all down to our own natures [as buddhism does], but those natures are part of the reality we live in, why be persecuted for what is natural. we don’t have control over our environment, we can but respond to it and that is exactly what our vehicle is built for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if anyone can show me how an action we take becomes part of our inner being then please do so!
_______here is a thread i done for another forum___________________
‘how i think the mind works’
here i will mull over the basics of how the brain works according to may thinkers today, however i have made many subtle adjustments to the way things are put forwards. atheists tend to make out that the mind is just completely material, they use ideas like the ‘administrator’ [see below] to explain what ‘you’ are in a materialisrtic sense. i have devides a few systems to break this down mainly by adding new elements into the mix, as i find that just by doing that we see that any description is not a description of you but functions of the mind. hopefully all will become clear, the clue to the answer btw is in the title.
the brain is composed of neurons each having a set of axon’s [a long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron]. the neuron itself is sustained much like any other cell in your body, but it also reacts to electrical stimuli in a similar way to for example, how a balloon reacts to air being blown into it. now imagine that balloon as being like a rubber glove blown up with air; the axon’s have a neutral state similar to the fingers of the glove being limp. positive and negative charges will ‘inflate’ the fingers, whereby they touch forming the basic connections in a neural net.
the surface of this glove [both inside and out] has a positive and negative charge, with a neutral layer in-between. as the cell walls are relatively fluid and the chemicals can vary in polarity according to given stimuli, then each of the fingers [axons] may connect with those of another glove [neuron]. when this occurs it is called a neural net which is a synaps [the junction between two neurons [axon-to-dendrite [ short fiber that conducts toward the cell body of the neuron] or between a neuron and a muscle]], an electrical flow will exist between the two fingers of the glove [neurons].
this basically how our thoughts work! you get an idea in your mind and that will have corresponding locations, hence these locations are connected or disconnected according to your thought patterns. a change of mind will simply stop some fingers from touching others ~ disconnects some neurons in a neural net and connects other forming a new neural net.
the collection of all these hands and fingers touching each other may be thought of as the material self. within this we may add operatives which we can call the administrator and the narrator [just terms i would use].
the administrator may be seen as resultant of the accepted set of neural networks, the way the hands normally touch each other in a general sense, where some fingers are allowed to stray and some not. this allows the administrator to allow acceptable changes but not unacceptable ones, we do this all the time on an everyday basis.
the narrator is the voice of your subconscious, at least its interaction with the administrator, in a sense it is the storyteller within it tells you the things that you then think about, as if it is a story being read to you. you can use this feature in an inverted manner to read books watch films etc and generally interact with the environment.
with phobias and habits a single or set of neurons might be connected and thus activate a whole cluster of neurons in an amygdala [ noun: an almond-shaped neural structure in the anterior part of the temporal lobe of the cerebrum; intimately connected with the hypothalamus and the hippocampus and the cingulate gyrus; as part of the limbic system it plays an important role in motivation and emotional behavior ].
you can break connections that you deem as unacceptable, then you can break connections simply by not accepting them as true. in contradiction the administrator will consider them as the norm that it has been given for a long time and hence will try to continue said habit. as a practice you will need to repeat in child-like fashion your desired changes, repetition forces the administrator to eventually cave in and your neural nets will be changed forever. each time you think about an idea you will connect and disconnect neurons, you stop the fingers from touching, yet their polarities are determined by the entire set of connections hence will reform their original positions unless the connections are both continually broken and new connections set.
we may think of this as like a mexican wave of hands - if you will, where the overall electro-magnetic flux is trying to reset connections over and above individual connections.
in this way throughout our lives we form and reform our minds generally keeping to familiar themes built up in early infancy. if something dramatic causes a sudden change sometimes this can break some of the settings which the administrator has made, the danger here is that we could potentially get confused setting by which we do not exactly know what is right to smile at or how to behave. this is how by extension bad occurrences and environments create ‘bad’ people [confused or wrongly changed networks], or how we can act not according to our usual natures.
the narrator is also genetic [or resultant of], much of the thoughts brought forwards to our conscious epicentres, emanate directly from our genetic makeup ~ and that is by no means perfect!
ok so all in all the brain is a vast and complex elecrical circuit, one which can be changed by thought alone. nowhere in electromagnetism is the nature of awareness, hence consciousness is composed of both the material [the brain] and the immaterial. whilst the mind is largely 90% of the brain, and we may associate ourselves with the administrator and the narrator [and any other persona’s of the brain], or both collectively, they are as it were, all functions of you. the brain can operate in a manner by itself, this is what we see [to some degree perhaps] in sleepwalkers. without the overall element of ‘you’ the human form would not survive unless all other forms were equally vacant. a purely mechanistic world like this would certainly not look anything like the one we live in.
well i am sure some of you will have many complaints with much of that, especially the latter part. i just wanted to portray my views, much of the above work originates from lectures and debates i have had. i may add that as yet no one has been able to answer the most basic question put forwards i.e. how is an electromagnetic circuit aware!_? so far i see nothing more than the mechanisms of the material form, which alone are no different to the computer before you [just a lot more complex and non binary].