Regarding my OP:
"The essence of the Buddha's teaching can be summed up in two principles: the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path."
- The Noble Eightfold Path
Hi folks, I have been reading this thread and there are many interesting links for people just starting to learn about Buddhism. Thanks for posting them.
My first question about these resources is a very general one.
I asked a little about dogma in an earlier post, but I am still trying to understand it with respect to Buddhism.
Would you say that the Eightfold Path and Noble Truths are dogmatic principles ?
Also, I we discussed the idea of dogma in the quantum mechanics thread:
As for Zen being less dogmatic than other religions: yes, there can be dogmatic folks who call their practice Zen. However, Zen is about going outside of regular thought patterns, (dogma included?) so any dogma will eventually be challenged by Zen practice.
So SG indicated that dogma would be challenged by Zen practice. Can you give me an example how that challenge would manifest ?